Tomorrow's Weather

Everyone but Dave Lee says its going to be nasty tomorrow. Have we had rain at a game yet?

Call me crazy but I'm going to listen to accuweather. I think it rained (more of a mist) a little last year against WI but never a downpour. Bring it on!

National Weather Service has a 80% chance of rain during the game they predict about a third of an inch of rain in that period of time.

I don't know if it rained at the Purdue game, but there was standing water/ice from the night before and I remember freezing my nuts off. I must have blocked out the Wisconsin game from my mind, I didn't remember it raining.

I believe Dave Lee does the play by play at St Thomas? So, perhaps the weather outlook is a little different there?

Dave Lee on WCCO this morning at 6:00am said that the rain would "hold off until after the Gopher game".

Dave will be in the radio booth during the game, no rain in there. He won't be going outside until after the game. Then, he'll get rained on. It's just like listening to him broadcast a game. It makes perfect sense if you don't listen to the words he says and instead focus on what he's thinking.

So Dave Lee can get something right. Who knew?

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