Tom Powers on Brewster etc.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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You got to give it to Brewster. Despite the constant bashing from the majority of the fan base, he hasn't stopped his constant-optimism. Personally I don't care for it, but it's probably something recruits like to hear.

"But this is why you all really love Brother Brewster. Tell the truth now. It's not just that he gets worked up about his job right out there in public for everyone to see. It's also that he works his butt off trying to make all of his grandiose visions come true. None of this namby-pamby, "Oh, poor me. It's so hard to recruit at Minnesota. It's too cold. It's too dark. Waaah, waaah."

The guy is a lightning rod when it comes to the Gophers. The main thing is, everyone knows he's around. And he has them all talking about Gophers football, one way or the other. He has laid out his vision for the program, and it can best be summed up as a return to glory. He'll either achieve that goal or fall hard.

Of course, he isn't even considering the latter. It hasn't crossed his mind. Which is just one more reason why all of you really, really love him, even if you're keeping it deep inside."

This is absolutely, 100% true for me. Except that I'm willing to admit it. Other than Holtz, Brewster is the one coach in my lifetime (dating to Stoll) who actually believes he can take us to the Rose Bowl. I don't know if he'll make it, but he believes.

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