Tom Powers: For Gophers, hot times after long cold spell


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Powers:

It's supposed to be 74 when the Gophers and Missouri kick off Thursday. It is warm here, although I couldn't say for sure since I've been in my room looking at game film and studying statistics. That's the point of a bowl game -- to reward the players for a season's work well done. It's why they don't play these things in Anchorage.

The temperature won't make any difference to either team. But here's what I think might: The Missouri Tigers are happy to be here. The Gophers are ecstatic. This is not old hat to them. It's almost as if they are carrying the torch for previous generations.

It's no secret what the Gophers will attempt to do against Missouri. On offense, they'll run the football. On defense, they'll give up some yards but attempt to offset that by causing turnovers. It's hard to imagine another team having more on the line than the Gophers, who are trying to emerge from decades of darkness.

Go Gophers!!

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