Tom Crean on Twitter


Section 133 Row 28!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 20, 2008
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Slow times on the basketball board these days so I figured I would stir things up with some good ol' controversy.

Just saw that Tom Crean joined Twitter a few days ago. He's been updating like crazy with 35 posts in 4 days. Seeing as there was a lot of ruckus about our own Tim Brewster's questionable post directed towards a local "journalist", I thought I would point out a boarderline post that Coach Crean put up:

"Paul davis from msu and the clippers is trying 2 find the girl of his dreams on bravo. A indiana alum would never need a show 2 get a date" 6:31 PM Apr 16th from txt

This could be interpreted as a playful jab, but this kind of "bashing" of fellow BT programs is not appropriate for a head coach imo. One could argue that this post is just as bad if not worse than what Brewster posted. MSU has done nothing to provoke Crean while Brewster could at least point to the fact that Reusse has been trashing him since he was hired. And hey, they both got the grammatical error part down (should be "An Indiana alum...")

This whole Twitter thing could be interesting as it gives fans unprecedented access to high profile athletes and coaches. The true colors of these individuals may get shown in a way never seen before. Case in point, there is no way Crean would have made a comment like this in an interview or press conference.


How can a coach understand how to talk to the media and then go on twitter and say something so dumb? Is this drunk tweeting??? Somebody needs to explain to these guys that twitter is basically part of the media and should be treated no differently. Duh!

thats definitely worse than brewsters comment.. if it even was his. I think Crean is looking a little desperate after what happened last season

Keep in mind that Crean grew up in Michigan and was an assistant coach with good friend Tom Izzo for four years at Michigan State. Nothing more than a playful jab and I'm sure Izzo sees it the same way. Much ado about nothing. . .

My 2 cents. ... Twitter is appropriately named. Coaches using it are twits, should have something better to do with their time. Trying too hard to be "in," "hip." Some things about modern-day "recruiting" I just shake my head & laugh at the foolishness.

I like what the new Oregon football coach (Chip Kelly) had to say about Twitter. ...

On having little interest in using Twitter to contact players:

"Who cares what I had for breakfast? You think a recruit's going to come to Oregon because I ate Oreos?"


I missed it. What did Brewster say about the short, fat punk?

This could greatly increase my respect for Brewster !

Twitter is going to get some coach fired someday, and then it will end. In the meantime, it's nice to know Crean enjoys watching dating shows on bravo.

Evidently Brother Brew referred to Patrick's build, called him "F** Pat."

Twitter might be the dumbest invention ever! Why in the world would anyone join Twitter?

Give me a break.

It's a playful poke. And directed at a place that he spent many years and still has close ties.

You're reaching, people.

NOTE: If anybody saw that show, Paul Davis deserves all the ribbing he gets. What a dullard. Big oaf.

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