Time of tomorrow's meeting???


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Nov 28, 2008
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Does anyone know when we could have some answers???

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Does anyone know when we could have some answers???

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It's not a meeting. If Coyle comes out of his hole and sees his shadow it means Claeys is fired.

The more I think about it the more I think I might be wrong. If Coyle knows TC is back but waits a week to tell anyone it means he is the worst AD of all time.

So I am starting to think he might be gone.

Why would Coyle have to come out and make a public statement about meeting with Claeys ahead of time only to fire him tomorrow?

Are they waiting for the Wiscy/WMU game? If they were going to fire him, why not do it without making a prepared statement ahead of time?

The more I think about it the more I think I might be wrong. If Coyle knows TC is back but waits a week to tell anyone it means he is the worst AD of all time.

So I am starting to think he might be gone.

Tends to be my thinking as well.

The more I think about it the more I think I might be wrong. If Coyle knows TC is back but waits a week to tell anyone it means he is the worst AD of all time.

So I am starting to think he might be gone.

This is my gut feeling.

But Coyle being the worst AD of all time wouldn't surprise me. He may also be undecided.

The more I think about it the more I think I might be wrong. If Coyle knows TC is back but waits a week to tell anyone it means he is the worst AD of all time.

So I am starting to think he might be gone.

I have thought this too ever since the day after the bowl win. If u were going to extend Clayes you would have already done so. If u did want to actually sit down and iron things out and get an extension done, the meeting would have already taken place. Every day we delay hurts recruiting. No need to wait like this unless u were waiting for Fleck.

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The more I think about it the more I think I might be wrong. If Coyle knows TC is back but waits a week to tell anyone it means he is the worst AD of all time.

So I am starting to think he might be gone.

Isn't the same thing kind of true in the reverse situation, too? If you know you're firing him and sit on it for a week+ before you tell anyone, that's pretty disrespectful to the outgoing staff who all (presumably) need to find new jobs. And worse, if you wait and you don't have a successor already lined up, you're also costing yourself valuable time for your coaching search, and time your new staff will desperately need to recruit, install their program, etc.

Honestly, regardless of what happens, I think the wait looks bad for Coyle, and he hasn't been looking great lately regardless.

IMHO, if the U makes Claeys the scapegoat by firing him after three 8/9 win seasons Kaler and Coyle also need to go.

There is a total failure of leadership. It appears that they are more interested in blaming than fixing the U's problems. This does not bode well for the U long term.

You need a school chancellor like the dynamic Donna Shalala who gets it. She was only at Wisconsin for just over five years. Her leadership turned the Wisconsin football program around.

IMHO, if the U makes Claeys the scapegoat by firing him after three 8/9 win seasons Kaler and Coyle also need to go.

There is a total failure of leadership. It appears that they are more interested in blaming than fixing the U's problems. This does not bode well for the U long term.

You need a school chancellor like the dynamic Donna Shalala who gets it. She was only at Wisconsin for just over five years. Her leadership turned the Wisconsin football program around.

I agree, but one way you climb up as administrators in higher education is by deflecting blame. Higher education is more ruthless than you all realize. No AD or president wants to be seen as 1. subservient to the football coach and 2. not willing to make "hard" decisions.

Claeys if he is fired or quits will be getting a raw deal. The poor guy's mistake was the tweet supporting the boycott. In the world of higher education that was a no-no. Nick Saban and Jim Harbaugh could get away with it, but Claeys can't since Claeys can't point to millions of dollars he has brought in like Nick and Jim. Claeys is in a weak position even with the 9-4 record given the attendance this year and the scandal.

Isn't the same thing kind of true in the reverse situation, too? If you know you're firing him and sit on it for a week+ before you tell anyone, that's pretty disrespectful to the outgoing staff who all (presumably) need to find new jobs. And worse, if you wait and you don't have a successor already lined up, you're also costing yourself valuable time for your coaching search, and time your new staff will desperately need to recruit, install their program, etc.

Honestly, regardless of what happens, I think the wait looks bad for Coyle, and he hasn't been looking great lately regardless.
If he has been looking for a week he hasn't cost himself any time looking

If they come out and retain TC tomorrow they look stupid. If they get rid of Tv and it takes more than 48 hours to name the replacement they look terrible.

Will the meeting be streamed online?

I have thought this too ever since the day after the bowl win. If u were going to extend Clayes you would have already done so. If u did want to actually sit down and iron things out and get an extension done, the meeting would have already taken place. Every day we delay hurts recruiting. No need to wait like this unless u were waiting for Fleck.

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So you are saying Coyle is putting all his eggs in the PJF basket on the chance he says Yes?

IMHO, if the U makes Claeys the scapegoat by firing him after three 8/9 win seasons Kaler and Coyle also need to go.

There is a total failure of leadership. It appears that they are more interested in blaming than fixing the U's problems. This does not bode well for the U long term.

You need a school chancellor like the dynamic Donna Shalala who gets it. She was only at Wisconsin for just over five years. Her leadership turned the Wisconsin football program around.

I completely agree. All the waiting and lack of direction or any formal position just doesn't make sense. I get the feeling MC uses press releases like recon missions. Rather than put them out there to illustrate his vision and how we can collectively move forward, he uses them as a temperature check. Makes them as neutered as possible so anyone would need to guess what he really is planning to do. After he determines which way the wind blows, he can alter course behind the scenes. Or, simply crawl back into the bunker.

So you are saying Coyle is putting all his eggs in the PJF basket on the chance he says Yes?

Or he's been dealing with PJF's reps and it's a done deal.

Hey - there is no guarantee that there will be a decision or a statement on Tuesday- or any other day.

If you take Coyle as his word (a dicey proposition), his statement only said that he and Claeys would take time to reflect on the season, then meet to discuss their expectations for the program.

There was nothing in there about a timeline for a decision. It could be days - it could be weeks. we just don't know.

Maybe Coyle needs time to think it over. Maybe he's trying to line up a replacement coach before he makes an announcement. Maybe he's got his thumb stuck up his butt and is trying to find a crowbar to pry it loose. (not easy to do one-handed).

All I'm saying is don't hold your breath waiting for a statement or a resolution of this matter. If I had to bet, I would bet on no statement on Tuesday. I could be wrong, but expecting decisive action from Coyle strikes me as a loser bet.

I agree, but one way you climb up as administrators in higher education is by deflecting blame. Higher education is more ruthless than you all realize. No AD or president wants to be seen as 1. subservient to the football coach and 2. not willing to make "hard" decisions.

Claeys if he is fired or quits will be getting a raw deal. The poor guy's mistake was the tweet supporting the boycott. In the world of higher education that was a no-no. Nick Saban and Jim Harbaugh could get away with it, but Claeys can't since Claeys can't point to millions of dollars he has brought in like Nick and Jim. Claeys is in a weak position even with the 9-4 record given the attendance this year and the scandal.

Having 24 years experience as a college faculty member I strongly agree with the above. By far the best dean I have worked for was an interim who was within a year or two of retirement and had no interest in advancement or pleasing his superiors. He just did what was right. That type of administrator is a rare breed. Most of the others have spoken in half-truths, and you don't learn the whole truth until the ax has fallen. I have also observed that bad news travels slow. This is not good for Claeys. Best of luck coach, you'll need it.

If they come out and retain TC tomorrow they look stupid. If they get rid of Tv and it takes more than 48 hours to name the replacement they look terrible.

If they fire TC and already have his replacement lined up, they (rightly) look like assholes for deciding to fire their coach and waiting a week+ to tell him and his staff, most of whom have been here for years.

Having 24 years experience as a college faculty member I strongly agree with the above. By far the best dean I have worked for was an interim who was within a year or two or retirement and had no interest in advancement or pleasing his superiors. He just did what was right. That type of administrator is a rare breed. Most of the others have spoken in half-truths, and you don't learn the whole truth until the ax has fallen. I have also observed that bad news travels slow. This is not good for Claeys. Best of luck coach, you'll need it.

Yes, administrators only care about their money and power and pleasing their superiors in order to get more money and power. Claeys is in such a weak position they can easily squash him and show how they have guts and made tough decisions. With attendance what it is the pro-Claeys crowd just doesn't have much power.

The Regents really have nothing to gain by backing Claeys and they can feel like they will have a greater role in hiring the successor. It's all working out perfectly for the administration and the regents since poor Tracey has no cards to play.

IMHO, if the U makes Claeys the scapegoat by firing him after three 8/9 win seasons Kaler and Coyle also need to go.

There is a total failure of leadership. It appears that they are more interested in blaming than fixing the U's problems. This does not bode well for the U long term.

You need a school chancellor like the dynamic Donna Shalala who gets it. She was only at Wisconsin for just over five years. Her leadership turned the Wisconsin football program around.


Guys, I found video of the meeting.


If they fire TC and already have his replacement lined up, they (rightly) look like assholes for deciding to fire their coach and waiting a week+ to tell him and his staff, most of whom have been here for years.

If I'm running a major university I'd rather look like a jerk than a fool.

We'll know once we see the smoke. White smoke means he stays, black smoke means he is fired.

If they fire TC and already have his replacement lined up, they (rightly) look like assholes for deciding to fire their coach and waiting a week+ to tell him and his staff, most of whom have been here for years.


If I'm running a major university I'd rather look like a jerk than a fool.

No reason you can't do both. Treating your current coaching staff like crap just makes it that much harder to convince a new, better coaching staff to come work for you. So not only is it a dick move, it also hurts the University and the Athletics Department.

Do we know what time this meeting is? It has me stressed out. I've been at work for 2.5 hours. Why haven't they had the meeting yet?

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