Time Management


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2013
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Considering some wanted to can TC after the final :19 vs MI, and most were (rightfully so) very unhappy, shouldn't we also give him some credit that he did learn from it and handled a very similar situation at the end of the first half yesterday perfectly?

Again, 1 timeout inside the 1. This time he spiked it on first. Perfect. Then he ran, and used his TO when it didn't work. Then he passed. If that wouldn't have worked, we still had time on the clock for 4th down to go or kick. Very similar situation and he did it right this time. Well done TC.

Considering some wanted to can TC after the final :19 vs MI, and most were (rightfully so) very unhappy, shouldn't we also give him some credit that he did learn from it and handled a very similar situation at the end of the first half yesterday perfectly?

Again, 1 timeout inside the 1. This time he spiked it on first. Perfect. Then he ran, and used his TO when it didn't work. Then he passed. If that wouldn't have worked, we still had time on the clock for 4th down to go or kick. Very similar situation and he did it right this time. Well done TC.


Agreed. But the outfit he was wearing made the whole thing worse.

Agreed. But the outfit he was wearing made the whole thing worse.

I don't care if he wears an ugly used car salesman's white, green and diarhea yellow plaid jacket just as long as he keeps winning more games. If he can't win in Minny, then I don't care if he strips naked. He'll have to go, but the jacket can stay in the trophy case.

Considering some wanted to can TC after the final :19 vs MI, and most were (rightfully so) very unhappy, shouldn't we also give him some credit that he did learn from it and handled a very similar situation at the end of the first half yesterday perfectly?

Again, 1 timeout inside the 1. This time he spiked it on first. Perfect. Then he ran, and used his TO when it didn't work. Then he passed. If that wouldn't have worked, we still had time on the clock for 4th down to go or kick. Very similar situation and he did it right this time. Well done TC.

Yep, it handled exactly like it should. Of course there were many people who were mad because they thought we had 2 timeouts. But we didn't, ESPN just sucks.


I talked to a former college (still current HS) referee that I work with. He is not a Minnesota fan.

He watched the replay of the last 30 seconds of the Michigan game. He said the ref crew absolutely blew it, not TC or ML.

After a review/commercial break or timeout involving an in bounds play, the official standing over the ball is supposed to inform the center and quarterback that the ball will be ready for play and that THE GAME CLOCK WILL START ON THE WHISTLE. Scott looked at this several times and he believes that the official said nothing of the sort, and the official himself forgot or didn't know that the clock would start, either.

I thought this from the very start, and in my world, this confirmed it. I think that Claeys and Leidner have a gag order on this.

Lesson learned by this coaching staff. Well done.

The officials delay in making a call was the only thing maddening about that whole sequence. I thought TC & Leidner did a great job of managing the clock there.

Agreed. But the outfit he was wearing made the whole thing worse.

Your concern on how TC was dressed is about as concerning to me as the conflict early in the season about how bad the MN band was. Tracy is learning on the fly and he is a smart guy so not worried how he will handle the HC job in 2016.

Go Gophers

Your concern on how TC was dressed is about as concerning to me as the conflict early in the season about how bad the MN band was. Tracy is learning on the fly and he is a smart guy so not worried how he will handle the HC job in 2016.

Go Gophers

Turn on your sarcasm meter.

Agreed. But the outfit he was wearing made the whole thing worse.

I think this is something that he will get better at as he gains more experience as head coach.


I talked to a former college (still current HS) referee that I work with. He is not a Minnesota fan.

He watched the replay of the last 30 seconds of the Michigan game. He said the ref crew absolutely blew it, not TC or ML.

After a review/commercial break or timeout involving an in bounds play, the official standing over the ball is supposed to inform the center and quarterback that the ball will be ready for play and that THE GAME CLOCK WILL START ON THE WHISTLE. Scott looked at this several times and he believes that the official said nothing of the sort, and the official himself forgot or didn't know that the clock would start, either.

I thought this from the very start, and in my world, this confirmed it. I think that Claeys and Leidner have a gag order on this.

This rule was mentioned during the WI/NW game, where the referees did not simply spot the ball. They waited until everyone was in-position then they took 3-5 second to explain to the Center (and QB) that the clock would start.

It is clear the referees did not do ANY of that in the Michigan game. And it was also clear that the announcers of the WI/NW knew the rules very well because it was so similar to the end of the MN/MI game.


I talked to a former college (still current HS) referee that I work with. He is not a Minnesota fan.

He watched the replay of the last 30 seconds of the Michigan game. He said the ref crew absolutely blew it, not TC or ML.

After a review/commercial break or timeout involving an in bounds play, the official standing over the ball is supposed to inform the center and quarterback that the ball will be ready for play and that THE GAME CLOCK WILL START ON THE WHISTLE. Scott looked at this several times and he believes that the official said nothing of the sort, and the official himself forgot or didn't know that the clock would start, either.

I thought this from the very start, and in my world, this confirmed it. I think that Claeys and Leidner have a gag order on this.

Claeys said he knew it was starting and I guarantee it was communicated to him. They just called a slow shifting play. It's coaches job to communicate to players. Do you think if the QB knew he would have taken things into his own hands and did something against what the coaches called?

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I like to think what made all the difference was that Casio watch I bought Claeys with the stop watch feature. Next week we're going to work on a dozen is not 11. ;-)

Claeys said he knew it was starting and I guarantee it was communicated to him. They just called a slow shifting play. It's coaches job to communicate to players. Do you think if the QB knew he would have taken things into his own hands and did something against what the coaches called?

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Watch the end of MN/MI, and the end of WI/NW. One of the crews effed it up. The other got it right.
It would be nice to say "oh, both were right", but that is impossible of course, because it was an identical scenario. The ref either has to inform the Center and QB, or they do not.

The refs should have either run the clock down on WI, or not run the clock down on MN. Which one is it?

Considering some wanted to can TC after the final :19 vs MI, and most were (rightfully so) very unhappy, shouldn't we also give him some credit that he did learn from it and handled a very similar situation at the end of the first half yesterday perfectly?

Again, 1 timeout inside the 1. This time he spiked it on first. Perfect. Then he ran, and used his TO when it didn't work. Then he passed. If that wouldn't have worked, we still had time on the clock for 4th down to go or kick. Very similar situation and he did it right this time. Well done TC.

Love it. We can all handle mistakes. It's when the mistakes repeat themselves that there are problems.

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Agreed. But the outfit he was wearing made the whole thing worse.

Lol, he was wearing more layers than the Florida players who stood on the sideline the whole game..

Good post, Spoofin.
ESPN just sucks.
Bottom of the barrel production from espn, understandably due to the lack of import of our game, but McAnaney went off about TC’s blunder because the guys in the truck had the graphic on the screen showing Minn with 2 timeouts, when we all knew they only had 1. After making a big deal about the past issue and how they were blowing the strategy again, his “oops” just sloughed over the rant and moved on. Irritating. Millen and his sidekick did the same thing in the Wisc game, totally missing the clock-stopping spike. That game had 2 ranked teams playing.
He said the ref crew absolutely blew it, not TC or ML.
I think the play choice was the glitch in our game, but the refs need to do a better job. The judgment part of officiating comes into question every game, but the varying degrees of knowledge of the rules, interpretations, replays, and implementation is the most frustrating, as is double standards for enforcing their judgments.

Considering some wanted to can TC after the final :19 vs MI, and most were (rightfully so) very unhappy, shouldn't we also give him some credit that he did learn from it and handled a very similar situation at the end of the first half yesterday perfectly?

Again, 1 timeout inside the 1. This time he spiked it on first. Perfect. Then he ran, and used his TO when it didn't work. Then he passed. If that wouldn't have worked, we still had time on the clock for 4th down to go or kick. Very similar situation and he did it right this time. Well done TC.
Ditto that...

Hooray! Claeys learned something from effing up a chance for a huge trophy game win over Michigan!

and I don't give a crap if he wears just a thong, just as long as he wins; which he didn't against Michigan due to his own lack of experience as a head coach.

The refs should have either run the clock down on WI, or not run the clock down on MN. Which one is it?

The clock correctly started in both didn't it? I think we're speculating on something we don't know. We don't know what the refs said to coaches or players.

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Agreed. But the outfit he was wearing made the whole thing worse.

What Gopherhole is really missing is a weekly thread breaking-down TC's "outfit".
Maybe enlist the help of guest-posters from the fashion industry?

Not saying TC didn't make a mistake against Michigan, but if the players could have executed a one yard QB sneak we have the jug

Did anyone read the comments section on The Daily Gopher where they criticized Claeys and Brooks for scoring that final TD? Unbelievable that any fan would want to kneel prior to hitting the end zone and run out the clock with only a 1 pt win. Always take the points. Always.

Not saying TC didn't make a mistake against Michigan, but if the players could have executed a one yard QB sneak we have the jug

Was thinking the same thing. Against MI and then IL, our O-Line was dominated on our 1 yard QB sneak attempts at the goal line. At least we eventually got the TD against IL.

Did anyone read the comments section on The Daily Gopher where they criticized Claeys and Brooks for scoring that final TD? Unbelievable that any fan would want to kneel prior to hitting the end zone and run out the clock with only a 1 pt win. Always take the points. Always.

You can say its unfair to criticize Brooks for not having the awareness to go down in that situation (especially when we started the play so far away from the end zone that scoring on a running play probably was very unlikely), but going down is the right play. The most important thing is getting the win, regardless of how many points. If he scores, we need to either make the 2 point conversion or keep Illinois out of the endzone for 80 seconds. If he doesn't score, all we need to do is not fumble a snap and take a knee. I'm not mad at Brooks for not doing it, but if he had gone down, I would have applauded his awareness and definitely felt like he made the right play.

Did anyone read the comments section on The Daily Gopher where they criticized Claeys and Brooks for scoring that final TD? Unbelievable that any fan would want to kneel prior to hitting the end zone and run out the clock with only a 1 pt win. Always take the points. Always.

Brooks/Claeys don't deserve to get ripped for scoring there but the right decision would have been for Brooks to take a knee as opposed to scoring. Taking a knee would have sealed the victory and left no chance for Illinois to come back or for something crazy to happen. Again I absolutely don't fault the kid for scoring but had he truly understood the situation he probably would not have.

The good news is that in the end it didn't matter so there is no reason for anyone to get all bent out of shape about it.

You can say its unfair to criticize Brooks for not having the awareness to go down in that situation (especially when we started the play so far away from the end zone that scoring on a running play probably was very unlikely), but going down is the right play. The most important thing is getting the win, regardless of how many points. If he scores, we need to either make the 2 point conversion or keep Illinois out of the endzone for 80 seconds. If he doesn't score, all we need to do is not fumble a snap and take a knee. I'm not mad at Brooks for not doing it, but if he had gone down, I would have applauded his awareness and definitely felt like he made the right play.
I know that is the "correct" thing to do, but that lack of killer instinct can lose games as well. As a long time fan, I am glad he scored. Kneeling is unsatisfying. If the defense can't keep Illinois from driving the length of the field and scoring 8 pts in 80 seconds, then we deserve to lose.

Funny thing about the ESPNNews production is they made the same mistake on timeouts in the 2nd half, only this time, it was Illinois who was showing more timeouts than they had.

If the commentators could only be as harsh on their own production as they are on coaching decisions.....

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