Tim Brewster - EDSBS Moustache of the Week!

HA-larious! He should hold a presser to give his acceptance speech for this prestigious award.

I'm guessing, if we're lucky, Tim Davis will be next! :)

"That is the hair that send a thousand skinny dweebs flying inside of a locker. That is the hair seen crowning through the t-top of a Trans-Am’s roof. That is the hair seen wiggling between the legs of a thousand girls named Linda or Josie in a backseat parked outside an REO Speedwagon concert.

That hair will keep on loving you."


I too did the same awfull thing in 1984. I am ashamed. I don't think I got laid while I donned that stache. And rightfully so I might add.

I too did the same awfull thing in 1984. I am ashamed. I don't think I got laid while I donned that stache. And rightfully so I might add.

I bet if you had thought of the Wal-Mart/wallet thing in 1984 you would have gotten the ladies, and probably still have that sweet stache.

That is the hair seen wiggling between the legs of a thousand girls named Linda or Josie in a backseat parked outside an REO Speedwagon concert.

LMFAO...that's pure gold right there.

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