In the other thread, someone who received tickets today had a postmark of 8/31 on it. That means the tickets were not mailed out by last Wednesday. The U really needs to get a handle on this. There are way too many people without tickets. I went and picked mine up in person today because I'll be in Tennessee for the rest of the week.
Maybe they send out tickets the same way the do registration - a rolling list that determines who gets their tickets first. Or, maybe they have separated it by last name, but have several partions, like you see at role call (A-M, N-Z)... if that were true with your last name, they would have to be very small partitions... like A+B, C+D, E+F, etc.
I'm guessing it is based on renewal or payment date. I'm not sure... someone who hasn't gotten their tickets yet should call and ask the ticket office.
Happy to finally receive tickets today, but puzzled about the time frame. Have received tickets much earlier in previous years...started to wonder whether tickets were "in the mail!" Reconsidering the decision to continue to buy season tickets.