Thursday Night Football


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
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Minnesota invented it.

I want it back. 1 Thursday night conference game per year. It's good for everybody.

Forgive my ignorance but when did Minnesota invent it?

1987? I'm exaggerating. I was referring to the Twins playoff games that bumped Gopher games to weekdays.

It took several years before ESPN decided to start putting these games on television when given the opportunity. But nowadays it seems to offer some very valuable television exposure.

All I know is I don't wanna see the Gophers play on Friday ever heart can't take it...

I don't know. Thursday night used to be reserved for the "who cares game of the week", but it's gotten a lot better. I still much prefer Saturdays, though.

I don't know. Thursday night used to be reserved for the "who cares game of the week", but it's gotten a lot better. I still much prefer Saturdays, though.

It stopped being the "who cares" game of the week a few years ago IMO. Lots of good Pac-10 games on Thursdays now, same for the ACC and Big East.

Think about last night. The whole broadcast was basically one big commercial for Oregon and how awesome they are.

Don't we already get good exposure? The teams that typically sign on for those games are the ones that don't get a lot of TV exposure otherwise.

Thursday night is generally a must see game. Lots of good teams play on Thursday.

Don't we already get good exposure? The teams that typically sign on for those games are the ones that don't get a lot of TV exposure otherwise.

I don't think consistently being 1 of 3+ 11am games with Big Ten teams (often broadcast on ESPN-U) counts as great exposure. If we're honest about it, we're on par exposure wise with the Pac-10/Big East schools who play Thursday nights. The only difference is that we get guaranteed national TV coverage each week anyway b/c of the B10's contracts. I'd argue that simply having all the games are broadcast nationally doesn't equal true national exposure.

The Big Ten is against this. With our tv contracts we don't need to sell out for national exposure on Thursdays. Compared to Saturday games, Thursdays makes it a challenge for alumni to return to campus to watch games (less of a problem in Minneapolis than State College, Iowa City, etc).

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