Three Stories From Bob Sansevere: RSIII, Tubby, Blake


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Nov 20, 2008
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I didn't even notice these until I got home-

On Ralph Sampson III

Ralph Sampson III helped lift the Gophers to a 97-74 victory over St. Joseph's on Saturday with the first double-double of his college basketball career. Here is Sampson ...

On whether it was a big confidence boost to have his first double-double: "It is a confidence boost for me, coming out and playing the way I did. I brought a lot of energy to that game and to my team. I believe my teammates fed off it. I believe my confidence grew a lot after that game, and I'll be able to show more of what I can do."

On whether he and teammate Blake Hoffarber are emerging as the Gophers' inside and outside presence: "I believe so. Blake is a great outside shooter. And I believe as the season goes on, we can explore that more."

On whether the Gophers are just scratching the surface of how good they can be: "I think later on, as the season progresses, we're only going to get better. We'll look back on the preseason and preseason play and say, 'We were OK back then, but things really have turned around for us.' I think we'll be leaps and bounds from where we are now."


Tubby Smith

Here is Gophers men's basketball coach Tubby Smith ...

On the play of his big men: "You always want to be strong up the middle, especially at the center spot. I think Ralph (Sampson III) and Colton (Iverson) are really progressing. We knew it was going to take time, but I think they're starting to arrive. They're still a work in progress, but I think that's a big help that they've drawn attention inside. Our interior people are as good at passing as we have on the team. I think (guard) Blake (Hoffarber) is committed to getting the ball inside. He's one of our best post feeders, post passers."

On Sampson showing emotion in games: "I told him, 'When you're fired up like that, your teammates elevate their play. When you play with energy, everybody plays with energy.' I expect him to be more of a leader, to be more assertive and calling for the ball."


And Blake Hoffarber

When things weren't going right with the University of Minnesota men's basketball team, coach Tubby Smith did some tinkering. One of the things he did was insert junior Blake Hoffarber into the starting lineup. The move has paid off, with Hoffarber emerging as more of a team leader while also putting up some nice scoring figures. Hoffarber has led the Gophers in scoring in three straight games and has a chance to make it four in a row tonight against Northern Illinois. I talked to Hoffarber on Monday about his new role.

BS: The numbers certainly suggest it, but I have to ask: Are you more comfortable starting than coming off the bench?

BH: It definitely helps. It gives you more confidence, and it makes you think the coaches have more confidence in you. It definitely makes you play a little better.

BS: Did you ever question whether coaches had confidence in you when you were coming off the bench?

BH: No, I never questioned it. But once you're in the starting lineup, you get warm right away. And I think you get that confidence that they believe in you even more.

BS: Now that you're starting, how much more assertive have you become in taking a leadership role?

BH: I've always seen myself as a leader. In high school (at Hopkins), I was a three-time captain. Hopefully, I can start asserting myself a little more. I think I've been doing it a lot more than in the past.

BS: Any worries that you might go back to being a reserve at some point?

BH: I'm not really worried. As long as the team is winning, that's all that matters.

BS: Do you guys know how good you are yet?

BH: I think we have a long ways to go. Hopefully, we're not as good as we can be. I'd rather be playing our best basketball toward the end of the season.

BS: Have any preseason goals changed because of the way the season has gone so far?

BH: We wanted to be undefeated at this point. That was one of our goals, but stuff happens. (The Gophers are 7-3.) So, we've got to just go with the flow and just keep getting better. We can't say that the losses were terrible because we learned a lot in them and learned a lot about our team.

BS: Is one of the goals to win the Big Ten and another goal to make the NCAA tournament?

BH: Those goals are still on the table. Hopefully, we can accomplish those.

BS: Is it too early to start thinking about being a contender for a national championship?

BH: That's always one of your goals. You want to win every game. Hopefully, we can keep working hard and see what happens come March.

BS: Are there many pieces missing for a serious run at titles?

BH: There's not. We've got a bunch of upperclassmen, and the new guys who came in are doing a great job. When you mix a bunch of veterans with a bunch of great young players, you're going to have a good team.

BS: How much different are you as a player since last season?

BH: I think I'm better. Just another year under your belt helps. I feel a lot more like I know what's going on. I'm on my third year with the coach in his system. It definitely helps to have a year, two years under your belt.

BS: How about (suspended) players such as Trevor Mbakwe and Royce White, who aren't yet with the team. Do you push that aside or do you think that when they join the team you can really make a move?

BH: You always wonder how it would be if they were here. They're not here right now, so you have to play with the guys you have. But you always wish in the back of your head and you're excited to (envision) what we could be like with all our players.

BS: Have you become more popular on campus since you became a starter?

BH: I don't know about that. I'm still in a little shell walking around. I try to stay as low-key as possible

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