Thoughts on Spring Game Thread

A coach can draw up the perfect play at the perfect time but if the kid drops the ball what difference did your great coaching do? Kids have to execute the plays. It's not about x's and o's its about Johnnies and Joes. All a head coach needs to do is Recruit, sell the program, keep morale high and the team pumped during the game.

Really enjoyed the "game." Much more organized than the last two spring games. Actually, better than the Mason-based games I attended too.

Announced attendance: 7,700. At least 6,000 present.

Stand outs for me:


A lot of other notables. August will be interesting.

Go Gophers! Beat Syracuse!

I couldn't agree more. the last two Spring Games I left shaking my head saying to myself "same old - same old" but this year was WAY different. Very well organized..much more polished and crisp execution on both sides of the ball, LOTS less penalties, and in general - left me feeling very positive about the upcoming season. I think, even with the tougher schedule, this team is going to be much improved. and believe me, I was NOT saying that a year ago at this time.

A coach can draw up the perfect play at the perfect time but if the kid drops the ball what difference did your great coaching do? Kids have to execute the plays. It's not about x's and o's its about Johnnies and Joes. All a head coach needs to do is Recruit, sell the program, keep morale high and the team pumped during the game.

Everyone is thining I'll just do it


Congrats, you have gotten yourself on the don't argue just let him ramble and look stupid list with Wren and the closeted Badger must be proud of yourself...

A coach can draw up the perfect play at the perfect time but if the kid drops the ball what difference did your great coaching do? Kids have to execute the plays. It's not about x's and o's its about Johnnies and Joes. All a head coach needs to do is Recruit, sell the program, keep morale high and the team pumped during the game.

You are a king of the ever morphing argument with a dash of not reading my previous posts thrown in. Congrats.

I never said talented players weren't needed to win. For proof see here:
GoAUpher said:
Yes, talent is IMMENSELY IMPORTANT to the success of a program. But if Brew and his assistants can't coach then the talented athletes will not be as successful as they can/should be.
You claimed that talented players need no coaching of any kind. I rightly claimed that you didn't know WTF you were talking about. You then agree with me while trying A) pretend you didn't just make my whole point and B) claim that I was saying its all about the coaches. Disagree? Read the bolded from your post above. Sound it out if you have trouble. Done? Did you see the pattern? No coach, no plays. Its that simple. You can have all the talent in the world on your team, but bad coaching/playcalling can and will derail you (just like poor talent can take ruin a perfect play).

I await your next attempt to circumvent your own idiocy.

Our coaching is just fine and you don't need to coach up good players, you only need to coach up terrible 2 star and walk ons. Our lack of talent has been our problem for decades not coaching.

Charlie Weis and all the Notre Dame fans wish you were correct but as their record shows with top 3 classes several years in a row you are not correct.

I couldn't agree more. the last two Spring Games I left shaking my head saying to myself "same old - same old" but this year was WAY different. Very well organized..much more polished and crisp execution on both sides of the ball, LOTS less penalties, and in general - left me feeling very positive about the upcoming season. I think, even with the tougher schedule, this team is going to be much improved. and believe me, I was NOT saying that a year ago at this time.

You know, I wonder if one of the reasons for the crispness of the offense (given it was only a few plays) was that players had said Fisch was more about everyone understanding the plays. In Dunbar's offense, it seemed that there were plays where not everyone knew exactly where to go, resulting in lost yardage, interceptions, ect. I think Weber has described Fisch's Offense as "player friendly" or something similar. I think Cosgrove has said he kept the same terminology as last year, so that may explain the Defense.

Also another thing I remembered- I thought it was funny when Ellestad kicked one of the field goals, it landed in the television camera's tower.

Everyone is thining I'll just do it


Congrats, you have gotten yourself on the don't argue just let him ramble and look stupid list with Wren and the closeted Badger must be proud of yourself...

:D funny thing is I'm the money maker for this quaint little site. When I get involved in a thread the number of hits on said thread sky rockets. So make fun and complain all you like about banning me, but it will never happen because the site needs the attention I bring. Also spell much? Where did you receive your education? public school in Minnesota?

The thread on "seat selection buyers remorse" only has 47 views, perhaps I should get involved

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