Those of you married, or have a significant other.....

This sounds very much like my wife. Mrs. Formo loves Gopher gear, though.. So I never have to drag her to the U bookstore or Goldy's Lockerroom. =D

My wife has a decent amount of Gopher gear given that she's not a die-hard. Living in Madison she sometimes gets crap from random dumb Sconnies for wearing it around town (seriously, who verbally spars with random strangers just because they are wearing a rival school's t-shirt to the supermarket?). She never lets that go without a comment back that politely but directly points out that WI sucks.

I think the spouses who are more reserved at the games, scream, cheer etc. and are generally more satisfied in other areas of their lives and probably have nothing left to give on Sat after Friday night's "gymnastics."


My wife is a native Wisconsinite. Grew up a Packer fan with many brothers, who also bleed Red and White. When I showed up on the scene, she received her masters from Minnesota and we went to the football games, as I had been a lifelong season ticket holder. She loves to attend games, just don't talk football with her. She no longer cares about the Pack and even defends the Goph's to her brothers. Although, she sits back quietly when her brothers brutalize me after really bad seasons, especially the years we lose to Wisky. She wears Gopher gear, as do I.

I'm a bigger Gopher FB fan; my wife's a bigger Gopher BB fan, though I'm starting to come around. We scheduled our wedding for a bye week and took our honeymoon in Hawaii during @OSU. We attended the Hawaii-Fresno St. game while on our honeymoon -- that was a lot of fun and different than the usual honeymoon/Hawaii activities. During the games, she's engaged and knowledgeable, especially for BB.

The only thing is she wants to start having vacations not centered around Gopher football -- UH game during our honeymoon, San Fran trip for Cal, Vegas, NC, OR, the IN schools while visiting family.
"Can we have one vacation that doesn't involve football?"

I'm a bigger Gopher FB fan; my wife's a bigger Gopher BB fan, though I'm starting to come around. We scheduled our wedding for a bye week and took our honeymoon in Hawaii during @OSU. We attended the Hawaii-Fresno St. game while on our honeymoon -- that was a lot of fun and different than the usual honeymoon/Hawaii activities. During the games, she's engaged and knowledgeable, especially for BB.

The only thing is she wants to start having vacations not centered around Gopher football -- UH game during our honeymoon, San Fran trip for Cal, Vegas, NC, OR, the IN schools while visiting family.
"Can we have one vacation that doesn't involve football?"

Stand firm man. New Years day is not that many years away. Hold out for hope.

For our second date, my (now) wife asked me to a Gopher basketball game then had to go buy the tickets after I said yes. So that was a good start. We bought season tickets soon after we were married, and have added football season tickets. She's into the games, though not as invested as I am. But she hates Wisconsin even more than I do.

My gf of 3 years is not a big sports fan but understands that I am. She gives me the space to watch the games and gets it when I get upset/excited after a game. (sadly its more often upset) I follow Gopher football and hockey with a passion and she knows that I get into it. I've slowly been working on making her into a fan and I at least have her at the point that the Gophs are her favorite sports team. She even went to the extent of buying tickets to the OSU game for us so that we could catch a game together even though it is a 4 hour drive so she's definitely coming around!

Stand firm man. New Years day is not that many years away. Hold out for hope.
It'll be even harder with the new B1G-Pac12 agreement. OR, WA, CA, AZ, CO will all make for fun future away destinations, not to mention NC.

My wife was born in China, not exactly a mecca for college football. She picked up the sport rather quickly though, going to games at the dump. She much prefers TCF and the atmosphere of game day around campus. I thought I lived and died with the football team, but she takes Gopher losses much harder than I do.

There is only one “U” for all of my family even though some attended other schools. Anytime they can attend a Gopher game, they will!

I asked Mrs. Daughter-In-Law of a Badger and she said she cares, but it doesn't ruin her day when they win or lose like me. Her scale on caring from 1-10 (10 being the best) was as follows: 6 for Gopher Football, 6 for Gopher Hockey, and 0 for Gopher Basketball (she really hates basketball). This scale changes if she is at the games as the increments are increased to 8. It increases to 10 if I buy her nachos.

Surprisingly, when we were students and had Gopher hockey tickets she was the loudest of a group of guys and her being the only girl. She would yell at the other people in front of her when they wouldn't stand and cheer.

Married for almost 37 years, football season ticket holder for almost 30 years. At my wife's insistance we have not missed a home OR away game for over 5 years. She is the one who plans and coordinates our home tailgates with up to 30 people in attendance. She stepped it up a notch this year and conned me into buying a motorhome to be used just for tailgating. I would say I am truly blessed:clap:

My girlfriend tolerates my Gopher obsession. She'll go to a game or two a year and even cheer some, but if I partake in an anti-Hawkeye, or anti-Badger cheer it is an instant elbow to the ribs and I am reminded that it is poor sportsmanship. Rivalry games are now for friends only.

My wife and I met at the U, and have had season tickets for football since (minus the first 2 years at the Bank- student tickets before that, so didn't have any priority for tickets). She loved football when we met, but since I have gotten her into the Pride on Ice and we hit up the occasional game at the Barn.

Married to a Cal grad. She understands being on the verge of greatness.

Wife is a big fan, but hails from Big 8/12/10 land and keeps an eye on the scores from that league as well. We attend most games together and whether we're in maroon or gold, she usually has some purple on.

She, like I, can't wait to a book fight to Pasadena!

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