Those of you married, or have a significant other.....

Nov 20, 2008
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Is she or he as big a Gopher football fan as you are, or do they just come along for the experience ? My wife gets into it ( screams, cheers etc.) The reason I ask is that in our section I see some of the spouses look pretty disinterested
during the game

Is she or he as big a Gopher football fan as you are, or do they just come along for the experience ? My wife gets into it ( screams, cheers etc.) The reason I ask is that in our section I see some of the spouses look pretty disinterested
during the game

I think the spouses who are more reserved at the games, scream, cheer etc. and are generally more satisfied in other areas of their lives and probably have nothing left to give on Sat after Friday night's "gymnastics."

Even though I just get to watch on TV, I told my wife how it is during our dating and engagement that we can schedule around Gophers games but they won't schedule around us. So far so good, and we'll be spending our first anniversary in Vegas for the UNLV game. We've got the trip booked, now just trying to save for drink, food, and find a way to get tickets lol.

As far as her involvement at games, I took her to a game at Bowling Green a few seasons ago, and she seemed to enjoy it and get loud, we've also gone to Ohio State to see a Gophers hoops game and she was pretty rowdy there. This year at the baseball game in Columbus she was pretty sedated but it was also a pitchers duel. The good thing about her is, I met her at school where she was here on a swimming scholarship from Scotland, so I was able to pretty much mold her into a semi-Gophers fan. Out of all the sports here in America, baseball has become her favorite.

She's come to grips with the fact that I'm a Gophers fan and a win or a loss on the gridiron, hardwood, and even the the diamond can dictate my mood for up to a week. And as I mentioned on here before, she even got me the M tattoo on my left arm for my birthday last I think I got a keeper.

Even though I just get to watch on TV, I told my wife how it is during our dating and engagement that we can schedule around Gophers games but they won't schedule around us. So far so good, and we'll be spending our first anniversary in Vegas for the UNLV game. We've got the trip booked, now just trying to save for drink, food, and find a way to get tickets lol.

As far as her involvement at games, I took her to a game at Bowling Green a few seasons ago, and she seemed to enjoy it and get loud, we've also gone to Ohio State to see a Gophers hoops game and she was pretty rowdy there. This year at the baseball game in Columbus she was pretty sedated but it was also a pitchers duel. The good thing about her is, I met her at school where she was here on a swimming scholarship from Scotland, so I was able to pretty much mold her into a semi-Gophers fan. Out of all the sports here in America, baseball has become her favorite.

She's come to grips with the fact that I'm a Gophers fan and a win or a loss on the gridiron, hardwood, and even the the diamond can dictate my mood for up to a week. And as I mentioned on here before, she even got me the M tattoo on my left arm for my birthday last I think I got a keeper.

That's a tradition in Scotland. M means Married!

My wife and I are both big Gopher fans. Football is not my wifes #1 sport, but she is at all the games and does cheer and gets into the games. She is a bigger Gopher Hockey fan than I am. Now, the Hiwaymans wife is a Gopher Football fanatic 2nd to no fan.

MrsGopher and I met at the U, had our first date at a Gopher Football game (at the Dome). I proposed to her before a game this past year.

I win.

(P.S. It turns out the only way to take the sting out of a loss to wisconsin is to get engaged on that day. Just throwing that out there.)

When Freshtrout and I get together to watch a game on TV we make a pact to not invite our friend Jim.

Jim thinks watching a game means 'to sit around and visit'. YUK.

My wife gets into it, she yells quite a bit. She's a better fan than I am - because when I get pissed off at the Gophers and threaten to not renew my season tix, she gives me the quiet, sad eye treatment, and I say 'just kidding'.

Any guy that has a gal that loves Gopher football is a lucky man!

The Gophers are not her #1 team, but she has become a fan because of me. She'll cheer and yell at the tv just as much as I do. However, she's not as pissed off or excited after the game as much as I am.

My fiancee is a Michigan grad, but she loves her some college football. We'll root for each other's teams when they're not playing each other. Both of us get a little too emotional for our own teams sometimes though :)

My wife enjoys the ambiance of college football and is pretty invested on Saturday afternoons. However, she does not understand the emotional rollercoaster ride the Gophers put me on during and after the game.

Great comments guys. A little story here. After the meltdown against Michigan at the dome, which is still one of the biggest daggers in heart regarding Gopher football; we were walking back to the Marriot Depot behInd a bunch of Michigan fans who were yuking it up pretty good. My wife says: "Honey, I feel we have just gone through the portals of hell. This is a two, strong,martini night if there ever was one" As bummed out as I was, it made me lol.

I am divorced, therefore she is an insignificant other, and I don't know if she knows anything, let alone if she knows anything about the Gophers.

I was a big Gopher fan since 1968. I brought my wife, the now-great "gopherfaith", to her first game in 1998. A Californian and college sports non-fan, was hooked immediately. A '99 win over PSU sealed the deal. She is now on the Board of Directors of the Goal Line Club, and our entire existence from August to April revolves around Gopher football. She is the driving force behind the Recruiting Social that attracted 700 fans this last February. She suggested that we buy a 52-inch TV to watch bowl games on hi-def. She never second guesses a football road trip. We sponsored a hole at the last Gopher golf event. We "adopt" players every season that have included Jack Simmons, Eric Small, Adam Weber, Eric Decker, Joey Balthazor, Eric Ellestad, and MarQueis Gray. She thought we should add two more premium tickets to make our total six. We have a tailgate spot in Lot 37...make that two.

She's a blonde, 5'-10" and makes a fine living.

What a life. Who's the luckiest guy ever?

My wife wasn't a college football fan when we met but she's gotten into it. She doesn't live/die with it like I do but she knows to respect my emotions after a tough loss. She also agreed that we would plan the births of our 4 kids to be in the spring so they will absolutely not conflict with college football Saturdays. The last thing I want is to have to choose between my kids birthday party and a Gopher game.

My wife wasn't a college football fan when we met but she's gotten into it. She doesn't live/die with it like I do but she knows to respect my emotions after a tough loss. She also agreed that we would plan the births of our 4 kids to be in the spring so they will absolutely not conflict with college football Saturdays. The last thing I want is to have to choose between my kids birthday party and a Gopher game.

My daughter was born 9/5/2000 at was at the Metrodome three weeks later. We schedule her birthday AROUND Gopher football. There ya go.

My wife thinks sports are dumb. Sports are my way to get "away" for a while.

Mrs Bayfield mirrors Darren's situation. She enjoys going to the games but truly understands how important they are to me. During the Fall, she sends me out the door to the TC and the long drive to TCF while she stays back and minds our cottage business. Then we take in the remainder of the games together past the third weekend in October and always take in a road trip in November. Nebraska this year. But family is more important to her as the Thanksgiving weekend game is a tough one to get to. We missed the Illini last year as the kids were all home but was fun watching it with the family.

My wife and I met after a Gopher FB game when she came up to me in Old Chicago to ask what the score of the game was because I was wearing my Gopher T-shirt. Love at first sight and the rest is history. I woke her up at 4:00 am to get to USC for the tailgate last year and we will be present at UNLV this year.
She isn't as diehard as I, but understands my love and her association with the school so it works out quite nicely.

I've been with my girlfriend for 7 years but she isn't a U grad, she's not from MN and she's also a first generation American (didn't grow up around any football) so she is more of an "going to games is fun" type of girl. She cheers for the Gophers when she goes to games but doesn't really care. She'll only go to about a game a year, saturdays are usually my "away time", I go to the games with my buddies.

Mrs. Billd and I met at UGA in the early 80s. She disliked football but knew the Bulldawgs were important to me. So, by the time we indeed "jumped the broom" she was already committed to learn the game as played "between The Hedges."

We moved to the TC in '89 and our first game was Nebraska at the Dome. Not a good start for a SEC transfer.

Anyway, anyone in 212 KNOWS that Mrs. Billd is there for every down...she does not give up.

She's my football companion through and through and I miss her when she's not there (but still have a good time because it's football of course).

Looking forward to 2012. Go Gophers! In Kill I Trust!

We aren't "die-hard Gopher fans" yet...I am not a native gopher fan (grew up in So. Dak. with Husker football, Kansas basketball, Twins) and she grew up here (mostly Vikes, Twins and Gopher hockey) but my fiance is a big sports fan albeit not nearly as invested as I am. She loves attending sporting events and likes learning about the finer strategy of the games.

I am more of an even keel strategist that doesn't get too "Rah-Rah". I recognize good teams/plays, get excited for great plays and do cheer often but I don't get extremely worked up or downtrodden after wins or losses. I just love the games, love to get to events ridiculously early and absorb the game-day experiences and I go to games and support MN athletics as a result. She on the other hand for some sports (mostly vikings) loves to cheer, scream, touchdown dance, etc. but would prefer to arrive early enough to grab some food and get to our seats in time for the start of the game. She despises anyone attending events if they "don't care about the team or the sport" or "just to be seen". She thoroughly supports my sports addiction and now even encourages me to run around like a chicken with my head cut off to shoot the perfect picture of anything game-day related. I couldn't have it any better.

My wife is not a huge sports person, but she knows how important the Gophers (and sports in general) are to me and she has embraced (heck, enabled) that for as long as we've been together. She quickly learned the words the Rouser and while she sometimes is just humoring me when I babble on about something Gophers (or sports) related that I find fun or interesting, more often than not she files it away and remembers it later in conversations. She also goes out of her way to find new and unique Gopher stuff for Xmas each year. I've seriously spoiled on that front. Lastly, she's the one who bid on (and won) me a tour of TCF back in October of 2008 when it was still under construction. I couldn't believe that one.

She likes going to games, but comes to fewer since it's a road trip for us since we live in Madison. But she doesn't suggest I go to fewer b/c she knows how important it is to me. She definitely cheers and gets into while we're there though.

my fiance will enjoy a gopher football game with me, she knows how excited i get watching them play and will cheer right along with me... when it comes to hockey thats a whole nother area, as she is a UMD grad and dispises the gopher hckey program

My wife has had season tickets longer than I have. She doesn't get into it as much as I do, but she can get loud at times.

Mrs. Formo is a semi-fan. She cheers the Gophers on, but doesn't put the emotional investment into it that I do. Although I bought her a new car this past week and she wants Gopher license plate borders.

My wife is not a huge sports person, but she knows how important the Gophers (and sports in general) are to me and she has embraced (heck, enabled) that for as long as we've been together. She quickly learned the words the Rouser and while she sometimes is just humoring me when I babble on about something Gophers (or sports) related that I find fun or interesting, more often than not she files it away and remembers it later in conversations. She also goes out of her way to find new and unique Gopher stuff for Xmas each year. I've seriously spoiled on that front. Lastly, she's the one who bid on (and won) me a tour of TCF back in October of 2008 when it was still under construction. I couldn't believe that one.

She likes going to games, but comes to fewer since it's a road trip for us since we live in Madison. But she doesn't suggest I go to fewer b/c she knows how important it is to me. She definitely cheers and gets into while we're there though.

This sounds very much like my wife. Mrs. Formo loves Gopher gear, though.. So I never have to drag her to the U bookstore or Goldy's Lockerroom. =D

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