when everyone needs to relax.

Boy you missed the point. The 'bad bad feeling' is Kill may have to retire. I know that because I'm starting to have it too.

Exactly. There is no way they are firing him in the near future - or even distant future. I think the fear is that he is going to be forced out of coaching way before he should have to due to his health issues. It's the worst case scenario and one that I pray never becomes an issue for Coach Kill, his long-time coaching staff who finally made it to a BCS school, the players, the fans, etc.

Babe Ruth said it pretty good. "The way a team plays as a whole determines it success. You may have the great bunch of individuals in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime." Kill will change the climate. I believe in him.

I am already to the acceptance phase. I'm just going to keep drinking heavily, it's the best way to get through it. The celebrations down the line will be that much sweeter.
Yeah, Minnesota Sports single handily keeping alcohol companies in business.

"Another Alvarez/Ferentz analogy.....Yippy!

How many times did Alvarez or Ferentz lose at home as a 23 point favorite? How many times did they lose to I-AA teams?"

I think the Alvarez/Ferentz analogy is completely justified. The reason is because The Alvarez/Ferentz experiment worked!! What doesn't work are Gopher fans who aren't patient and rip a program/coach four games into the "Kill Era." What does that do for us fans? We NEED a Alvarez and the thought of Kill potentially filling that comparison is what keeps Gopher fans going. An Alvarez-type coach is the only way that this program will be rectified -- Plain and simple. During Alvarez's first year, he lost to Temple @ Camp Randall -- who at the time was considered an FCS-equivalent team. It happens even to the "best" of coaches. I would rather hang my hat on a coach that shows the potential to rebuild a program by wiping out the past and moving forward. In order for this to happen, I feel that fans need to do the same thing and forget about this season; rather view this season as an opportunity to groom Shortell. Sure, it might take a few years. Alvarez inherited a team in '90 that didn't have a winning season since '84. Look at Wisconsin now. Not only did Alvarez turn the ship around, but he also hand picked Bielema. It seems like it's working quite well now. I hate the Badgers with a passion but the way they turned it around is something I'm very envious of as a Gopher fan.

Boy you missed the point. The 'bad bad feeling' is Kill may have to retire. I know that because I'm starting to have it too.

I know the trend has been negative with more seizures and now going to Mayo, but we really don't know anything and obviously have to wait and see how it plays out. Heard an outside expert comment on the news last night that there are 16 to 17 different kinds of medication available and one of the keys is identifying what part of the brain is involved with these seizures. Hearing that, I'm hoping that they find the right treatment and Coach Kill will recover. That seems to be a much more likely outcome than the doomsday scenarios based on all that I've read or heard. It's also heartening to read this morning that things like a tumor or a stroke-related condition have been ruled out. In a perfect world, Coach Kill wouldn't have any health problems, or at least, this would be under control already. However, we all know Gopher football doesn't exist in a perfect world. Still am staying optimistic over all this. (Hell, I've been ever since the '60's. What's a couple more years?)

There have been red flags - the Gophers were listless against New Mexico State and are mistake-prone and out of position frequently on defense. The offensive line has been a disappointment and Gray can't pass well enough to direct a Big Ten team. But the huge cloud is Kill's health - stress of the job seems to be triggering more and more siezures. Given time, I think he'd pull a Craig Bohl and bring in his kind of kids, with a strong Minnesota base, and turn us into the Northern Illinois model - and they were good. He needs time and a respite from ill health to do it.

In talking with a number of friends last night and this morning - you're not alone in having that bad, bad feeling.

Don't allow yourselves to think or feel that way. It does no good. We have absolutely no control over the situation and it does no good to jump to conclusions. It is what it is. Tell yourself the Mayo will get this straightened out. Stay positive and believe in Coach Claeys and Limegrover and the rest of Kill's staff.

I know Gopher fans have been through alot, but I'm sick of the jumping to the worst possible scenario before it even happens when we have no idea if it's going to happen. Keep the faith. It is what it is and let's not go there prematurely. Keep positive thoughts. Let's stay committed to this team and this season and let's all use our positive thoughts and energy for this team and this staff. We owe it to coach Kill, his staff, and this team.

Let me tell you what would be REALLY disappointing:

We fire Kill, and he and his staff go to Indiana, turn them around, and kick our asses 15 years in a row.

You want a guarantee go buy a car. If you want to rip on the team and try to bring everybody down I say go back to Madison. Same goes for Reusse.

This from a guy who's moniker includes the state of Texas. Indiana will not hire Kill if we let him go. Just won't happen. The B!G is a club, after all. Believe me, ripping the team will not bring people further down. The team is doing that just fine. If you want happiness, search from within... just a suggestion.

This from a guy who's moniker includes the state of Texas. Indiana will not hire Kill if we let him go. Just won't happen. The B!G is a club, after all. Believe me, ripping the team will not bring people further down. The team is doing that just fine. If you want happiness, search from within... just a suggestion.

Sorry, you seem confused. Let me clarify. If you're ready to give up on Kill already you're a dumbass. Better?

What does my living in Texas have to do with anything? Go ahead and imagine something so you can go on another rant.

I am already to the acceptance phase. I'm just going to keep drinking heavily, it's the best way to get through it. The celebrations down the line will be that much sweeter.
+1 And give him some more beer!

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