This is great for recruiting/the U

Schlic Daddy

Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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This is getting so much pub across the nation. They just showed video of people clearing snow from TCF here in Denver on the 10:00 news.

This is certainly a good thing for the football program and the university. I'm excited for the game on Monday.

I don't think relating our school with Siberia like weather is good for recruiting

Well if a kid's ultimate goal is to play in the NFL they are going to have to deal with one way or the other. Why not sooner than later and how is Minnesota's weather situation any different than Iowa's or Wisconsin's? IMO this can only help our cause and showcase our beautiful stadium!

I don't think relating our school with Siberia like weather is good for recruiting


Yes, the exposure is cool and people will see what a nice facility we have, but I don't think this will translate to recruiting success. Think about all the shots you'll see during the game of the dome and of people shoveling at the Bank. The lasting impression will be how cold it is in MN and how much snow we get. I fail to see how this week will do anything besides perpetuate the myth that we're a frozen wasteland for nine months out of the year.

Coach Kill better find Brew's "average temperature in November" talking points before heading out on any recruiting trips...

There is snow cover on 39% of the country right now. Don't think it will dissuade anybody that is in the 5 hour drive core recruiting area. We can not cover up the fact that it snows here. We can play it up as part of our life here. There are plenty of outdoor recreation to get involved in.

The original post in this thread (as well as several other threads) takes the position that showing the Gophers Stadium on national TV in freezing weather conditions is going to HELP recruit players to the U. Get real. The best we can possibly hope for is that recruits who have been considering the U will not to be turned off by the sight of freezing players and fans and the constant references to it by the TV commentators. The overriding visual message that recruits are going to see is not our wonderful stadium, but the ungodly cold they will have to play in if they decide to be a Gopher. Snow is one thing but playing football in below zero weather is very different.

I assume the large majority of recruits who are strongly considering the U will choose to ignore what the see on Monday night about playing football in Minnesota weather conditions. But how many recruits who have viable offers from other schools are going to ignore the weather because of how the stadium will look on TV? The Gopher's Stadium is going to look great on TV, but so would most other college football stadiums. Especially those which get on national TV a lot more often that ours does. And I will be very surprised if the announcers spend much time talking about the stadium during the telecast. They spend much of their time in billion dollar professional football stadiums and they are not going to be blown away by our nice little college football stadium up in the tundra of Minnesota. They will be talking about the weather, Favre, the weather, Favre, the weather, the collapsed roof on the Dome, the weather, and finally, Favre,

I can't believe that this game being played by the Vikings at TCF will make one iota of difference to any recruit anywhere in the country. I just hope there isn't any damage done to the stadium that the U will get stuck repairing. They obviously aren't charging any rent or requiring any security deposit. I hope the wind chill is sixty below Monday night.

The overriding visual message that recruits are going to see is not our wonderful stadium but the ungodly cold they will have to play in if they decide to be a Gopher.

When would the Gophers ever play in this cold of weather? It rarely gets this cold in November and rarely snows.

To equate this weather with the weather they would be playing in isn't a fair comparison.

I don't think relating our school with Siberia like weather is good for recruiting

Exactly, Chris! I don't know what some of these people are thinking. All this is doing is drawing national attention to the weather here and tying it directly to the school, stadium and FB program. Everyone knows other schools use the weather here in negative recruiting tactics. Now they have endless video and photo ops to que up for their pitches.

Well if a kid's ultimate goal is to play in the NFL they are going to have to deal with one way or the other. Why not sooner than later and how is Minnesota's weather situation any different than Iowa's or Wisconsin's? IMO this can only help our cause and showcase our beautiful stadium!

"PERCEPTION" is reality.

When would the Gophers ever play in this cold of weather? It rarely gets this cold in November and rarely snows.

To equate this weather with the weather they would be playing in isn't a fair comparison.

How many time have you heard the phrase "Halloween Blizzard" in the last few days?? You do know Halloween is in October, right? How many times do you think it will come up on Monday night?? BB to recruit: "Did you see that miserable game at TCF on Monday night football last year? That weather isn't even close to what they have had by Halloween some years!" Think it won't happen? Guess again....

To equate this weather with the weather they would be playing in isn't a fair comparison.

lol...because other coaches always recruit fairly? I'm sure there will be absolutely no manipultion of this event anywhere on the recruiting trail!

How many time have you heard the phrase "Halloween Blizzard" in the last few days?? You do know Halloween is in October, right? How many times do you think it will come up on Monday night?? BB to recruit: "Did you see that miserable game at TCF on Monday night football last year? That weather isn't even close to what they have had by Halloween some years!" Think it won't happen? Guess again....

So let me digest your logic here, PantiesHawk. A recruit looking at Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin is going to be stupid enough to not realize it's only 4 degrees warmer in IC right now, and that it's actually colder right now in Madison? Because of what he sees on TV? Maybe DJK would, but we all know now why he chose IC...

The only difference between UM and it's rivals on Monday is that we get to host MNF. On national television. While your players watch from their drug den.

When would the Gophers ever play in this cold of weather? It rarely gets this cold in November and rarely snows.To equate this weather with the weather they would be playing in isn't a fair comparison.

Do you really think that a recruit from Houston or Miami is going to know this?

A fair preview

What are we supposed to do? Sweep winter under the rug!

If a recruit is stoo stupid to understand the difference between fall and winter, they are also probably too stupid to learn a football play and follow it when it is called in the huddle.

I'm looking forward to this. It should be fun. Congrats to the 'U' for being able to pull it off.

Anyone think maybe, just maybe, we should be recruiting kids who don't mind the cold and are even excited to play football in the snow and weather? If there's a speedster from florida who see's the MNF game and thinks to himself" Man, I'd NEVER want to play up there", then why would we want him to come here?
Even Brewster targeted specific recruits who were in warm weather states, but had either a style that seemed to translate to the Big Ten, or had some sort of connection to MN.
Bottom line, it's good for recruiting because it gives our new stadium national and NFL pub. Using that pub to recruit a specific type of athlete is the coaches' job, Sun Belt and SEC wimps need not apply IMO, Kill may disagree, probably not though.
Keep in mind some of the more recent "tough guy" gophers(Owens, Hightower, Campbell, Theret from CA, Tinsley), were from warm weather states, it didn't seem to bother them.

The worst game conditions were

On the 100th anniversary of Gopher Football Homecoming. Mix of rain and snow and it was around 36 degrees. How many "warm weather" stadiums have this kind of weather when we have snow. I would rather have the snow.

Talk about tough. Bob Hope gave a half time monologue in this awful weather. He didn't even wince. Gave his entire routine and tossed in some great lines about how great it was to be in Minnesota. I believe he did that same routine in the USO tour in WWII.

The Gopher's Stadium is going to look great on TV, but so would most other college football stadiums. Especially those which get on national TV a lot more often that ours does. And I will be very surprised if the announcers spend much time talking about the stadium during the telecast.

Most other college football stadiums don't look as good as TCF, and most other college football stadiums are not on monday night football. They will be talking about the stadium a lot, having the game at TCF makes for great TV, it turned a rather blah game into one the whole country is paying attention to.

We can now add frozen field conditions to the list of things that the announcers will be talking about. The players are already complaining and KFAN is talking about it right now. I just heard somebody ripping the U for not having the foresight to put in heating coils. This game is starting to look like a public relations disaster on every level. The player are not going to like it and Viking fans are absolutely going to hate it. They are going to start clearing out after the half-time ceremonies because they will be freezing and they will want to get an early start to the parking ramps so they will be able to get home at a decent hour. By the middle of the 4th quarter I don't think there will be more than 15,000 - 20,000 fans left in the stadium.

We can now add frozen field conditions to the list of things that the announcers will be talking about. The players are already complaining and KFAN is talking about it right now. I just heard somebody ripping the U for not having the foresight to put in heating coils. This game is starting to look like a public relations disaster on every level. The player are not going to like it and Viking fans are absolutely going to hate it. They are going to start clearing out after the half-time ceremonies because they will be freezing and they will want to get an early start to the parking ramps so they will be able to get home at a decent hour. By the middle of the 4th quarter I don't think there will be more than 15,000 - 20,000 fans left in the stadium.

This is KFAN(PA) sucking up to the players who don't want to play in the cold. He needs to take their side because he deals and is freinds with many of them, Morris was ripping the players calling them out for not wanting to put any effort into the game they are getting paid to play in.

There is NO safety issue, the NFL has already said they can thaw out the field like they do in other places with chemicals and warm blown air under a tarp, get the ice drained out of the turf and let it dry, it will be a hard, but not unsafe surface.
The delay is more about money, get the alcohol deal solved and add enough temporary bleachers, the NFL will be ok with it.
BTW I agree that some metrodump viking fans will clear out after the half, it's a shock to the system for these soft and rich fairweather types. As long as the players don't quit(big IF), the stadium will be full enough to make a really nice environment on MNF.

This is KFAN(PA) sucking up to the players who don't want to play in the cold. He needs to take their side because he deals and is freinds with many of them, Morris was ripping the players calling them out for not wanting to put any effort into the game they are getting paid to play in.

There is NO safety issue, the NFL has already said they can thaw out the field like they do in other places with chemicals and warm blown air under a tarp, get the ice drained out of the turf and let it dry, it will be a hard, but not unsafe surface.
The delay is more about money, get the alcohol deal solved and add enough temporary bleachers, the NFL will be ok with it.
BTW I agree that some metrodump viking fans will clear out after the half, it's a shock to the system for these soft and rich fairweather types. As long as the players don't quit(big IF), the stadium will be full enough to make a really nice environment on MNF.

So you are saying the TV commentators will never mention it?

So you are saying the TV commentators will never mention it? I said before the latest popped up, this will be a 3.5 hour negative recruiting video for any school that ever goes up against the U of M for a recruit, with the exception of Alaska Anchorage!

I can't believe that this game being played by the Vikings at TCF will make one iota of difference to any recruit anywhere in the country. I just hope there isn't any damage done to the stadium that the U will get stuck repairing. They obviously aren't charging any rent or requiring any security deposit. I hope the wind chill is sixty below Monday night.

Grow up, you really think that the Vikings are going to trash the place and stiff the U?

They want a new stadium, they are going to Kiss A$$ as much as they can. And people are reading way to much in the cold weather thing. It is hot and humid in Miami, which is worse.

For a player, Getting to play in the snow, rain, and mud is the best time from the high school days of playing

Isn’t the point that, no matter how cold it is and how many times the pansies in the TV booth complain about the temperature, the images are going to be of people in Minnesota working together to pull this thing off and then braving the elements to enjoy the game? Doesn’t that show recruits that we don’t hibernate from November to March? That you can survive and thrive in this climate? Yes, the weather scares off some people and the events that make the news create an incomplete picture of our weather. You can talk all you want about the average November temps in Minneapolis, Iowa City or elsewhere, but (college) players have to live here all winter long. If a guy is afraid of the cold, he shouldn’t be here. I don’t believe trying to trick high school football players into thinking it doesn’t get cold here (or trying to find some foolish enough not to know that fact) is much of a recipe for success. When I hear somebody bring up the weather here in a negative way, it’s about living here in the winter, not playing here in the fall. We want players who know the facts and embrace them. If that means some four-star from Florida chooses some hot spot like Iowa City or East Lansing over Minneapolis, so be it.

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