This is going to sound like a Kelly Leeks story, but it’s true all of it!


King of the Too's
Dec 10, 2008
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So there I was early on a cold November morning. I was bundled up in under armor, sweatpants, a balaclava and one of trusty Golden Gophers hoodies, shoveling my car out of the snow it was buried under outside of my house at the end of a dead end street. A cop pulls up, gets out of his vehicle, and with a smug grin on his face he says to me...

“You know, you’re lucky you were out here shoveling or I’d have you towed.”

“Excuse me?” I said. His smile widens as he hands me a citation.

“Happy Thanksgiving to you too pal.” I say with disgust as he turns to walk away. The cop turns back and says to me.

“Go Badgers.”

We too were stopped by a state police officer for having some well secured Gophers on the outside of our car. He kept calling them "bears" when I asked him what the problem was. He gave me a warning. What a d---!

Drove to the Milwaukee area last night with my wife, to beat the snowstorm out of town. Stopped in at a Culver's in Columbus, WI, about 30 miles north of Madison on WI60 at about 9:30 pm.

I have been married 31 years, and have made this trip hundreds of times, and have stopped at just about every joint on this route over that time. As usual, I am wearing something representing Minnesota, and tonight if was my maroon, with gold M ball cap.

The Culver's was full as a high school sporting event had just wrapped up in this small wrestling?

Upon entry, the loooong, dirty looks commenced.... cold astonished stares at me, without the social graces to look away after a moment.... from 5-6 different people. I have never been locked in on due to U of M alliance like this in the past. Another diner, a gentleman in his late 50's like me, stared me down from two tables away through my entire meal.

After I finished eating, and while my wife finished up, I got up, bussed our tray and made a bathroom visit prior to hitting the road. When I got out of the can, he was waiting for me. He pointed to my cap, told me the logo was "upside down" and he told me that he hopes the Badgers "destroy the rodents"... I expected a bit of banter, but he just turned to the side and walked off looking back at me... , so I motioned back and forth with my hands to indicate that I feel the same in reverse.

Bottom line, Badger fans feel threatened like never before. It felt good in a perverse way.

So there I was early on a cold November morning. I was bundled up in under armor, sweatpants, a balaclava and one of trusty Golden Gophers hoodies, shoveling my car out of the snow it was buried under outside of my house at the end of a dead end street. A cop pulls up, gets out of his vehicle, and with a smug grin on his face he says to me...

“You know, you’re lucky you were out here shoveling or I’d have you towed.”

“Excuse me?” I said. His smile widens as he hands me a citation.

“Happy Thanksgiving to you too pal.” I say with disgust as he turns to walk away. The cop turns back and says to me.

“Go Badgers.”
I would have told him to go be a cop in Wisconsin.

I wore a University of Wisconsin sweatshirt to an appointment at the University of Minnesota hospital. The Dr. made fun of me. Asshole.

I wore a University of Wisconsin sweatshirt to an appointment at the University of Minnesota hospital. The Dr. made fun of me. Asshole.
Urologist no doubt, hope he used the whole fist. But since your a badger fan...….

So there I was early on a cold November morning. I was bundled up in under armor, sweatpants, a balaclava and one of trusty Golden Gophers hoodies, shoveling my car out of the snow it was buried under outside of my house at the end of a dead end street. A cop pulls up, gets out of his vehicle, and with a smug grin on his face he says to me...

“You know, you’re lucky you were out here shoveling or I’d have you towed.”

“Excuse me?” I said. His smile widens as he hands me a citation.

“Happy Thanksgiving to you too pal.” I say with disgust as he turns to walk away. The cop turns back and says to me.

“Go Badgers.”
what was the citation for? we’re you guilty of an infraction?

So there I was early on a cold November morning. I was bundled up in under armor, sweatpants, a balaclava and one of trusty Golden Gophers hoodies, shoveling my car out of the snow it was buried under outside of my house at the end of a dead end street. A cop pulls up, gets out of his vehicle, and with a smug grin on his face he says to me...

“You know, you’re lucky you were out here shoveling or I’d have you towed.”

“Excuse me?” I said. His smile widens as he hands me a citation.

“Happy Thanksgiving to you too pal.” I say with disgust as he turns to walk away. The cop turns back and says to me.

“Go Badgers.”

I was out last night with my two girlfriends. We were all wearing Gopher gear. Some Wisconsin fans started throwing rocks at us and we dialed 911. The cops came and shot one of my girlfriends. It’s getting bad. Although she’s also black, so maybe that was a factor too.

So there I was early on a cold November morning. I was bundled up in under armor, sweatpants, a balaclava and one of trusty Golden Gophers hoodies, shoveling my car out of the snow it was buried under outside of my house at the end of a dead end street. A cop pulls up, gets out of his vehicle, and with a smug grin on his face he says to me...

“You know, you’re lucky you were out here shoveling or I’d have you towed.”

“Excuse me?” I said. His smile widens as he hands me a citation.

“Happy Thanksgiving to you too pal.” I say with disgust as he turns to walk away. The cop turns back and says to me.

“Go Badgers.”
Hmm...dead-end residential street...what was the ticket for...

I wore a University of Wisconsin sweatshirt to an appointment at the University of Minnesota hospital. The Dr. made fun of me. Asshole.
You sure the Dr. was not just being frank and honest with you?

I was guilty of the car being buried in the snow that I was in the middle of shoveling.
that’s not an infraction. what does the ticket say?

i got a ticket a week and a half ago for careless driving.

that’s not an infraction. what does the ticket say?

i got a ticket a week and a half ago for careless driving.

No Parking In Public Right Of Way For 48 Hours After A Snownami (roommates didn't leave me room in the driveway and I got home late, so I knew I would have to shovel out in the morning)

No Parking In Public Right Of Way For 48 Hours After A Snownami (roommates didn't leave me room in the driveway and I got home late, so I knew I would have to shovel out in the morning)

Plead insanity. It always works.

I wore a University of Wisconsin sweatshirt to an appointment at the University of Minnesota hospital. The Dr. made fun of me. Asshole.

Goodness knows that doctors are as capable as anyone of being jerks, but this doesn't seem plausible.

Making fun of someone (I think) means pointing and laughing, mocking them, drawing the attention of others to them - "Hey everybody, look at the stupid Badger fan!" Did he do that? Because that would be misconduct.

I normally don't hate cops. They have a tough job. But this guy was one of THOSE cops - the kind that take pleasure in using their authority to be a dick.

Sounds like a nazi cop. You know the ones you dont bother arguing with because you know they are giving you a ticket no matter what you say, no matter the excuse

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