This can't be good... new Royce Video coming.


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Nov 23, 2008
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Just posted from his Facebook page:

Whoa!!!Shout out to Stax and WETBALL!!! Oh yea.... Truth about Coach "Tubby Smith" Coming Sunday Night/ Monday Morning, Facebook Buckle Up!!! White & Brown ENT.

I don't know what to expect from this... here's to hoping it's nothing bad.

Let's assume the best - maybe he goes into the truth about Tubby and talks about what a great coach and mentor he is...which would be the truth.

I agree.. he sure fooled us all with the last video. I have the utmost respect for Tubby, I don't think there is any dirt that Royce could possibly have on him.

or how about we leave it alone till we see what the video actually is??????

I'm expecting Royce to talk about how great Tubby is and how he has helped Royce through the situation...If it is anything about Tubby that is not good, it would be the dumbest thing in the world to post on facebook/ I willing to bet the farm that it's all good stuff for Tubby...

I'm expecting Royce to talk about how great Tubby is and how he has helped Royce through the situation...If it is anything about Tubby that is not good, it would be the dumbest thing in the world to post on facebook/ I willing to bet the farm that it's all good stuff for Tubby...

With royce all bets are off. IF I was a betting man i would take u up on your farm bet!! Luckily i am not, cause i always lose. I am hoping for the best, but when it comes to royce i really do expect the worse.

honestly, its going to be a video praising tubby, it seems despite the obvious legal issues that tubby likes him...i think that there is a decent kid in there somewhere, and tubby sees that..i think the laptop incident is a case of wrong place wrong time..and UMPD being completely retarded

We were all expecting something highly embarrassing with the first video, and it was a complete non-story. I would expect this to be more of the same. Plus if it's well done like the last one was (edited, music, not just him speaking into a webcam or whatever) I wouldn't expect his "handlers" or whoever he has working with video editing letting him put himself in position for more trouble by taking smack about Tubby.

I can't imagine there would be anything but good to say in the video. It's obvious though this kid answers to no one. If he thinks something positive will come of it he's mistaken.

Why is this a story? He proved us fools last time. Lets not start a wildfire again...

I support Royce but I wonder what part of " you could impress the hell out of me by keeping your mouth shut, staying out of trouble, and doing exactly what you're told," hasn't he got?

I'm not sure why it hasn't occurred to a lot of you that Royce obviously knows he's a big deal so he can get people to piss their pants over any ambiguous thing he posts like that. It's going to be nothing like the first video was.

Royce is hilarious...Keeps his name well known and having a blast teasing bloggers...


I can only hope that Myron further destroys his credibility (if he ever had any) by running with this as well. He got his pants pulled down on the last one, as did the Star and Sickle, KFAN, about 90% of this board, and the local news stations that ran the story on the 6:00 news. I loved every minute of it.

If Gopherhole had a HOF, that thread would get a nomination from me. I will go back to that thread for a long time to laugh at all the self-righteous indignation that was shown when nobody had any freaking idea what the eff they were talking about.

He punked Myron and a lot of the media this week. But considering his present circumstances, it is comes off as narcissistic and not being the best way to handle things from a PR perspective.

Even Mbakwe is commenting on Royce's "video" status this time around. No way this will be as big of a circus as last time though.

I think I remember UMD banning its athletes from using Facebook last year.

I think I remember UMD banning its athletes from using Facebook last year.

I remember we did too, a year or two ago. It was after they featured a bunch of our guys on the news, drinking, status updates, etc. I want to say it was on channel 5. They slowly, but surely, got back on it. I've said this before, but I would love to give incoming Freshman athletes classes on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and what to say in public in general.

I remember we did too, a year or two ago. It was after they featured a bunch of our guys on the news, drinking, status updates, etc. I want to say it was on channel 5. They slowly, but surely, got back on it. I've said this before, but I would love to give incoming Freshman athletes classes on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and what to say in public in general.

I have a buddy I went to high school with who is on the swim team, and they do have classes like that. Or it's part of a larger "athlete at the U"-type class. They advise them on what's good/not so good to put out there on the internets.

I have a buddy I went to high school with who is on the swim team, and they do have classes like that. Or it's part of a larger "athlete at the U"-type class. They advise them on what's good/not so good to put out there on the internets.

I would have hoped that, but either the message isn't strong enough - or it's not getting through. And I'm not even talking about Royce - there are so many that cause a lot of damage. I won't get into names or all the instances, but I've had to email one athlete multiple times, when I saw him call his coaches the N-word on his Facebook...multiple times!

As an official white old man, all I can say is: I'll wait for it and see what it's about sometime tomorrow.

And to brew-recruit: you ageist, you! ...

I am hopeful that Royce will soon realize keeping a low profile is in his best interest until his issues are resolved. His never ending effort to put himself in the news is wearing me out. I have been hoping that he would return to the team at one point, but I am beginning to think that will never happen. I'm guessing Tubby is getting very tired of answering questions about Royce.

i wonder if they actually filmed tubby or its just royce talking about him. if he was being filmed he would have had to ok the vid.

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