Things I've learned in the past 7 days....

Art Vandelay

Nov 21, 2008
Reaction score
1) Last Friday, Wisconsin was a "waning" overrated program on the decline. By Saturday afternoon they were easily a NYD Bowl squad with top 10 potential and "we only lost by 3"

Which is it folks? Can't have it both ways. ;)

2) Apparently Marquies Gray is the next Michael Vick. He so impressive in practice that Coach Brew is afraid to let him actaully throw a pass. You don't want to reveal too much of hte playbook this "early" in the season. :cool02:

3) Cal hasn't scored a TD since leaving TCF Stadium and the Gopher defense is the reason why. They exposed Cal's running game :cool02:

4) The U of M has the only classy fan base.

5) Despite the police blotter, U of M athletes can do no wrong.

6) The defense has improved.

7) Adam Weber will be playing on Sundays.

8) We have "stud" LB's

9) "Big Play" Traye is an oxy-moron

10) We now know why Royston and Carufel transferred

Things I've learned in the 30 seconds it took me to read that load of poop:

Art's an even bigger tool then I thought he was.

Yep....thats about it.

1) Last Friday, Wisconsin was a "waning" overrated program on the decline. By Saturday afternoon they were easily a NYD Bowl squad with top 10 potential and "we only lost by 3"

Which is it folks? Can't have it both ways. ;)

I hate to disagree....oh, who am I kidding, I love to disagree. I disagree! I have it both ways right now!

Today, I do believe that the Wisconsin program is in a decline (though I may be confusing belief with hope...tough to say). Are they better than us? Definitely. But from someone who only sees them a couple times a year and looks @ their recent records, recruiting, etc, it does seem like Bret is a big step down from Alvarez (one of the best coaches in recent Big 10 history, from what I could see) and that the program could be following suit. I've seen Badger fans say the same thing.

That said, today, as Wisconsin is undefeated, they also have top 10 potential this year. If they can get past OSU and Iowa, they pretty much have a clean road ahead. I personally don't think they will win those two games, but they're in the position to make a run. And they've looked solid in their first two Big 10 games...will they look as solid against the top-tier of the conference? Only one way to find out, and we'll know by this time next week.

And, finally, we could have lost by a lot more than 3 points. Without that fumble return, it could have been a 2 touchdown game. That said, had we made more of our opportunities in the first half, we also could have won. That's sort of the nature of the game.

...also, come to think of it, I don't remember reading anyone saying WI is a top ten program or that we were lucky to lose by 3.


Thoughtful've had quite a profound learning experience this week.

My take: 1 - 10, some T, some F and vice versa, but it could be just the opposite because I haven't taken my full quota of meds today.

Just exactly why do you hate the Gophers, Art? And what do you gain from pretending to be a fan?

You've really outdone yourself this time.

Just exactly why do you hate the Gophers, Art? And what do you gain from pretending to be a fan?

You've really outdone yourself this time.

art hasn't been able to rip the twins the last few weeks so he has to make himself feel good about something so he is on this board now. i'm sure he'll be back on the ot board ripping the twins again if they Yanks beat them. funny how he hasn't ripped Mauer all year.

As with you Go4, one thing I've noticed about Art these last seven days is he has nothing to say about the Twins. . .nothing negative, nothing positive (of course not), not even a comment on Tuesday's heart-pounding win, not even a backhanded compliment. Rest assured, once the Twins season ends, he'll gleefully jump all over them, but nary a word now.


What do you want me to say about the Twins?

Game 163 was awesome and it's great to see them back in the playoffs but it's simply a product of playing in a bad division. The Twins can beat up on the Royals and Indians of the world but when it comes time to play the big boys, they curl up in the fetal position and suck their thumbs. If the Twins were in the AL East, they would've finished 17 games back. AL West?? 11 games back. Heck, if they were in the AL East, they would've had to play the Red Sox and Yankess 18 or 19 times each. Can you imagine that? You're talking MAYBE an 8-30 record in those games. Tampa and Toronto are probably better than the Twins too, but have to deal with the Red Sox and Yankees year in and year out.

That being said, hopefully Blackburn shows up Friday night and the boys hit with men on base.

I believe Art Vandelay might be fat Pat Reuse (sp?) A turd who is only capeable of dweling on the negatives regarding Gopher football, he is smart at times but very mentally challenged.

1) Last Friday, Wisconsin was a "waning" overrated program on the decline. By Saturday afternoon they were easily a NYD Bowl squad with top 10 potential and "we only lost by 3"

Which is it folks? Can't have it both ways. ;)

2) Apparently Marquies Gray is the next Michael Vick. He so impressive in practice that Coach Brew is afraid to let him actaully throw a pass. You don't want to reveal too much of hte playbook this "early" in the season. :cool02:

3) Cal hasn't scored a TD since leaving TCF Stadium and the Gopher defense is the reason why. They exposed Cal's running game :cool02:

4) The U of M has the only classy fan base.

5) Despite the police blotter, U of M athletes can do no wrong.

6) The defense has improved.

7) Adam Weber will be playing on Sundays.

8) We have "stud" LB's

9) "Big Play" Traye is an oxy-moron

10) We now know why Royston and Carufel transferred

Great stuff. Especially like 4, 5 and 10.

1 your program is still in decline, sorry it is, it's rotting from inside like ours did the last 5 years before Brew, recruiting, HS coaches relationships, under the radar state street incidents will bring your program down.
2 Gray's a freshman
3 We had Cal bottled up but couldn't keep up with their edge speed, Oregon and USC can in spades.
4 we have overall a classy fan base, yours is historically one of the drunkest
5 We suspended our guys when they screwed up, end of story, look around it happens in D1 football, nobody said they can do no wrong
6 Last game the defense took a step back, leaders on the team said so and they will be working their tails off to make sure they continue to move forward, bottom line, this is still a good defense.
7 He very well may be, you don't know that. With Fisch and Brew's NFL contacts, I bet he gets a shot, and all it takes is some luck and the right system to make it(Shaun Hill anyone?)
8 We have 4 solid linebackers who have made play after play all year, look at their tackle numbers, they've been around the ball alot.
9 It is this season, nobody has said otherwise, last season he actually did make some big plays
10 Yeah, both left programs with dbag coaches, and maybe if they had been here all along, they would have grown into better players, they are not spectacular, but they have shown up here and there.

11 Your a Dbag, plain and simple, you know how most on this board feel, but love to stir the pot, get a life

1 your program is still in decline, sorry it is, it's rotting from inside like ours did the last 5 years before Brew, recruiting, HS coaches relationships, under the radar state street incidents will bring your program down.

That is hysterical. If it makes you feel better, keep believing it. The program has never been in better shape. If the Badgers program is in decline, I can't imagine where the Gophers program is.

Good luck against Purdue.

That is hysterical. If it makes you feel better, keep believing it. The program has never been in better shape. If the Badgers program is in decline, I can't imagine where the Gophers program is.

Good luck against Purdue.

You missed the sarcasm. That was directed at Gopher fans......

I gotta admit, I'm just happy that Art has "learned" something. Grats, kid! Keep working hard.

That is hysterical. If it makes you feel better, keep believing it. The program has never been in better shape. If the Badgers program is in decline, I can't imagine where the Gophers program is.

Good luck against Purdue.

Really? You've spurned several high level recruits this last year, you have the Epping not being offered unless he goes to camp first, Eggen is passed over and some no name from podunk is offered instead, Hardy goes to Iowa, a kid who's family has big time badger ties goes to play QB for a rival, Zagzebski has to play politics with the badgers to get an offer. At what point do coaches and kids get sick of dealing with all this and look elsewhere, we saw it here firsthand. You think pipelines from Lacrosse, Hudson, Eau Claire, Menominee, even Wassau can't start filtering out of state, potential recruits/walkons remember their neighbor/cousin/freind who was jerked around by wisconsin coaches and decide to look elsewhere? Then they watch Cal Poly or Wofford play the home state team and their rivals play Cal, USC, Arizona, Pittsburgh etc.
Meanwhile on the field results look good, but start to dwindle slightly, more and more kids hear their coaches and freinds talk about how the Wisky coaches aren't even interested in them.
This is what is happening or very well could down the road, be careful.

Listen, I understand wanting to envision Wisconsin, a bitter rival, as a program on the decline. Similarly, as a Badger, I like to sit and poke jabs at the gopher program, trying to rationalize how they are still a bottom dweller of the Big 10 and why that won't change. The truth is that no matter what people think of Brewster, the Gopher program is going in the right direction with the new stadium and enthusiasm for the program at a higher level than it has been in many years.

Also as a badger fan I feel like what you're saying Ole is complete crap, but as this is a gopher board that is obviously what is going to show up. Rip me and tell me to leave if you wish, but I have to say I share the feeling of GVBadger- I think the Badger football program is in as good of shape now as it has been since 2000. We certainly could lose to Ohio State and Iowa the next couple weeks (though I feel we have a great chance of winning both games) but we are in good shape for another 10+ win season and NYD bowl game. On top of that I don't think we lose more than 2 starters on either side of the ball. We are a predominantly underclass loaded team- which speaks to the quality of recruiting Bielema has done since hired as the defensive coordinator and recruiting coordinator years before he became HC. I've noticed people on this board put way too much emphasis on where Rivals pegs a recruit.

Bash UW all you want, but they have reached a pretty consistent level of quality over the last 15 years or so that is going anywhere anytime soon. Instead of trying to convince people that UW is a program in decline, why not concentrate on what Minnesota needs to do to reach that level?

I'm just saying, treating your in state HS programs this way can't be good for recruiting down the road. Some are going to be on board no matter what, but there are other programs making in roads to you state's backyard, it really seems like the Wisconsin coaches are taking alot for granted, which you simply can't in today's game. As far as our program goes, we'll be fine. I maybe shouldn't have even tried to post on this thread, since it's clearly a bait by a troll. I am certainly more concerned with what Minnesota does, I just got fired up by the original post and it lead down this path. If I'm completely off and BB has all the Wisconsin HS coaches behind him, then my theory is wrong, but if there are murmurs of discontent and people upset at their kids getting jerked around by the home state team, bad things can happen, alright I'm done. back to Gophers and the Purdue game.:cool:

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