There will be College Football This Year....


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2016
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My opinion, and not fact based:

The reason that it is taking so long for the Big10 to cancel the season is because they believe deep down that it is the wrong decision to cancel. Now the ante is being raised by some of the bigger names in College Football. The silent majority seems to be weighing hard on the decision making....Should be an interesting couple days of speculation.

Until the season is officially cancelled you have to continue to prepare for it as best you can. I hope that there is a way they can have the season as most on here. Whatever decision is made should be honored by all teams. If there is someone like a Nebraska that elects to play, they should get kicked out which would be unfortunate as the Gophers have been kicking their ass on a yearly basis lately.

Maybe POTUS will make Army and Navy play each other.

I don't think 'cancel" is the correct term. They will delay/postpone.

My opinion, and not fact based:

The reason that it is taking so long for the Big10 to cancel the season is because they believe deep down that it is the wrong decision to cancel. Now the ante is being raised by some of the bigger names in College Football. The silent majority seems to be weighing hard on the decision making....Should be an interesting couple days of speculation.
I think another reason is the Nebraska issue. If a school or schools opt to play Fall while the rest of the B1G move to spring, what then? They won't be able to play both seasons, then there's the TV money question - do they get to share money from BTN with the b12 (or whomever)? Do they qualify for the B1G championship? What about B1G Bowl berths? I'm sure they want an answer to whether Nebby (and/or whatever other schools) will really play Fall before they make a final decision.

I think there is also the question of whether the CFP (and other Bowls) will remain in January or move to June. I'm sure they have to work with their Bowl partners to make decisions. They may be contractually obligated to supply a team(s) to certain Bowls (CFP, Outback, etc.), where others are always "if a team is available".

Or it may just be that they have made the decision and just want to cross all the t's and dot all the i's before announcing it.
We discussing Trump yet?
Not to get political, but I do have to think having the sitting President of the United States request that you keep fall football has to hold some weight, regardless whether the universities and their presidents are fans of his or not. I could even see them waiting a day or two to at least pretend (if they don't really) that they took a further look due to his statement.

as far as the B1G is concerned, my impression of Kevin Warren is that he is more of a behind-the-scenes, build a consensus guy. Which makes him the wrong guy in this instant-reaction, loudest-voice wins media environment.

As others have noted, none of the P5 Conferences want to be the 1st or the last to call off Fall football. the B1G and the Pac-12 seem to work together on a lot of this stuff. we'll see what happens today (Tuesday).

I am still very skeptical that the B1G will play this fall. I could see the SEC trying to pull it off, but I would be very surprised if all of the P5 conferences are playing this fall.

On another topic, if Nebraska is serious about trying to join another conference this fall, then the B1G should make it crystal-clear that there is no revolving door. if they leave, they should not be allowed back.

I'm guessing major donors at every B1G University are putting out some major ultimatums to these chicken livered turkeys.

I'm guessing major donors at every B1G University are putting out some major ultimatums to these chicken livered turkeys.
If so, I hope those major donors help if something were to happen and the university was on the losing end of a lawsuit. It's clear that that is the main concern from the universities and the donors should realize that too.

If so, I hope those major donors help if something were to happen and the university was on the losing end of a lawsuit. It's clear that that is the main concern from the universities and the donors should realize that too.

Everything points to pretty low chance of large numbers of players having serious consequence from playing. Most likely case is somewhere between 0-1 players per team have. Pretty sure every school carries enough liability insurance to cover 0-1 players who get injured/sick with long term consequences in any year.

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