Theiren Cockran says Gophers will make history this year!!!!

El Amin Fan

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Jul 23, 2012
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>We gone make history this year...mark my word! For all the non-believers! Enough said, I won't speak on this subject anymore <a href="">#GopherFootball</a></p>— Theiren Cockran (@TCockran55) <a href="">June 4, 2014</a></blockquote>
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I'm a believer. We have a legit shot at winning the division.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>We gone make history this year...mark my word! For all the non-believers! Enough said, I won't speak on this subject anymore <a href="">#GopherFootball</a></p>— Theiren Cockran (@TCockran55) <a href="">June 4, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Lets hope is isn't us breaking our own record by blowing a 42 point 4th quarter lead against scUM this time.

If 9-10 wins is considered history than i agree. I actually wouldn't be shocked with a division title though. Next year's team is definitely on the same level as Nebraska, Wisconsin, Iowa


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>We gone make history this year...mark my word! For all the non-believers! Enough said, I won't speak on this subject anymore <a href="">#GopherFootball</a></p>— Theiren Cockran (@TCockran55) <a href="">June 4, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Love the confidence. Would be nice to know what history we gone make this year, but I guess he is done talking about it.

Like the confidence. Certainly think that we are more than a dark horse this year.

Depends on how you define "making history." A 10-win season? A New Year's Day bowl game? A B1G title? Technically, the Gophers have done all of those things before, so it wouldn't be making history - unless you're taking about recent history.

If you put it in the context of "1st B1G title in 47 years," then I suppose that could be construed as making history. Or, winning the Ax, the Pig and the Jug in the same year for the 1st time since (?) -
also historic, especially for the younger fans.

I'll call it.

Beat Michigan and Ohio State in the same year for the first time EVER!

I'll call it.

Beat Michigan and Ohio State in the same year for the first time EVER!

I have to believe that the U of M has beaten both osu and meatchicken in the same year during our time together in the B1G. Sure, it was likely a number of decades ago now. Especially a number of times in the period leading up to and during the 30's, 40's (we won numerous B1G and National Titles in these decades); and likely a few times in the 50's and 60's (2 B1G Conference Titles and a National Title as well).

At one time each team could avoid playing one other team for long periods of time during our dominant period of the 30's and early 40's we didn't play OSU much. I'd settle for doing something we haven't done since 1967 and that's have the Pig, The Jug, and the Axe, at the end of the season.

At one time each team could avoid playing one other team for long periods of time during our dominant period of the 30's and early 40's we didn't play OSU much. I'd settle for doing something we haven't done since 1967 and that's have the Pig, The Jug, and the Axe, at the end of the season.

Hell...we've played Nebraska more times than tOSU.

I have to believe that the U of M has beaten both osu and meatchicken in the same year during our time together in the B1G. Sure, it was likely a number of decades ago now. Especially a number of times in the period leading up to and during the 30's, 40's (we won numerous B1G and National Titles in these decades); and likely a few times in the 50's and 60's (2 B1G Conference Titles and a National Title as well).

Maybe I need to take that back. According to this website, we did do it in 1940. I'll verify on

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