The VIEW from Moonlight corner


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Whew! Its going to be a great season. Tonight was the first official game with GopherLady up with us in the Big People seats. It is an exciting evening with GL - lots of passing of binoculars to confirm White's absence, a ton of text messaging from major media celebrities, hearing all the inside scoops (I'll never tell) but most of all:

It was Rodney Williams' night. The King recruit is dead, long live the King. Rodney looked far better than I expected him to against D1 athletes. It was fun to see his team mates crowd around him after his last dunk. "Skinny" Westbrook (GL's new name for him) and Damien Johnson were both motioning and trying to imitate his move like, "Man you go up in the air and do WHAT?"

Great Student Section turn out tonight too.

Great Student Section turn out tonight too.
You bet! I was very impressed with the turn out and hope the crowds will continue to show up for this team. It will be a while before they face some tougher competition and we know just how good they are, but I like this team.

I was really happy with the student section turnout and the energy for us just playing Tennessee Tech.

The only non conference game with that many students last year was Virginia, which was an ESPN game.

I was really happy with the student section turnout and the energy for us just playing Tennessee Tech.

The only non conference game with that many students last year was Virginia, which was an ESPN game.

They wanted to see Rodney put it down on some fools lol.

I thought Westbrook looked quicker tonight, obviously on his steals that led to breakaway layups, but also when he put the ball on the floor. He's certainly still a small 2, and no hope of being a combo guard.

Great Student Section turn out tonight too.

Seriously - I wish the football students could take notes. It was a Friday night, a horrible opponent, non conference, and we had a perfect view from Moonlight's corner, and it was packed. So impressive. Reason #541 why I love Gopher Basketball.

Great job, Barnyard!!! :)

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