The Vault or The Bank??

As opposed to what? That is what it is, so what else are we supposed to call it?

I call it light rail line now. But it will be the Hiawatha line when the Northstar Line and Central Corridor is finished. We'll have Southwest, Bottineau, Redrock...

I like these names better then colors. It also reinforces the previous comment that names will come and go in context.

I like The Bank. It'll take some getting to use too, I use TCF right now. The old stadium had a lot more bricks then the new stadium. The Bank is more unique from a national perspective and does encourage filling it up with gold. "28 carat" could be the nickname for the best of the best gopher supports.

Is there anything more lame than "The Bank" or "The Vault."......Yeah, those are a couple nicknames sure to strike fear in the opposition......It sounds yuppie and suburbanish.....And what will we call the fans? "The Tellers?"

If the airport commissioners had their way, Memorial Stadium would have been 1 and TCF Bank Stadium would be 2.

Sometimes simplicity isn't elegant.

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