The tunnel walk


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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Now that we are a couple home dates into the season, has anyone here attended the tunnel walk thing (the thing that costs $20 to line the tunnel as the team takes the field)?

If so, I was curious if you felt it was worth it.

I am thinking about buying a couple passes to send my kids down there this Saturday. I know there was a link to where the passes could be purchased. Anyone still have that?

We did it last week. I brought my 4-year old, another friend brought his little girl, and then a couple of other friends brought their 5-year old. We all enjoyed it. There's really not much to it; almost like a glorified victory walk. But it was a fun experience for all of us and fortunately the wife of one of the friends took a ton of pictures that are really great (each of us dads with our kids on our shoulders giving the players five, standing together looking out the tunnell into the stadium, etc, etc.).

Altogether, I'm guessing there weren't more than 30 of us there, but they also had two groups of students down there, one at the front of the line and one at the end. This was good because there were then enough people to have the barrier lined from one end to the other.

For a casual fan, is $20 a pop going to be worth it? Maybe not. But we all viewed it as a contribution to the program and didn't sweat the cost. The kids enjoyed it and so did we (the dads + one mom).

The guy dressed up in the Chicken outfit seemed to enjoy it.

It looked good on the big boards too...seeing fans cheering on the players before they busted out of the tunnel.

Now just take that $20 per person and get Bronko's plow down here and put it at the tunnel.

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