The team we saw last night was ...

The team we saw last night was...

  • Better than the team we saw for the whole of last year

    Votes: 69 67.6%
  • The same as the team we saw for the whole of last year

    Votes: 30 29.4%
  • Worse than the team we saw for the whole of last year

    Votes: 3 2.9%

  • Total voters
50% isn't good. 60% is good. 50% against a crappy team is not good, period. You look at the stats and you might think he was OK but if you watched the game you saw probably 75% of the incompletions were missed by a good 10 yards and 4-5 of those are probably TDs.

You have to look at this game and ask, "How would this level of play fly against Michican,
Nebraska, Michigan St or even Purdue?". The answer is NOT GOOD AT ALL.

mcrow, you're wasting your time. While I'm in agreement with you others will choose to look at it a different way. UNLV is a extremely bad team that took us to 3 OTS's. What does that mean for the rest of the season? Not much; last year the gophers played USC close.....and then proceeded to lose to a bad New Mexico State team.

My point? Previous weeks games can be a very bad indicator of how the team will play in the future.

Better than last year. Make numerous mistakes against an inferior opponent, allow them to stay in the game, fall behind, and still win. Last year this would have been one of those NMSU, NDSU loses.

NDSU 2011 would beat the dog sh.t out of 2012 UNLV. NMSU vs helps that the coach didn't almost die on the side line....that's a large distraction.

NDSU 2011 would beat the dog sh.t out of 2012 UNLV. NMSU vs helps that the coach didn't almost die on the side line....that's a large distraction.

He didn't almost die on the sideline.

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