The Sports Huddle Summary: Matt Limegrover - 10/14/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Ofensive coordinator Matt Limegrover filled in for coach Jerry Kill on today's Sports Huddle. Kill had a seizure following the post game news conference after yesterday's game with Northwestern.

1) Jerry Kill status: Talked to Rebecca - he did have a seizure. Team doctor and personal physcian wanted to keep an eye on him, so he was transported to a Twin City hospital, which Kill didn't want. Rebecca told Limegrover that Jerry is feeling good and resting comfortably and should be released some time today.

2) Defense had good games in the second halves of the Iowa and Northwestern tilts: "Hardest part is looking through the negatives for the positives." Offense had seven fumbles yesterday and lost two of the fumbles. Northwestern did not have a fumble. Offensively we need to help the defense. Football is a team game, "We're not playing team football . . . too many mistakes on offense." Limegrover said they played two winnable games but didn't get it done. Team experencing growing pains, it's part of the process.

3) Sid asked about defensive adjustments at half-time: Limegrover said both Iowa and Northwestern threw some new wrinkles on offense that they had not seen on film. Had to make some minor adjustments and the defense looked better in both games in the second half.

4) Sid asked about Gray's injury: "We'll meet at twelve and will know at that time and (injury status) a couple other guys."

5) Sid said the team is much better when Gray is in the game: "He brings a lot to games. Marquies is a head ache guy for denfenses (players and coaches)." Gray appeared to have suffered a low ankle injury to the same foot that was injured in the Western Michigan game, and he did not play after sustaining the injury on the sideline when he was tackled.

6) Mona asked about the red shirts being taken off Roderick Williams, RB and Lincoln Plsek, TE: "We said we're at the breaking point, wanted to make sure it wasn't a snap decision." Williams and Plsek also contributed on special teams. Williams was putting pressure on the Northwestern punter when he shanked the punt. The coaching staff said the two freshmen could help the team, now, as they play the remaining games.

7) Mona asked about the "phantom" snap: Limegrover said the team was ready: "Seven guys teeing off but not the center."

8) Sid asked about 3 and 1 situation when the Gophers threw the ball: Limegrover said Northwestern's defense dictated the call . . . an opportunity presented itself." Northwestern was packed in for the run, however, at the last moment they dropped back into coverage. He said he'd like to have that play over.

9) Sid then asked about the 4 and 1 call at games end: "We had two routes to the right and one on the left side (McDonald) . . . unfortunately, Max got a little excited but put a little too much on the ball." Andre was going against a smaller defensive back (the coaches liked the match up).

10) Mona said McDonald looks like a wide receiver: Limegrover mentioned a couple injuries that set Andre back. He went on to say McDonald is a nice addition to the (receiver) rotation. He also said we'll see quite a bit of McDonald in upcoming games . . . McDonald is gaining confidence.

11) Tommy Olson injury: Limegrover said the injuries to Gopher offensive linemen has hurt the team's continuity, because they've had to move players around to shore up the line. "We need Tommy back in the rotatation." He also mentioned Ed Olson being injured in yesterday's game and that he's looking forward to the injury status report later this morning.

12) Dave raised the weight loss story that Limegrover has experienced since last year: "I feel 100%, 100 times better." His doctor told him he was on the verge of some bad things becasue of excessive weight. Family considerations provided the impetus to get his weight under control. He's lost more than 140 pounds and his goal is to lose 150 pounds.

13) Sid asked if the team's redshirt group is a good one: He talked about the team's youth (not as an excuse) and how excited they are with the redshirts as a group. "You need depth and qualtiy depth."

Go Gophers!!

Thanks again DL.

And I saw your thread about Coach Kill is out of hospital and now at home.

Thanks, DL. Always appreciate these notes you have nearly every week. From a gopher fan in China that cannot listen to 'cco, you are a lifesaver.

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Thanks again! Couldn't listen this morning due to a family committment.

Always a pleasure reading this later when I can.

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