The Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 9/23/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Once again, coach Kill was meeting with some recruits when the weekly show began. During the show he sounded upbeat and enthused about the 2012 Gopher team. Synopsis of his comments on the Sports Huddle are as follows:

1) Sid said last night's victory was probably the best of his long career: Kill responded saying: "I've been coaching for thirty years . . . every win is pretty good." He then said last night's win was a good one for the fans and spoke about the atmosphere and the student section, "The team and fans fed off the students." He spoke at length on the team's effort: "Did play hard." The coaches have been stressing the importance of playing hard; when you play hard good things happen.

2) Sid mentioned the goal line stand: "Defense played hard and kept us in the game." He also said the offense did not turn the ball over. He then returned to the defensive side of things: "The defense played hard and physical . . . we're recruiting defensive players with speed and strength . . . you win with defense."

3) Sid talked about speed in the secondary and linebackers: Kill immediately credited the strength and conditioning coaches - "They've done a good job in strength and running." He also said the defense has a good mix of new and veteran players, "We're getting there." Sounded very positive about the defense and the progress they've shown.

4) Sid mentioned Greg Eslinger and said the current center will be there for a long time: Kill said Zac Epping had practiced at center during the entire fall camp, even though he started at guard. "Zac is hardnosed and a tough kid." Kill said all good OLineman can play a number of line positions. He ended the question saying the team has experienced a number of injuries and the kids have bought in to the coaches philosophy "Next man up."

5) Devin Crawford-Tufts: "He played his best game . . . ran good slant routes . . . and (the vertical route) the touchdown called back." He quickly pointed out that the offense left 13 or 14 points off the board and that happens when you have a "young group." That's why they stress the importance of playing hard. When you play hard good things will happen.

6) Mona mentioned the Gophers tip drills in practice: Kill said they stress creating turnovers every Tuesday and Wednesday in practice: work on stripping the ball, tipping, interceptions and concentration, which can pay dividends during the games (stressed the word concentration.

7) Not giving up big plays on defense: "We missed a couple (big plays) on offense." The defense, however, did a great job of keeping the ball in front of them. Kill sounded enthused, positive and excited about the Gopher defense.

8) Sid asked about Andre McDonald: Didn't practice last week. He said he understands everything is fine and it's time to move forward. Medical staff and trainers told him that McDonald's tests "Checked out good." However, he further added, as a result of McDonald's health-related problems, "He's been set back (in preparations and practice)." Nevertheless, he sounded positive about McDonald.

9) Sid asked if Gray could have played: "No way . . . can barely jog." Gray was involved in the game and offense and got especially excited on the touchdown pass that was called back. (Apparently he jumped up upon the completion.) Kill said Gray is "A great kid . . . good with the other quarterbacks . . . a team player."

10) Intensity of the defense: "Their quarterback (Syracuse's) is a great quarterback . . . team beat West Virginia last year and most of the team is back . . . crowd had a lot to do with it (energy level and loudness kept the Syracuse qb out of rhythm)."

11) Mona asked what it'll be like to face a team that huddles (Iowa): "We have a lot of things to do to get better . . . Iowa will not be happy and will be ready . . . always working ahead." He mentioned that Iowa is the start of conference play and it's an important rivalry game.

12) Sid asked about team injuries: "Got some." He said Tommy Olson sustained an ankle injury and didn't play in the third quarter. Joe Bjorklund suffered a slight concussion last week and didn't play last night. Lamonte Edwards didn't play (had a concussion last week) but will be ready for Iowa. Gray, of course, is nursing a high ankle sprain and it sounds as though he won't be ready for a few weeks. Once again, Kill said, "Must play hard." After the Iowa game, Minnesota will enjoy a bye week, which Kill welcomes. The week off will give them a chance to heal.

13) Kirkwood: You keep a guy in when he's in rhythm. KJ Maye got a few reps. "Donnell is running well."

14) Iowa: Said he has not studied any tape related to Iowa. They'll focus and review Iowa game tapes this afternoon. They'll review last night's game tape first. He also mentioned he's busy meeting with visiting recruits this morning. "Ferentz is a great coach . . . throw out the record books when Big Ten gets underway." Menitoned it being a rivalry game and important to the teams. "Need to prepare and get small victories during the week (steady improvement)." He expects it will be loud at Kinnick.

15) Tyrone Carter, Michael Carter's uncle: Kill was very grateful for the support Tyrone has shown him, especially when he sat Michael down last year because of school-related problems: "Tyrone was there with me." He added, "Michael's grown up . . . playing well . . . you do the right things, you get rewarded." He stressed you must take care of the little things, if you expect to be rewarded and succeed.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks DL65, as always. I was wondering about Edwards.
Seems we need a lot of "next man up" guys. Kill and crew are getting reps to a lot of players and keeping a good portion of the team involved. Maybe we will have to start a list of who doesn't play?!:rolleyes:

DL, your diligence is appreciated.

Thanks again for another great summary.

You give a gopher fan in China a chance to hear what Coach kill has to say nearly every week.

Thanks for being an honored member of the gopherhole.

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Could it be a better day? Watching my recording of the game, logged on to Gopherhole. Waiting for DL65, and just like clockwork it appears. Thank you not only for the detail, but also the diligence.

Thanks DL. your reports are invaluable to those of us who can't get Kill's visit on the Sports Huddle. Some of us get Gardenhire instead...Big frikking deal.

In church on Sunday morning I can concentrate on heaven and hell instead of daydreaming about Sid and Jerry. Thanks DL!

In church on Sunday morning I can concentrate on heaven and hell instead of daydreaming about Sid and Jerry. Thanks DL!

If you don't feel like going to church one Sunday morning you can do it from home. First, to concentrate on hell just listen to Sid on the radio and then second to concentrate on heaven you could read DL65's report. It is all there.

Thanks DL. your reports are invaluable to those of us who can't get Kill's visit on the Sports Huddle. Some of us get Gardenhire instead...Big frikking deal.

So why can't you get the Kill segment Doc?

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