The Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 9/16/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Just back from a fun-filled day with my children, grandchildren and extended family.

I was able to to listen to the Sports Huddle with coach Kill before we left for Des Moines and our family get together. Here's my somewhat belated summary:

1) Yesterday's game and the Gophers 3-0 start: "Never apologize for winning. We have to improve our play and prepare for Syracuse. We overcame some adversity." Kill said he was talking to a couple recruits (no names given, obviously) when the program began. After he finishes meeting with the recruits preparations for Syracuse will be their focus as well as making improvements in their preparations and play.

2) Donnell Kirkwood: "Donnell stepped up his play at critical times. He got us in position to win." (His long run run for a first down late in the fourth quarter to run down the clock was cited.)

3) Gray's injury: "We'll know a lot more later today." A MRI was run on his knee: "Knee didn't look too bad." Has a high ankle sprain, which can take time to heal. Apparently, Marquies was in a pile and his body was bent one way and his leg another.

4) Shortell: Next man up because of injuries in football. (Kill said they keep harping that those not starting are one play away from seeing the field, "Great example for those on the sidelines.") For that reason, the 2nd and 3rd QBs get a lot of reps in practice. Didn't take a conservative approach when Shortell came off the bench. "Coming off the bench, he (Shortell) did a great job."

5) Sid wasn't happy with the Gopher defense: "They (WMU) didn't throw the ball deep." Nevertheless, they did get some hits on the WMU quarterback despite their short passing game and his quick release. Additionally, Western Michigan ran the ball more than they normally do. Kill was not happy with the rushing yardage that the Gophers allowed. Nevertheless, he called yesterday's game: "Good team win."

6) Dave asked about the punting game yesterday: "We're working with a freshman." He said there will be some struggles at times when you have freshman punter and Eldred is an Aussie that is learning the game of American football. He also said, "There are some things we can do with him." He didn't elaborate on his last quote.

7) Mona said the Gophers did a good job pass blocking but struggled in their attempts to open holes for the running backs: Kill said the passing game loosened up the running game, but WMU 3-4 defense focused on stopping the run and they were successful at times. That said, the Gophers gained 200 yards rushing and it's their desire to gain at least 200 yards rushing in each game, according to Kill.

8) Kill was asked who would back up Shortell now that Gray is injured: Kill responded immediately saying Philip Nelson would be Shortell's back up. However, it is still their hope to redshirt Nelson this year.

9) Sid asked about Eldred's recruitment: Kill again repeated the story of last week. Eldred was coached in Australia by a gentleman that coached a punter at LSU a couple years ago. Eldred missed a couple days of fall practice because he had leave the country for few days because of visa regulations. Eldred went to Canada and then returned to the U campus and he is a walk on player.

10) Mona asked about the status of Brandon Green and Andre McDonald: Brandon is still nursing a sore knee and Andre is still learning what he needs to do (Kill's words). During yesterday's game the on-field receivers got in a rhythm so they (Green and McDonald) didn't see the field. It sounds as though McDonald is physically recovered and able to play but his familiarity with the offense is still a work in progress.

11) Tufts: "He's got be a difference maker." Kill spoke favorably about Tufts, "Played well and blocked well." Tufts, however, had a problem with cramping up yesterday, as Aaron Hill did last week.

12) Lamonte Edwards injury: Apparently he suffered a concussion yesterday. It sounded as though Edwards had improved as day went on. Kill said concussions are always scary, and, of course, they take them seriously.

13) Kill was asked if A.J. Barker is on scholarship: "He's doing a good job . . . he'll be fine." He went on to say the players know the coaches/team policy about walkons getting a scholarship. He also said that he has sat down with Barker, but didn't elaborate or divulge the contents of their discussion. He sounded positive about Barker's play as a receiver and punt returner.

14) Sid asked Kill about the Wisconsin game with Utah State and the Aggies missed field goal against the Badgers: Kill said he didn't watch the Wisconsin game and is focusing on his team's preparations and development.

15) Dave mentioned the review of the play related to the spotting of the ball and discovering that Minnesota had too many players on the field: Kill responded saying the refs do a good job and the discovery during the review can happen. He also said WMU's hurry up offense created some problems related to getting players on and off the field and that the Broncos at times would have 14 players on the offensive side of things before getting players off the field which created problems for the Gopher defense (what defense to call).

16) Syracuse preparations: The coaching staff and team will look at yesterday's game film and then shift focus to Syracuse and reviewing the Orangemen tape.

17) Health-related promotions at upcoming games spearheaded by Rebecca Kill: Coach Kill said next week's game will have some cancer awareness promotions. There'll be a similar promotion in an upcoming game that'll be related to epilepsy. Obviously, both health-related issues are an interest in the Kill family.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks DL. It's frustrating not to see McDonald playing. Hope he gets whatever he needs to get figured out figured out.

I happened to be looking in the direction as Lamonte Edwards got up, fell down then got up and stumbled and fell down again. It looked like he passed out. It was really scary to watch.

I happened to be looking into the direction as Lamonte Edwards got up, fell down then got up and stumbled and fell down again. It looked like he passed out. It was really scary to watch.

That was really scary, it's one of those things where you need a teammate to notice first and sit him down. He almost got up a third time before the trainers got there.

And thanks DL! Great summary like always.

Thank you Mr DL65! Glad you got to have a great day with your family! Second to Gopher games that is what I miss most about being so far from Minnesota and the ROK.

Thanks DL. I was worried about you all day until I saw this summary. Glad it was nothing more than a bout of Iowa.

Ski-U-Mah and Go Gophers!

I happened to be looking in the direction as Lamonte Edwards got up, fell down then got up and stumbled and fell down again. It looked like he passed out. It was really scary to watch.
I saw it too. At first it looked like he was trying to adjust his shoe or something. He then gets up all the way takes a step, goes to take another step and his left leg just started wobbling for a couple seconds then he went down. He looked around really confused and then he was surrounded by medical personal. I was very impressed by there response time. As soon as it happened we all knew he was concussed. It was legitimately scary to watch. Sorry for the long post but I thought others might be curious. Anyone see the. Block he took on it? My friend said he got laid out but I didn't see the block as the kick returner was running the other direction

I listened to the podcast of Coach Kill's appearance. Then I read DL65's summary and was amazed at his detail. He reported things that I would have had trouble reconstructing five minutes after listing the the interview. I did pick up a couple interesting comments on the podcast that I'll intersperse below.

Just back from a fun-filled day with my children, grandchildren and extended family.

I was able to to listen to the Sports Huddle with coach Kill before we left for Des Moines and our family get together. Here's my somewhat belated summary:

2) Donnell Kirkwood: "Donnell stepped up his play at critical times. He got us in position to win." (His long run run for a first down late in the fourth quarter to run down the clock was cited.)

Kill also commented on the 4th-and-one play that got stuffed when Western Michigan anticipated the call, saying that in retrospect the Gophers should have gone at that situation a little differently.

15) Dave mentioned the review of the play related to the spotting of the ball and discovering that Minnesota had too many players on the field: Kill responded saying the refs do a good job and the discovery during the review can happen. He also said WMU's hurry up offense created some problems related to getting players on and off the field and that the Broncos at times would have 14 players on the offensive side of things before getting players off the field which created problems for the Gopher defense (what defense to call).

Kill elaborated a bit on the implications of WMU's no-huddle offense. He said (I think I am remembering this right) that they could have 12 players in a huddle, but that in no-huddle they had up to 14 players on the field before making their final adjustments. The refs have to give the Gophers a "reasonable amount of time" to respond to the offense's personnel shuffling." Kill acknowledged that it was difficult for the officials to define and apply "reasonable time." I'm guessing that his animated discussion with an official after the penalty was called was contesting whether the Gophers were allowed sufficient time to respond to the package that WMU had on the field.

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