The Southern: Coach Kill poker run is back


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Nov 11, 2008
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Former SIU football coach Jerry Kill and his poker run were back in town Saturday.

After a one-year hiatus, Kill partnered with Huck's and Southern Illinois Healthcare to host the Huck's Ride for the Fund, with proceeds supporting the Coach Kill Cancer Fund.

The ride almost didn't take place again this year but in April, Kill told Huck's Senior Vice-President of Operations Mark McKinney the event needed to go forward.

Last August, McKinney's 24-year-old son, Andrew, lost his three-year fight with melanoma cancer. When Kill and McKinney discussed scheduling details, the conversation took a mystical turn.

The University of Minnesota football coach had only one free date on his schedule. It just happened to be July 12 -- Andrew's birthday.

"It's not (a coincidence)," McKinney said. "We had a lot of hands in that, including Andrew's, I think."

Go Gophers!!

Kill's energy level is amazing. If he does not have something scheduled, he'll do positive projects every time.

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