I am highly impressed with Fleck's commitment to creating and/or accepting all opportunities to appear in the local media, whether on Fox 9,, FSN, or with Paul Allen on KFAN. It is a barrage of coverage as others have noted previously.
I remember when some stated last year, when Tracy C. was down to one internet based show, and the Sensors radio appearance that this was the new normal, with cord cutting, that those of us that expected traditional media shows were living in the past. Apparently PJ Fleck does not share that view.
This guy works very hard am not sure if it is possible for him not to succeed at a very high level if he sticks around for 7-8 years. He seems to bring in great coaches and can recruit well, so I am not sure what the pitfall could be other than leaving. Even the Wisconsin and Iowa fans are starting to accept this reality, reluctantly. Of course actually beating Wisconsin is the only thing that will really change that problem with that group.