The meltdown in Madison!

Nov 20, 2008
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Almost Wizard of Oz like with the wicked witch. I'm laughing about the comments on BB's wife. When he first got married she was the second coming of Princess Di.
Now it's she use to be a stripper who gave lap dances. It looks like the Neil Diamond Christmas albums will be out early this year for Becky fans to quell their
depression. " Holly Holy " !!

The bad thing in all this is I think Wisconsin will end up with a better football coach than Bielema. Alvarez isn't going to let that program slip.

It sounds like I am missing something. What is the meltdown other than BB leaving for Arkansas?

Just watched the Dan Patrick Show.

- B.B. said that he didn't talk to Barry before he agreed to take the Arkansas job, because Barry was so persuasive, he might talk him out of it.

- Before he took the Volunteers job, Butch Jones turned the Wisconsin job DOWN! Let's start the list shall we?


Butch Davis? Why would they even think about hiring him?? That makes absolutely NO sense if true.

Maybe Butch Jones??

Butch Davis? Why would they even think about hiring him?? That makes absolutely NO sense if true.

Maybe Butch Jones??

Gotta think he was going for Butch Jones who just took the Tennessee job. I got Jones and Davis mixed up today as well when talking to a co-worker. Butch is such an unusual name, odd that there are two of them in such an exclusive small pool of coaches that are out there.

Gotta think he was going for Butch Jones who just took the Tennessee job. I got Jones and Davis mixed up today as well when talking to a co-worker. Butch is such an unusual name, odd that there are two of them in such an exclusive small pool of coaches that are out there.

And yet, substantially more in the pool of women's basketball coaches.

The bad thing in all this is I think Wisconsin will end up with a better football coach than Bielema. Alvarez isn't going to let that program slip.

Agree with this. There might be some turbulence initially, but as long as Alvarez is the AD, football will be the priority at UW, and he'll make his hire accordingly.

Agree with this. There might be some turbulence initially, but as long as Alvarez is the AD, football will be the priority at UW, and he'll make his hire accordingly.

That is correct, even at the expense of an entire B1G Baseball program.

Agree with this. There might be some turbulence initially, but as long as Alvarez is the AD, football will be the priority at UW, and he'll make his hire accordingly.

The only thing we have going for us is Alvarez's incredible ego and hubris. His "priority hire" could be his downfall.

You have to believe that BA hired originally BB as a win-win for BA: If Wisconsin continues to win with the a-hole, BA is a genius. If Wisconsin loses under a huge a-hole like BB, BA can come in and "save the program" from BB's grasp by returning to coaching. BA is still a genius as he looks for a new coach.

As it turned out, the former panned out, and BA gets to coach again--which becomes a new win-win for him: Wisconsin loses to Stanford, and all the Budgie fans say "well, BA tried!!!" and BA is still a genius. Wisconsin beats Stanford, and BA is an absolutely f-in' genius, and the greatest coach in the history of the world.

He might have to hire another a-hole to keep up his own image.

- Before he took the Volunteers job, Butch Jones turned the Wisconsin job DOWN! Let's start the list shall we?

Do you have a link for this? I haven't seen that and can't imagine it is true; Alvarez isn't going to offer a guy that runs a spread offense. Wisky will keep to what they have always done.

This is a huge hire for Barry, and I'm sure he'll do his due diligence. They absolutely HAVE to select a coach that shares the same philosophies and will largely keep the same system intact.

Any notable change in the status quo and that train will be derailed very fast. I just don't see any way somebody could come in and change offensive philosophies and maintain any level of success.

The big question, the more immediate question, is how badly do Hoke, Meyer, Ferentz, and (hopefully) Kill absolutely GUT their recruiting class while they look for a new coach.

It's always a risk to hire a new coach.

I think some of the Badger fans underestimate the potential down side of this whole scenario. There are very few coaching hires that pan out to be home runs. Many are mere singles and many are total strike outs. IMHO, the Wisconsin program is not at the level that it can afford a strike out and easily bounce back, especially with neighbors Iowa, Illinois, and Minnesota looking to capitalize on the slightest weakness.

And if you look across all the sports at UW, Alvarez has a mixed record at best in terms of the hires that HE has brought in as head coaches.

Do you have a link for this? I haven't seen that and can't imagine it is true; Alvarez isn't going to offer a guy that runs a spread offense. Wisky will keep to what they have always done.

I mentioned in the post that it was from this morning's Dan Patrick Show. Last hour if I remember correctly. They were talking to a gentleman from Tennessee about the Volunteer job.

This is a huge hire for Barry, and I'm sure he'll do his due diligence. They absolutely HAVE to select a coach that shares the same philosophies and will largely keep the same system intact.

Any notable change in the status quo and that train will be derailed very fast. I just don't see any way somebody could come in and change offensive philosophies and maintain any level of success.

The big question, the more immediate question, is how badly do Hoke, Meyer, Ferentz, and (hopefully) Kill absolutely GUT their recruiting class while they look for a new coach.

IMO, BA will have a hard time luring in a name HC. BA sets the tone for the football program and is only interested in handing over the playbook and scheme and maintaining their current identity. BA's guy could likely be an OC who shares his scheme. If so, BA will have his hands all over the program including hand picking the assistants. With that scenerio, BA could just as well name himself the HC for a couple of years and wait for Chryst.

IMO, BA will have a hard time luring in a name HC. BA sets the tone for the football program and is only interested in handing over the playbook and scheme and maintaining their current identity. BA's guy could likely be an OC who shares his scheme. If so, BA will have his hands all over the program including hand picking the assistants. With that scenerio, BA could just as well name himself the HC for a couple of years and wait for Chryst.

I think this is wishful thinking more than anything.

This is great stuff. Keep it up.

The only prediction I will make is that whoever is hired to coach the Badgers, the choice will be universally ripped by people on this board who will be predicting the demise of the Wisconsin program. It will make the off season so much more entertaining, it is going to be awesome. When the fall rolls around, the Badgers will win number 10 in a row and it will be back to reality.

Barry is 1 for 1 in the only hires that are important to an athletic department. If he wants to whiff on 15 hires in a row for gymnastics, swimming, softball, crew and women's basketball, he can go right ahead.

The Wisconsin program is far past the flash in the pan success that other programs have had. 6 Rose Bowls in 20 years speaks for itself and there are not recruits today that know anything other than Wisconsin being a big time program. It would take a Morton or Brewster like hire to tear that down overnight and Alvarez is not that stupid.

If Maturi was making this hire, I would be seriously concerned.

The beautiful irony is of course that everyone on this board who thought Bielema was such a bad coach and an asshole is now celebrating his departure as the first sign the program is falling apart. Kind of like having it both ways. Could they make the wrong hire? Sure, but there is more talent in the program now then there has ever been and they have a lot more margin for error then they would have had if Alvarez left after 2000 or if Bielema would not have been so successful.

Carry on.

The problem to me that Wisconsin has in this hire is Urban Meyer, they have had some luck the last few years, that isn't likely to occur in the near future, to equal the previous success they are going to have to beat him and that is not going to be easy no matter who they get. I think this will impact candidates actually being interested in the job and who they finally get.

This is great stuff. Keep it up.

The only prediction I will make is that whoever is hired to coach the Badgers, the choice will be universally ripped by people on this board who will be predicting the demise of the Wisconsin program. It will make the off season so much more entertaining, it is going to be awesome. When the fall rolls around, the Badgers will win number 10 in a row and it will be back to reality.

Barry is 1 for 1 in the only hires that are important to an athletic department. If he wants to whiff on 15 hires in a row for gymnastics, swimming, softball, crew and women's basketball, he can go right ahead.

The Wisconsin program is far past the flash in the pan success that other programs have had. 6 Rose Bowls in 20 years speaks for itself and there are not recruits today that know anything other than Wisconsin being a big time program. It would take a Morton or Brewster like hire to tear that down overnight and Alvarez is not that stupid.

If Maturi was making this hire, I would be seriously concerned.

The beautiful irony is of course that everyone on this board who thought Bielema was such a bad coach and an asshole is now celebrating his departure as the first sign the program is falling apart. Kind of like having it both ways. Could they make the wrong hire? Sure, but there is more talent in the program now then there has ever been and they have a lot more margin for error then they would have had if Alvarez left after 2000 or if Bielema would not have been so successful.

Carry on.

Wrong. The celebration HERE is just a reaction to the angst THERE. Again that's the board. It's been HIGH-LAIR-E-US!!!!!!

The problem to me that Wisconsin has in this hire is Urban Meyer, they have had some luck the last few years, that isn't likely to occur in the near future, to equal the previous success they are going to have to beat him and that is not going to be easy no matter who they get. I think this will impact candidates actually being interested in the job and who they finally get.

That, along with Wisky not getting recruits on the level of OSU...Me thinks a lot of 8-4, 5-3 seasons are ahead with trips to the Gator and lesser bowls...

This is great stuff. Keep it up.

The only prediction I will make is that whoever is hired to coach the Badgers, the choice will be universally ripped by people on this board who will be predicting the demise of the Wisconsin program. It will make the off season so much more entertaining, it is going to be awesome. When the fall rolls around, the Badgers will win number 10 in a row and it will be back to reality.

Barry is 1 for 1 in the only hires that are important to an athletic department. If he wants to whiff on 15 hires in a row for gymnastics, swimming, softball, crew and women's basketball, he can go right ahead.

The Wisconsin program is far past the flash in the pan success that other programs have had. 6 Rose Bowls in 20 years speaks for itself and there are not recruits today that know anything other than Wisconsin being a big time program. It would take a Morton or Brewster like hire to tear that down overnight and Alvarez is not that stupid.

If Maturi was making this hire, I would be seriously concerned.

The beautiful irony is of course that everyone on this board who thought Bielema was such a bad coach and an asshole is now celebrating his departure as the first sign the program is falling apart. Kind of like having it both ways. Could they make the wrong hire? Sure, but there is more talent in the program now then there has ever been and they have a lot more margin for error then they would have had if Alvarez left after 2000 or if Bielema would not have been so successful.

Carry on.

I don't disagree. I am interested in what precipitated Bret Bielema's departure. He was doing a very good if not excellent job and he has Big Ten / Midwestern roots, played at Iowa and grew up in Illinois. Is his pay raise to jump to Arkansas that huge? Not good for the Big Ten if a quality coach bolts for the SEC.

I don't disagree. I am interested in what precipitated Bret Bielema's departure. He was doing a very good if not excellent job and he has Big Ten / Midwestern roots, played at Iowa and grew up in Illinois. Is his pay raise to jump to Arkansas that huge? Not good for the Big Ten if a quality coach bolts for the SEC.
I suspect ego, Wisconsin is still Barry Alvarez's program, whatever Bielema accomplished it would always be in Barry's shadow, a continuation of what Barry started.

The only prediction I will make is that whoever is hired to coach the Badgers, the choice will be universally ripped by people on this board who will be predicting the demise of the Wisconsin program. It will make the off season so much more entertaining, it is going to be awesome........

The beautiful irony is of course that everyone on this board who thought Bielema was such a bad coach and an asshole is now celebrating his departure as the first sign the program is falling apart. Kind of like having it both ways. Could they make the wrong hire? Sure, but there is more talent in the program now then there has ever been and they have a lot more margin for error then they would have had if Alvarez left after 2000 or if Bielema would not have been so successful.

Carry on.

Everything I've quoted - I agree. Even the most elite schools, of which Wisconsin is not, have a hard time making a successful hire. Your odds of matching the success of Bielema are worse than a coin flip. And while I can, I'll rejoice in that, then we'll see the results and I'll adjust my level of enthusiasm accordingly. I do wish your program success, but just enough to be our red-headed stepchild. Keep the Big Ten proud, and fold against us like you did for the first sixty years. Carry that tridition 'on Wisconcsin.'

I think it's far funnier and pathetic that Budgie fans post here, on Minnesota's board, in order to justify their own insecurity. That's hilarious. Bulemic's departure, for good or for bad, should be celebrated. One less d1ckhead in the region improves all of our lives.

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