Honest question- do other D1 teams have dedicated workout areas for linemen? They may not call it a "lineman center," but considering the specific nature of linemen drills and techniques, I would not be surprised if other teams have designated specific areas of their workout facility for linemen - just as they might have designated specific areas for running backs or WR's.
It's a matter of emphasis. If I said the U of M feels they need to improve their o-line and d-line play, and were creating a designated workout area for intensive line drills, would anyone on here say "that's a terrible idea," or "we don't need better line play."
This whole pissing match is because the linemen center was proposed by Claeys, and nixed by Fleck.
If Fleck had asked for a linemen center, I maintain that we would be having the exact same argument in reverse. Johnny and Josh would be praising the idea, and Spoof would be making snide comments about it.
Here's a suggestion. I'm dead serious. Let's shut down Gopher Hole until the start of fall practice. Take the site dark. This pointless bickering is becoming more pathetic every day.