The GH PS Pick Game, Week 11: It's Hard To Buck The Funnies In The Sunday Paper


GopherHole Straw Boss
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
I am formulating how I'm going to handle the stretch drive of the game, once we get to Thanksgiving. In the interim, consider the following:

$468 Plinnius
$334 et hoc transibit
$287 Go4Rushing
$280 SunGopher
$265 alpinegopher
$250 RickMons
$247 parkinglotgopher
$246 GoldysGal
$225 esahnow
$210 cold man
$210 Tweber
$200 grunkiejr
$181 Winnipegopher
$171 MSNRaisedGoph
$160 alltimetwinsfan
$154 nemosgold
$149 denguegopher
$132 mjohnson6767
$128 GopherLady
$127 RoyalGo4
$115 GopherDeuce
$106 RodentRampage
$96 BobWoWGoph
$96 GopherInQatar
$86 ncgo4
$75 USTGopher
$39 MKE_Gopher
$35 Zales04
$33 kapps014
$23 LesBolstad
$23 walleyedude
$22 DarrenTheGreek
$10 FireDaveLee
$9 foreveragopher
$8 atthebar
$8 RadioBadger
$7 soneillumn
$4 marathonman
$4 The Big L
$- AeroGopher
$- ALGopher
$- balds
$- Big Play
$- blue52
$- Chadypu
$- Curseislifted33
$- Donovan
$- dwminn
$- frozengopher
$- GoldRush
$- GoldyPushUps
$- GopherHarvey
$- GopherHoleFan
$- gophertree
$- husker70
$- Jike Spingleton
$- josh087
$- JPIIGopher
$- Maverick
$- monk10
$- Schnoodler
$- SelectionSunday
$- Ski U Mah Goph
$- Sparlimb
$- TheSportsAce
$- ust4life

And your offerings for this week:

OHIO STATE -16.5 Iowa (Oh how the mighty have fallen in IC)
WISCONSIN -8.5 Michigan (Going against Rich Rod has been the cash cow all year)
ILLINOIS -4.5 Northwestern (Hangover for the Mildcats?)
PENN STATE -25.5 Indiana (I have a feeling this one could turn into a firefight. 51.5 for a total seems a little low)
Michigan State -2.5 PURDUE (This opened as a PK)


PITTSBURGH -7 Notre Dame (This could be what finishes off Fat Charlie)
SOUTHERN CAL -10.5 Stanford ('Furd bunch is a country mile better than the bunch that came to the Coliseum two years ago)
OKLAHOMA -20 Texas A&M (Depending on what A&M team shows up, this could turn into a firefight as well)
OREGON STATE -11.5 Washington (Beavers are on their annual November surge, while the mutts are fading fast)
BOISE STATE -31 Idaho (Broncos' last semi-legit test, and they're 31?)

Deadline for action is Saturday, November 14 at 11 AM CST. Good hunting.

$22 WISCONSIN -8.5

$22 PITT -7

I'm in a free-fall lately. Time to get back in the track. Move it on up. Buy baby new shoes. Just win, baby.

$35 on Wisconsin -8.5

Man I feel stupid after last week. Lesson for next year: NEVER bet on the Gophers.

$33 on Ohio State (-16.5)
$22 on Wisconsin (-8.5)
$22 on Purdue (+2.5)
$110 on Pittsburgh (-7)
$33 on Stanford (+10.5)

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