The Gazette: ‘We hate Iowa’ no longer sanctioned by Minnesota

My hate for Iowa is there, but it is not even close to my hate for the skunks. Not even remotely close.

My opinion is that this is a public relations move. The athletic department can not endorse this chant in this pc world we live in where people now get offended for anything. It probably should not have been in the media guide; but seriously how is he going to stop the chant?

Let's just switch them around:

We hate Bo Ryan and

f--- Iowa

If anything we now know it really gets to Iowa fans and school administrators.

I have gathered this impression from talking to Iowa fans, and occasionally seeing it mentioned on their fan boards. Long story short... it bothers them.

I have gathered this impression from talking to Iowa fans, and occasionally seeing it mentioned on their fan boards. Long story short... it bothers them.

OK. Where should I list the things that bother me about Iowa?

I've never hated Iowa. There basketball program is always average and their football team is ok.

I've never understood the big deal about Iowa.

I hate their fans who think they are some big time program.

I HATE BUCKY! They have actually done something.

Nag, nag, nag. Teague sounds like my wife. I started teaching my daughter the who hates Iowa we hate Iowa chant when she started talking at 1.5 years old. Now she's 3 and can be counted on to finish the chant every time. Talk about a proud dad. Apparently my wife, like Teague, has been ignoring it for the past few years and now all of a sudden I'm a bad father and I need to start setting a good example. That was the whole point of teaching her the chant. It was all fun and games until her preschool teacher said something to my wife.

We should start chanting "Who loves Iowa? We love Iowa!" I suspect it would annoy Iowa fans even more than We Hate Iowa!

Woody, get rid of that p.a. announcer first and then work on this

It allows us to show solidarity with out opponent in non-conference games. After all, they probably hate Iowa too. Taking it out of the program's not a problem, I never knew it was in there the first place.

Exactly! It actually makes me like Iowa State and Nebraska; they hate Iowa almost more than we do.

Outsiders do not understand.

I wouldn't mind it if it went away when we actually played Iowa, but i hope it still stays around in the non con games when Iowa isn't even until 5 games later on the schedule. It shows our true dislike for them.

To me, that's the best aspect of this chant - busting it out when Iowa isn't in the house, or when we're on the road. It perplexes opposing fans, and they get sort of a puzzled, yet amused, look on their face.

My father is proponent of the "Who Hates Iowa?" chant to say the least. Last year we we're at the Northwestern game and, after 1 or 5 too many drinks, my pops starts the chant. Much to mine and others around us pleasure and excitement, we finish the chant proudly. About 10 seconds after, the lady behind us turns to her husband and says, "Does he know we're not playing Iowa?". The husband just laughed in her face. Im guessing that is the last road trip she'll be allowed to attend.

Nag, nag, nag. Teague sounds like my wife. I started teaching my daughter the who hates Iowa we hate Iowa chant when she started talking at 1.5 years old. Now she's 3 and can be counted on to finish the chant every time. Talk about a proud dad. Apparently my wife, like Teague, has been ignoring it for the past few years and now all of a sudden I'm a bad father and I need to start setting a good example. That was the whole point of teaching her the chant. It was all fun and games until her preschool teacher said something to my wife.

^this. this is what parenthood is all about

Nag, nag, nag. Teague sounds like my wife. I started teaching my daughter the who hates Iowa we hate Iowa chant when she started talking at 1.5 years old. Now she's 3 and can be counted on to finish the chant every time. Talk about a proud dad. Apparently my wife, like Teague, has been ignoring it for the past few years and now all of a sudden I'm a bad father and I need to start setting a good example. That was the whole point of teaching her the chant. It was all fun and games until her preschool teacher said something to my wife.

I nominate you as GH Father of the Year!

I think the hating Iowa or Wisconsin more debate comes down to geography. If you live in the metro area, wisky is in your back yard, so of course you hate them more. People like me (grew up in Minnesota, but could throw a rock into Iowa from my county) are naturally gonna hate Iowa more. I live in okoboji now, so it's all the worse. ( can Minnesota annex okoboji??) But I proudly wear my gopher gear about town, loving the raised eyebrows from obnoxious Hawkeye fans! Just know im doing my part down here for my fellow Minnesotans. Ski-U-Mah!!!

He's got my vote!

They were learning the 50 states last week and when they got to Iowa, my daughter said "who hates Iowa, we hate Iowa!" She got scolded and is now confused. I secretly assured her it's ok, just not at preschool or around Mommy.

They were learning the 50 states last week and when they got to Iowa, my daughter said "who hates Iowa, we hate Iowa!" She got scolded and is now confused. I secretly assured her it's ok, just not at preschool or around Mommy.

That is good parenting. You teach her what to say, it is up to Mom to teach her when to say it. Preschool teachers are such stick-in-the-muds. Most of them have the personality of a wart.

The problem is I don't hate Iowa. Wisconsin is much more deserving of the vitriol.

100% a PR move. Taking it out of the program and official U of M stuff makes sense. Won't make it go away on gameday and if anything all of this will probably make the chant even more popular because fans will feel like they are sticking it to the administration for telling them not to do it.

100% a PR move. Taking it out of the program and official U of M stuff makes sense. Won't make it go away on gameday and if anything all of this will probably make the chant even more popular because fans will feel like they are sticking it to the administration for telling them not to do it.

Right on. Never tell a group of college kids not to do something. It will backfire on you. Hell, University of North Dakota, formerly the Fighting Sioix, has a big hubbub over a fraternity wearing shirts that said Siouxper drunk.

I would rather be posting comments about how excited I am with Jer's first verbal commit of '15 truth be told.

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