the Future of the Gopherhole?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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While many seem to basking in their moments of anonymous fame (a moronic oxymoron if I ever heard one) some of us are reflecting on our role in what may be the illegal violation of privacy perpetrated on our team members.

I frankly believe Dorsey’s statement that the phone is in someone else’s hands - esp. since the police seem to have its theft on film. That is called 'evidence'. It totally explains why they are out for the season. The person who has the phone holds a virtual hand grenade and can pull the pin at anytime. Dorsey can shut down access to his twitter account, but he can’t do anything about the fact that this video is in someone else’s hands. How about airing it a half hour before game time? How fun would that be? Half time at the BT tourney? Great publicity. What is the actual consequence for this kind of privacy violation? Basically none.

We’ve helped it along by providing graphic and explicit descriptions of the video content which has basically made it available to everyone.

It is no secret that coaches and teams have a love hate relationship with social media. Tubby Smith was reluctant to recognize the Gopherhole as part of the media. And here you can see why. There are no journalistic rules, no ethical standards, and a message board does not have to ask the question, “Was the this video legally obtained?” before diving in. Then we get excited because we’re cited by actual journalists as the ‘source’ of information? They were smart to keep their distance from this as long as possible.

So we’ve managed to get a major assist in dragging the program through the mud, and now there are equal parts "I’m loyal to them 4-ever" and "I’m through with them” laced in every thread.

There is rarely a thing called total innocence. And there is rarely a thing called total guilt. These guys are guilty of stupidity, and carelessness, and in many people’s eyes, immoral behavior. We have managed to be true fans in the spirit of the origin or the word - fanatics. One part support, two parts gossip mill. I have to wonder if it makes sense going forward for me to be a part of it. I don’t have a good feeling about this. I know Bleed and GL personally, and I’ve met some fine people through this board and had some entertaining discussions. But there’s a dark side to it, and while I like to think I elevate the level of discussion, that is probably a rationalization.

excellent post-- - this is what I was trying to say/ask in my post in "this might be nothing but...". Everyone wants to contribute to the discussion (scratch that-too many people just like to correct grammar)- most people want to contribute, even under an alias, but is contributing helping? I have found myself erasing many of my posts after re-reading because it wasn't going to add to a discussion, but was more likely to be able to be taken in a negative manner or was overly critical of our young student athletes. And that might be the biggest thing we need to remember in all posts-- these kids are 18-20 year old kids(ok Buggs is about 24 but you get the point) and they will make mistakes and most of those mistakes will have very little forethought in them. Just like you did at that age if you think about it honestly.

Is our contribution helping?

Thank you - good post and question. Lots of my posts bite the dust as well.
And I think in looking at how this has unfolded, some of us not young people can see how social media can bite you in the butt in ways you didn't intend.

This isn't the only place on the internet that was talking about the tweets. There are other message boards that have been discussing this and beyond that, Doogie, an actual member of the media, became aware of the videos before anyone at GH. Once something like this hits the public domain, it's uncontrollable, even if GH creates a policy of deleting all threads related to stuff like this. That is something a person should think about before they decide to record something that is meant to be private, intimate, and potentially embarrassing. Dorsey was the one who made the grenade that is now being wielded against him and his teammates. He had many opportunities to avoid this situation...don't record the act, use a pass key on your phone, set up Find My iPhone app to delete all data if the phone went missing, etc. etc. I don't think GH or anyone here deserves any blame for this situation.

Thank you - good post and question. Lots of my posts bite the dust as well.
And I think in looking at how this has unfolded, some of us not young people can see how social media can bite you in the butt in ways you didn't intend.

Lots of reasonable thought in your O.P. What might be over looked, and you'll probably see it in this thread, on a free board there are also posters who's main point is to troll and make things look even worse than it is.

Sometimes, unfortunately, the U makes it too easy for them to do that.

Great post. I recently took a 2-3 month hiatus from Gopherhole because of how the season was going. I know full well that the season wasn't going well, but to come on here just to read nothing but toxic negativity spewed at the team, Pitino, what have wasn't worth the time.

"It's just the internet, what we say doesn't matter" right? Had this thrown at me many times over the years of being on here. This situation is proof that it DOES matter. How well would this debacle be known about if it hadn't been thoroughly documented on here? I venture a guess, not that well. See, even that I had to be careful of how I worded that, because if I just said "Not that well" 10 people would jump down my throat saying I can't prove that or flame me for word usage, grammar, whatever. It can be pretty stupid, to be honest.

. ... That is something a person should think about before they decide to record something that is meant to be private, intimate, and potentially embarrassing. Dorsey was the one who made the grenade that is now being wielded against him and his teammates. He had many opportunities to avoid this situation...don't record the act, use a pass key on your phone, set up Find My iPhone app to delete all data if the phone went missing, etc. etc.

Thanks for the common sense. Well said. I would add. ...

Dorsey/these young men at minimum made 2 and perhaps 3 terrible choices: (1) have a threesome with others watching; (2) videotape it; and perhaps (3) post it on social media (still TBD who posted it). The dummkopf-meter goes up drastically with each choice.

As Madtown pointed out, there was discussion on this all over. This just happened to be where you saw the information. It was all over Twitter (and much more explicitly than on here) and those tweets weren't posted on here. It was worse on the STrib comments than here, etc.

Go Gophers!!

Moon the righteous; get over yourself!


the blame falls entirely on the players. you didn't have to care about the details if you didn't want. you could have chosen to avoid reading about the situation if you wanted. my gosh.

Great post. I recently took a 2-3 month hiatus from Gopherhole because of how the season was going. I know full well that the season wasn't going well, but to come on here just to read nothing but toxic negativity spewed at the team, Pitino, what have wasn't worth the time.

"It's just the internet, what we say doesn't matter" right? Had this thrown at me many times over the years of being on here. This situation is proof that it DOES matter. How well would this debacle be known about if it hadn't been thoroughly documented on here? I venture a guess, not that well. See, even that I had to be careful of how I worded that, because if I just said "Not that well" 10 people would jump down my throat saying I can't prove that or flame me for word usage, grammar, whatever. It can be pretty stupid, to be honest.

I find the tough times to be just as interesting as the good times in terms of content here, but you do have to wade through some toxic waste in order to find the jewels of wisdom.

As far as the OP goes, this is just one tiny corner of the Internet. The site does serve the intended purpose - conversation, news dissemination, etc. Of course there's going to be gossip and rumor mongering. You take the sketchy with the legitimate. The genie is out of the bottle when it comes to this site and the broader nature of the Web, so we just have to live with the world as it is. All that said, I wouldn't blame anyone from blowing this pop stand.

There are plenty of threads about how stupid these guys are for what they did, which I don't disagree with.

As you can see there is a bit of discussion possible here. Not everyone thinks I am a self-righteous ass lacking in common sense.

Ethics is not just about right and wrong or blame.

As Madtown pointed out, there was discussion on this all over. This just happened to be where you saw the information. It was all over Twitter (and much more explicitly than on here) and those tweets weren't posted on here. It was worse on the STrib comments than here, etc.

Go Gophers!!

Curious as to how you feel about the Gopherhole being cited as the main source of info by the media.

As Madtown pointed out, there was discussion on this all over. This just happened to be where you saw the information. It was all over Twitter (and much more explicitly than on here) and those tweets weren't posted on here. It was worse on the STrib comments than here, etc.

Go Gophers!!

EVERTHING is worse on the Strib comments section...

As Madtown pointed out, there was discussion on this all over. This just happened to be where you saw the information. It was all over Twitter (and much more explicitly than on here) and those tweets weren't posted on here. It was worse on the STrib comments than here, etc.

Go Gophers!!

Perhaps. But all the tweets I saw regarding this situation when it first happened linked to the original GH topic that was posted about it.

I find the tough times to be just as interesting as the good times in terms of content here, but you do have to wade through some toxic waste in order to find the jewels of wisdom.

As far as the OP goes, this is just one tiny corner of the Internet. The site does serve the intended purpose - conversation, news dissemination, etc. Of course there's going to be gossip and rumor mongering. You take the sketchy with the legitimate. The genie is out of the bottle when it comes to this site and the broader nature of the Web, so we just have to live with the world as it is. All that said, I wouldn't blame anyone from blowing this pop stand.
Good points, and for those us pretty tuned in there's some gallows humor that occasionally makes my day. Such as bombs to Moscow.

Curious as to how you feel about the Gopherhole being cited as the main source of info by the media.

The role of journalism has changed dramatically over the last 5-7 years. "Citizen journalism" is everywhere and no clearer example than how the media covered the events in Cairo a few years back. CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc. were providing real time updates from random people on Twitter. They had live Twitter streams. Same thing happens during school shootings. CNN reporters stalk Twitter users who appear to be live tweeting the events, and these reporters are assuming that the Twitter users are actually where the shootings are happening, when it could be some 40-something woman in Edina. Had someone at the Star Tribune been tracking the various social media sites that talk Gopher sports over the weekend, they wouldn't have been caught off guard when the suspensions came down, and Amelia wouldn't have been sitting at home that game and the STrib would have sent her to Illinois. I am not sure why the other reporters in town who did know about the videos didn't start going after the story.

Go Gophers!!

Good points, and for those us pretty tuned in there's some gallows humor that occasionally makes my day. Such as bombs to Moscow.


I think all of my posts yesterday had some sort of movie reference. Not on purpose; just worked out that way.

Moonlight raises some good points.

I will say all the tv and radio comments I saw/heard, pretty much all mentioned Gopherhole. Not sure if that is good or bad.

I too was wondering how much of the ugly would be out there publicly if it were not for GH.

The role of journalism has changed dramatically over the last 5-7 years. "Citizen journalism" is everywhere and no clearer example than how the media covered the events in Cairo a few years back. CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc. were providing real time updates from random people on Twitter. They had live Twitter streams. Same thing happens during school shootings. CNN reporters stalk Twitter users who appear to be live tweeting the events, and these reporters are assuming that the Twitter users are actually where the shootings are happening, when it could be some 40-something woman in Edina. Had someone at the Star Tribune been tracking the various social media sites that talk Gopher sports over the weekend, they wouldn't have been caught off guard when the suspensions came down, and Amelia wouldn't have been sitting at home that game and the STrib would have sent her to Illinois. I am not sure why the other reporters in town who did know about the videos didn't start going after the story.

Go Gophers!!
Because they need to be careful regarding the ethics of privacy. It was always possible that Dorsey had not posted them himself. They were no longer public, and of a very private nature, in contrast to the examples you cite. Those were journalistic. This isn't much more than expanded voyeurism.

Curious as to how you feel about the Gopherhole being cited as the main source of info by the media.

I am actually a little stunned in that my expectations of print journalism is to have verified, credible sources for all information reported. In this case, I am very unsure that the media actually contacted/confirmed the credibility GH poster who originally reported the Twitter post. I am NOT in any way suggesting the GH poster is not credible. I am suggesting that on an anonymous message board, it takes effort for the press to confirm the credibility of the poster. Which I am not so sure was done before the report was printed.

That said, I have to show my age and ask - What in the hell is going on with people taking nude photos of themselves with their cell phones? In just today's paper we have

- South Carolina teacher quits after nude photos taken from her cell phone by student were posted to social media
- Cottage Grove female has nude photos off her phone texted by store employee during a new phone activation

I mean - what is the thought process going on that makes people think digital photos (nude/sex act) are safe in today's world? I just don't get it

We have entered a brave new world and there is no going back. Journalism has also entered a new era and has an economic need to cover stories like this.

The only way to fully eliminate inappropriate information is for GH to become a moderated board. Every comment would have to be approved by a moderator. These kind of boards exist but mostly for academic subjects and usually for vetting accuracy. For a board like GH it would need a moderator constantly vetting. It is unsustainable.

Having your privacy violated sucks but society is gradually finding out that it is very hard to legislate privacy. Really it is up to the individual to protect their own privacy. If you don't want a sex tape released, don't make one. If you don't want the information on your phone used inappropriately, robustly protect it.

Except in extreme violations like secret cameras, privacy must begin with the individual.

That said, I agree that not every rumor or nugget of information belongs on a message board. I also believe that most people understand this and hold the information to themselves. My only brush with this was several years ago I saw a prominent former Gopher at the Eagan Outlet Mall. We went out at the same time and I saw that he had parked in a handicapped stall and had a handicapped tag. This struck me as odd and inappropriate, but I don't know the whole story and it is really none of my business so I just kept it to myself. I assume most people closer to the U have far more salacious stories than this that they keep to themselves.

This board has a lot of virtual bullies. People aren't allowed to have an opposing thought or opinion without being told they're being stupid or called an idiot, etc. by some board members. This place should be where Gopher fans come to voice an opinion or thought without being ridiculed. We may not always like the message but we should be more mature, and yes I'm including myself. Good grief, this short thread already has two comments about someone being self-righteous, etc. Is there no end?

Most of us are Gopher fans and regardless if some think Pitino and/or certain players should be gone while others believe he should be given more time, in the end we all want the team to succeed and prosper. We simply have different opinions on how to achieve that goal.

I think a lot of individuals who post mature comments have fled this board (some certainly remain) while others simply remain as anonymous readers. It's sad really. I guess when programs hit rock bottom people look for areas to blame and people with opposing views are easy targets on a anonymous message board.

I see this as further indictment of the University administration and their lack of concern about undergraduate programs in general and their athletic department in specific. Undergrad behavior is beneath the attention of administrators to even step in and say "we have heard about this and are looking in to it. once we have more facts we will discuss it."
(Maybe they still think a search firm is responsible for checking on behaviors?)

Even having an assertive athletic director would have helped, but they have been dragging their feet to appoint one.

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I see this as further indictment of the University administration and their lack of concern about undergraduate programs in general and their athletic department in specific. Undergrad behavior is beneath the attention of administrators to even step in and say "we have heard about this and are looking in to it. once we have more facts we will discuss it."
(Maybe they still think a search firm is responsible for checking on behaviors?)

Even having an assertive athletic director would have helped, but they have been dragging their feet to appoint one.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Now the U Administration is responsible for the future of GopherHole or just wrong thread? :D

While many seem to basking in their moments of anonymous fame (a moronic oxymoron if I ever heard one) some of us are reflecting on our role in what may be the illegal violation of privacy perpetrated on our team members.

I frankly believe Dorsey’s statement that the phone is in someone else’s hands - esp. since the police seem to have its theft on film. That is called 'evidence'. It totally explains why they are out for the season. The person who has the phone holds a virtual hand grenade and can pull the pin at anytime. Dorsey can shut down access to his twitter account, but he can’t do anything about the fact that this video is in someone else’s hands. How about airing it a half hour before game time? How fun would that be? Half time at the BT tourney? Great publicity. What is the actual consequence for this kind of privacy violation? Basically none.

We’ve helped it along by providing graphic and explicit descriptions of the video content which has basically made it available to everyone.

It is no secret that coaches and teams have a love hate relationship with social media. Tubby Smith was reluctant to recognize the Gopherhole as part of the media. And here you can see why. There are no journalistic rules, no ethical standards, and a message board does not have to ask the question, “Was the this video legally obtained?” before diving in. Then we get excited because we’re cited by actual journalists as the ‘source’ of information? They were smart to keep their distance from this as long as possible.

So we’ve managed to get a major assist in dragging the program through the mud, and now there are equal parts "I’m loyal to them 4-ever" and "I’m through with them” laced in every thread.

There is rarely a thing called total innocence. And there is rarely a thing called total guilt. These guys are guilty of stupidity, and carelessness, and in many people’s eyes, immoral behavior. We have managed to be true fans in the spirit of the origin or the word - fanatics. One part support, two parts gossip mill. I have to wonder if it makes sense going forward for me to be a part of it. I don’t have a good feeling about this. I know Bleed and GL personally, and I’ve met some fine people through this board and had some entertaining discussions. But there’s a dark side to it, and while I like to think I elevate the level of discussion, that is probably a rationalization.

I'm SO lucky to have met you and you and Sir Moonlight are people I've grown to adore. I am surprised to see you post this though. One of the things I love most about GH is 1. the community and relationships I've built, and 2. the insight and information I've received from people who are "in the know" - there are so many people here that are players, former players, coaches, family members etc, who I have a great deal of respect for their opinions.

Are people always correct? No. But the majority of the time, we do get good information and hear things hear 1st, it's kind of the power of a whole community. People were sharing information, just like they do on Twitter, through blogs, texts, etc. As far as dragging the program through the mud, you can't really blame the messenger. These are just people sharing information. So it would have been ok and gotten swept under the rug had people here not posted about it? No way. Too many people saw it, as it was up on Both Instagram and Twitter.

Bottom line, we'd never want to lose you, as you provide such great takes that I enjoy reading, and selfishly, love having women on this sight that love bball as much as I do.

Well, I'm off to an international flight, and won't be on GH much after this - so don't think I'm ignoring you if I don't reply!

Now the U Administration is responsible for the future of GopherHole or just wrong thread? :D
GopherHole is just a vehicle for presenting this issue. It could have been any other Internet forum. The University administration is culpable for allowing it to become a circus by letting it run rampant on the internet and not being responsible. Look at the psych department.

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Curious as to how you feel about the Gopherhole being cited as the main source of info by the media.

Terrified, because there's no accountability. A "legit" newspaper using anonymous posters on a message board on any subject seems like a slippery slope. I am sure journalist who are sitting in jail cells for not naming their source are shocked

Fair post, ML. But it's not about Gopherhole. If Gopherhole didn't exist this still would have gotten out because of Twitter and discussed on various social media forums. There will always be venues for the fans to discuss the team, and a post like that would always have been a topic of discussion.

Curious as to how you feel about the Gopherhole being cited as the main source of info by the media.

It's the easiest source to cite, being the largest site, free, etc. But do you think they would not have reported anything if we hadn't discussed it? The Strib still cited 'a long time fan' and Doogie, in addition to GH.

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