The Future of New Mexico State - Grantland


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Nov 12, 2008
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New Mexico State University has much to recommend it. The school boasts its own space program. Its athletic department features a men's golf team that's been the terror of the WAC for the better part of a decade. The women's equestrian team has a horse named "Totally Bodacious."

Its football team, on the other hand, has recorded 13 wins in five seasons and hasn't reached the postseason since 1960. It was also one of the last two teams left hugging the wall of the Great Realignment Square Dance, and lost its head coach last winter to a position coaching gig in the NFL.1 Its 2013 schedule has four AQ teams on it, including Texas and UCLA..

"The thing that's really important to me is that we have guys that want to be here. I want them coming here because they want to be a part of this, they want the challenge of making this a football program. And if they're not totally sold on that, I don't want 'em here."

The facilities are being upgraded. Practice is under way. Martin's next immediate target is recapturing the attention of the captive audience that resides in Las Cruces. His sales pitch is a sensible one: "There's nowhere else you're gonna go! We're the show in town."

I can't effing believe we are playing an away game at this school. Total Cluster Fu_ck!

I can't effing believe we are playing an away game at this school. Total Cluster Fu_ck!

I am confused as to what you are talking about--NMSU should play all road games? Minnesota should not have any road game experience before they shuffle off to Ann Arbor and Evanston?

last time we played then we were told that the kids inability to execute difficult schemes allowed NMSU to key. no excuses this time.

Why are you even thinking this way? This is a win. A New Hampshire-style win.

Because I have been to every home game since 2006 with the exception of Syracuse last year for an out of state wedding. When we hired Kill, my buddy said to me "if nothing else, I think this guy is going to turn the easy wins into easy wins." NMSU beating us last time was so embarrasing that it severely shook my confidence in Kill (who I love and think is going to be the coach who turn us around) even though it was one of his first games with the program. I got back on board when he beat Iowa later taht season, and I really hope that we can steamroll UNLV and NMSU wire to wire. I usually am a guy who says "a win is a win is a win" (and "a loss is a loss is a loss"), so I will be content with any win, but I feel like some dominance against these two high schools would go a long way to showing that we have turned a corner.

The Gophers had few options after dumping UNC rather late by football scheduling standards while NMSU had gaping holes in its schedule after the WAC disbanded and no other conference wanted them. I wish the Gophers weren't making this trip, but they are far from the only team of similar status making road trips seemingly beneath their station. Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi State, and Arizona State all have road trips in coming years to MAC, Sun Belt, and C-USA teams. In the end, the Gophers need to generate higher revenues to ensure they can properly buy a home game if they ever get into a similar scheduling jam and avoid playing these types of games.

The Gophers had few options after dumping UNC rather late by football scheduling standards while NMSU had gaping holes in its schedule after the WAC disbanded and no other conference wanted them. I wish the Gophers weren't making this trip, but they are far from the only team of similar status making road trips seemingly beneath their station. Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi State, and Arizona State all have road trips in coming years to MAC, Sun Belt, and C-USA teams. In the end, the Gophers need to generate higher revenues to ensure they can properly buy a home game if they ever get into a similar scheduling jam and avoid playing these types of games.

You're right the problem began and ended with the cancellation of the UNC series. We've talked about it many times.The only good thing about it the fans in Las Cruces get to see a BCS team. They have to win this game.

Oh, and Highwayman a "troll"? Don't think that anybody else has even thought that let alone typed it.

You're right the problem began and ended with the cancellation of the UNC series. We've talked about it many times.The only good thing about it the fans in Las Cruces get to see a BCS team. They have to win this game.

Oh, and Highwayman a "troll"? Don't think that anybody else has even thought that let alone typed it.

In the end, I think there is no problem. Minnesota got TCU and an extra home game that doesn't involve a Dakota and will make more money than thy would of by keeping UNC. It was a PR problem, not a financial one. We traded a BCS home and home for a BCS home and home at got a road game at this disaster.

I know the naysayers think that we will lose and it will destroy our program. I think the opposite. The Gophers open at home against arguably the worst road team in the nation. Minnesota wins going away in a game that is virtually over by the half, and the reaction will be "well, they should have won". My reaction will be "hell, yeah!".

We will roll into Las Cruces 9 days later, just 7 days after NMSU loses by 70 at Texas. The Gophers are up by four scores at the half, and the reaction will be "well, they should have won". My reaction will be "hell, yeah!".

This schedule worked out beautifully. Jerry Kill is licking his chops, and so are the players (licking their own chops). We will run and run and run and run. I predict that NMSU only gets the ball 6-8 times in this game, and almost not at all in the first half.

The "typical Minnesota fan" will say I'm far too optimistic considering our history. History is in the past. The old mindset is gone. Jerry Kill was very careful to extinguish that. The Seniors and RS Freshman that remain are the ones that have the toughest minds and the most perseverance--just the right guys. He's recruited the right guys.

I've never been called a troll before. At first I was mad, now it's funny.

they usually give out stickers at the scrimmage. my kids ask for them.

Now that's funny. We didn't lose any revenue. Not a dime. In the end Minnesota makes more money. You can't always have 4 home NC games. There's a little give and take. Football schedules take years to develop.

Don't ever use the Troll word with me again. I am likely 1000 times the Gopher fan that you are. How many games are you going to this year? I'll be at this game. Supporting the team. In person. Not sitting in my basement fretting as to whether it's going to be on TV or not.

I live 400 miles further away from Mpls. than you do and I will still see half of the games in person.

How much money have you donated to the program outside of buying a hat? I donate a considerable amount of money, and I am not even a graduate of the school. I am not a rich man. I have supported and will support the AD and the football program--through thick and thin. You can yammer all you want, but I doubt you have a grain of understanding about the uphill battle they have to fight.

Don't call out people unless you really mean it.

You were trolling my post and I meant it when I said it. Thank you for your support of my school. I, for one, appreciate all interlopers that give to my school and support my Gophers.

But all the fuzzy math in the world isn't going to change the fact that we lost money on the UNC decision and playing an away game at NMSU is total crap and should never have happened. This is all about the UNC decision and scrambling to replace the game we lost and we got last minute crappola.

I have said nothing (refer to your rant) about all NC games should be home games.

You were trolling my post and I meant it when I said it. Thank you for your support of my school. I, for one, appreciate all interlopers that give to my school and support my Gophers.

But all the fuzzy math in the world isn't going to change the fact that we lost money on the UNC decision and playing an away game at NMSU is total crap and should never have happened. This is all about the UNC decision and scrambling to replace the game we lost and we got last minute crappola.

I have said nothing (refer to your rant) about all NC games should be home games.

Never mind.

So when can I say they are "my" gophers? I went to UMD undergrad and am currently in a grad program at the U. Just curious on the rules.

So when can I say they are "my" gophers? I went to UMD undergrad and am currently in a grad program at the U. Just curious on the rules.

I also have never gone to the U. So I guess they aren't my Gophers either. Shucks, I shouldnt have wasted so much time rooting for, spending money on, and supporting them.

I also have never gone to the U. So I guess they aren't my Gophers either. Shucks, I shouldnt have wasted so much time rooting for, spending money on, and supporting them.

I guess your just another "interloper". I'm curious if I am considered an "interloper". I guess I gotta cheer for a different team :(.

So when can I say they are "my" gophers? I went to UMD undergrad and am currently in a grad program at the U. Just curious on the rules.

Feel free. Maybe Philly is just having a bad day.

I also have never gone to the U. So I guess they aren't my Gophers either. Shucks, I shouldnt have wasted so much time rooting for, spending money on, and supporting them.

Now a Tommie wanting to call them "my Gophers", granting that would be WAY above my pay grade.. ;)

Now a Tommie wanting to call them "my Gophers", granting that would be WAY above my pay grade.. ;)

Very funny! I should at least be given some credit for rooting for our, at the very best, average Gophers as opposed to the excelling Tommies. Sometimes I feel like I'm a glutton for sadness.

"So we're all Gopher Fans, we're all very, very different, but there is one thing that we all have in common: we were all stupid enough to enlist in the Gopher Army. We're mutants, there's something wrong with us, there's something very, very wrong with us. Something seriously wrong with us"

Apologies to Private Winger.

Lol I love your enthusiasm! Really I do. And I do not think I'm a better fan than anyone, including you, for what it's worth. Honestly I'm just a simple gopher fan who has a few season tickets. That's it. Nothing special about me.

Love of the game!

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