If only there were a way to make Weber THINK it was the 4th quarter w/ 9 mins left...

They have scored 20 points against Iowa and the second Quarter is half over...I think that is a first this season. Not to bad, though I understand what you are saying.

No ones gonna mention how spookingly similar this game is to 2006 huh...

That interview with Horton makes me wonder what he has in store for the second half.

If ya all come to the chat room, link on top, ya don't have to constantly do "refresh", etc. Live chat there.

I hope Weber missing Gray on the throw that went to McNight does not come back to be a deciding factor in the game.

Once again the gophers biggest weakness is their 5th year senior qb

Even the announcers, who so far I feel are a bunch of boobs, called the defense of Minnesota. The corners are playing way too soft. Another slant for a touchdown. They have been saying all game how much Iowa relies on slant patterns yet the Gophers continue to give Iowa WR 8-10 yard cushions.

intentional grounding how...outside the tackle box and threw it past the line of scrimage

The only question is did they score too fast?

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