The end is near for Brewster. Maturi

Guys, guys, guys, can we please settle down here? The OP once came over here and practically gave himself whiplash when Dunbar got canned from patting himself on the back on calling the firing before it happened. And now he's doing the same thing again. That's his whole shtick: I'm smart and everyone else is dumb.

As such, just relax. If he wants to think and feel that way, then fine. That's his right. But having things devolve into a pissing match over the term "emo", whether the Fargo school system is any good, whose high school coaches did what, and whose dad took whom to one game or another way back when really isn't relevant.

Are Brewster and Maturi treading on thin ice? I'm not sure. To this point, I've been somewhat underwhelmed by what I've seen so far. But I'm not quite ready to call for either's head yet. Check back in another year and I might feel diffrently however.

Same old crap. Gordy Shaw....Mase Mediocrity. Reminiscing over the good old 2000's when we could count on a 5th place finish and another trip to Nashville. I would rather go Div 1AA than return to that crap. I honestly do not understand how some people think.

Please stop posting half of your first sentence in the title of each post. I must say though, that "GAUtundra clown" insult was pure comic gold. Keep up the good work.

No one will be eating any crow...the ONLY argument I hear from these 'die hards' is that Brewster deserves a chance to show us something. You cannot POSSIBLY know that he will fail at this point...anyone who claims otherwise is simply looking for attention and trying to seem smarter than they are, pinning their name to one of many possible outcomes in the hopes of looking good down the line.

That's kind of like saying no one can POSSIBLY know that the sun is going to come up tomorrow. I guess you're technically right, but history has given us a pretty strong indication that it will.

I don't like Brewster at all and believe he will almost certainly not make it past next season with our tough schedule. But unlike the OP, I am cheering hard for Brewster to succeed next year and would love to see Brewster here for 20 years because that would mean a lot of success. I just don't see it happening under Brewster as I think he's a joke, but I'll be cheering hard next year for me to be dead wrong about him.

I grew up with Minnesota Football being a joke. There was plausable chance of beating any b10 team any week from 1999 unitl 2006.

Minnesota has reverted to the Wacker era or lower. The Brewster results speak for themselves.

My HS football coaches (who were smart enough to play me both ways at all conf. 5-2 DE and TE) would laugh what passes for coaching at MN.

Do you really believe the bit about the Wacker era?. If so you must have vastly different memories of it than I do. I remember three consecutive 1 and 7 Big Ten seasons. I'll take the Brewster era over the Wacker era any day of the week.

BTW congrats on playing both ways in high school.

The reality is that there's a chance next year may be Brewster's last year and there's also a chance it might not be his last year.

My question is: If Brewster does survive next year will OS81 still be around GH?

It's nice to see everyone else realizing what this guy really is: Loon without the racial slurs.

I, for one, feel vindicated. I mean, I said as much many months ago. I was right, so this makes me look very smart. I win at internet message board. :cool02:

I won the Rick Mons FB 'Guess the score' season contest and I 1st predicted Fisch to the NFL prior tothe turn of the year. I am tops!

Sorry to break it to you, but I'M TOPS.

Back in Sep 2008 I predicted that Brewster would dump the spread, hire Jed Fisch, return to the Insight Bowl in 2009, go 6-7 and then lose Fisch to the Seattle Seahawks after Carroll left USC to assume the head coaching job there.

I just don't see how anyone could argue that such a record makes me anything other than #1.

Well I have been going to games since 1974, so that

Wow, 1994. That explains a lot. You missed a lot of football youngster.

puts me way ahead of most on here.

Also, my 1994 season ticket points put me at a very high percentile within the point system, so what did my 1994 tickets explain?

puts me way ahead of most on here.

Also, my 1994 season ticket points put me at a very high percentile within the point system, so what did my 1994 tickets explain?

wow, you ARE impressive.

I think you're most likely right, it will be another tough season, and there's a good chance Brew will get canned.

So, just to spare you the agony, can I have your tickets? I mean, it seems like this whole gopher football thing is causing you quite a bit of pain. why would you want to keep subjecting yourself to something like that?

you're a very angry elf. must be a south pole elf.

Boo hoo hoo, it is my thread an I'll post what ever I

Please stop posting half of your first sentence in the title of each post. I must say though, that "GAUtundra clown" insult was pure comic gold. Keep up the good work.

want in the title line.

Nice try Mr. conformisit, passive aggressive control freak, repressed typical Minnesotan.

They'd chew you up and spit you out in Boston or Jersey. Maybe even in Orange County.

oh, and oak...can you make a reccomendation on Brew's replacement? I don't think you want Horton long term. Just wondering who you think would be best qualified, and who might actually take this well supported position?

Well, I don't have the football history that acornman has, which is probably why my take on Brewster is different. I don't know how this is going to come out, but I refuse to kick a good man when he's down. Brewster has worked as hard as humanly possible to get a lot accomplished in a short time. Things look tough right now, but he's the Gopher coach, sincerely wants to build the program and I'll stick by him until we have someone new. You and your ilk have accomplished, ummm, writing countless obtuse posts that must surely have been yanked from an unmentionable orifice prior to their appearances on this website.

Well, I don't have the football history that acornman has, which is probably why my take on Brewster is different. I don't know how this is going to come out, but I refuse to kick a good man when he's down. Brewster has worked as hard as humanly possible to get a lot accomplished in a short time. Things look tough right now, but he's the Gopher coach, sincerely wants to build the program and I'll stick by him until we have someone new. You and your ilk have accomplished, ummm, writing countless obtuse posts that must surely have been yanked from an unmentionable orifice prior to their appearances on this website.


My HS football coaches (who were smart enough to play me both ways at all conf. 5-2 DE and TE) would laugh what passes for coaching at MN.

And here I was all ready to make fun of you for your unintentionally hilarious posts. Unfortunately, I realized that I only started on one side of the ball in HS. Too bad really. If I had just started both ways I would have been qualified to comment on your unrivaled knowledge of all things football related.

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