The empty stadium

No other way to put it, thin crowd did not surprise me at all, holiday, weather, state of the program etc. It comes down to winning. Nobody knows that more than Kill.

Agree its winning. Madison was packed with the same bad weather and Holiday Break. The only difference was one team had something to play for. And you could argue that Wisconsin had a poor season based on expectations.

This entire thread is baffling to me. We've had horrible, crappy football for the better part of 50 years. A few good seasons (and good players) sprinkled in here or there, but even in those there were heartbreaking losses that made most fans shake their heads (Wisky and Mich at the Dome to name 2). An entire generation or two has grown up on average at best Gopher football. The casual fan is just not going to buy a ticket to watch a 2 win team play an Illinois team who have lost 5 in a row on a holiday weekend in what was forcasted as poor weather.

As for no shows ... I'm a 10 yr season ticket holder who did not attend yesterday and my ticket went unused. Didn't go to New Mexico St. either. If that is a criminal act, so be it. My opinion is that my season ticket contribution to the U is a significant investment on my part and I can do whatever the heck I want. Is the alternative of me not buying the seat going to help the cause at all? I tried for a solid week to basically give the seat away.

I applaud you all who have made every game and drive long distances to do so. I think its great. I live 15 minutes from TCF and feel no remorse about spending the day with my two kids instead of going to the game. You that go to every game are better fans than I am, no doubt about it and we need that core to grow. But unless you want to come drag me out of my house (can you change a diaper for me while I'm here?) I think we should all just focus on how to get those unsold seats filled (winning games) instead of biatching about those who are no shows.

Good post. You bought it its your right. Family is more important than a FB game.

That particular day, it was. I had the opportunity to go. Why can't a reasonable adult make a decision to go to a football game or not? This is the craziest thing of all-time. You all should start a topic secret police to investigate those who have a ticket to an event but choose not to go. take the Section, Row, and Number of every empty seat and launch the Fox-9 crew off on an investigation. Maybe get the I-Team on it.

When the team is a consistent winner ... and it would only need to be one good season imo, those of us who "only" choose to go to 4 or 5 games a year will come to 6 or 7 and those who aren't coming will rediscover how great Gopher fb can be. But until then, there will continue to be empty seats.
On the whole I get what you're saying and agree. I mean, family should always come first. But are you actually saying that "spending time with your kids" becomes less important if the team is winning? Because the bolded above confuses the heck out of me.

On the whole I get what you're saying and agree. I mean, family should always come first. But are you actually saying that "spending time with your kids" becomes less important if the team is winning? Because the bolded above confuses the heck out of me.
No, the kids will actually want to go to the games. Lol.

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