The Chosen One has arrived, but no one understands his language.

PJ say sky as in up above...when I was in school everyone said ski as on what you do in the winter. I get a kick out of him trying though

PJ say sky as in up above...when I was in school everyone said ski as on what you do in the winter. I get a kick out of him trying though

You said skee u mah? How old are you? I've always said ski as in sky.

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PJ say sky as in up above...when I was in school everyone said ski as on what you do in the winter. I get a kick out of him trying though

Yeah pronouncing it like skeee was never correct.

I attended the U from 1989 - 1997...bachelors and masters.

I can sing the Rouser as well but obviously I have always gotten on small part wrong ;-)

PJ say sky as in up above...when I was in school everyone said ski as on what you do in the winter. I get a kick out of him trying though

It's SKY-YOO-MAH. No alternative pronunciations.

He's been pronouncing it correctly...

Guys, Derhey is trolling.....

I have a huge Minnesota flag on the front wall of my classroom and I now live in Nebraska...let me tell you that takes balls and shows my passion for Minnesota.

He's been pronouncing it correctly...

BarnBoy....are you saying I am right? Obviously I am not. I can admit when I am wrong but I hate when people are dicks about it.

BarnBoy....are you saying I am right? Obviously I am not. I can admit when I am wrong but I hate when people are dicks about it.

Derhey, my old college roommate pronounces it Skee - Yoo - Mah too.

I think the poster meant he = PJ Fleck.

BarnBoy....are you saying I am right? Obviously I am not. I can admit when I am wrong but I hate when people are dicks about it.

I don't even know what this means.

Fleck has been saying "sky you mah" which is correct. I'm not mad at anyone and I don't think I'm being a dick about it.

I apologize for being defensive...I love for my family, biology, and The Gophers. I swear on a stack of Origin of Species that I know people who say skee u MAH and not Sky. I can change...

I don't even know what this means.

Fleck has been saying "sky you mah" which is correct. I'm not mad at anyone and I don't think I'm being a dick about it.

You are not being a dick at all, just a few others (specifically Taji34).

You are not being a dick at all, just a few others (specifically Taji34).

Not my intention sorry! I honestly thought you were trolling because of the wording. My bad, I have trouble sometimes discerning wether people are being serious or not on the internet. Sorry

I apologize as well. Trust me though. I'm a faithful Gopher...never trolling.

8 yrs at the U and didn't teach you the correct pronunciation? They missed the boat on that one (pun intended)

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I don't even know what this means.

Fleck has been saying "sky you mah" which is correct. I'm not mad at anyone and I don't think I'm being a dick about it.

It was Sky-U-Mah in '79-'88 too!

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Wow, some civility, what is this Gopher Hole coming to? Lol.

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Still more understandable than Wacker's Geezo Beezo.

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