The best thing Claeys can do in this situation is...


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2011
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coach a competitive game (hopefully an upset) against Northwestern. There will always be people that want to keep harping on Kill's condition, but if we can go out there and give our best performance of the season, it lends instant credibility to narrative that the staff continuity allows us to keep moving forward when facing this kind of adversity.

Conversely, if we go out there and lay an egg, all of the naysayers will have more fuel for saying that the condition is too big of a distraction.

Get out there and win one for your coach boys. Whatever we have in the tank, we need to use next weekend against the Cats. Get well coach.

How this will play out on GHole regardless of the record the most vocal of Kill's supporters will want it both ways. If Kill's absence becomes lengthy and the team is competitive they will go with the instant credibility line and even though they have been preaching the plan in place when Kill is gone if the team performs poorly they will use Kill wasn't there to explain it away.

How this will play out on GHole regardless of the record the most vocal of Kill's supporters will want it both ways. If Kill's absence becomes lengthy and the team is competitive they will go with the instant credibility line and even though they have been preaching the plan in place when Kill is gone if the team performs poorly they will use Kill wasn't there to explain it away.

A team's fans being supportive of that team's coach! How dare they! What nerve!

A team's fans being supportive of that team's coach! How dare they! What nerve!

You can be supportive of the team's coach and admit the "no worries plan in place" line when the head coach is missing parts of a game or all of the game doesn't work anymore.

You can be supportive of the team's coach and admit the "no worries plan in place" line when the head coach is missing parts of a game or all of the game doesn't work anymore.

How do you know it's not working? Are you saying we would've beaten Michigan if Kill had been on the sidelines?

How do you know it's not working? Are you saying we would've beaten Michigan if Kill had been on the sidelines?

Regardless of the outcome of the game the head coach needs to be there on game day. Kill himself has admitted as such and people can't keep going with no big deal if he misses games.

Regardless of the outcome of the game the head coach needs to be there on game day. Kill himself has admitted as such and people can't keep going with no big deal if he misses games.

That's your opinion. And you want to lambaste others for having a different opinion. I happen to believe that the coach should be there and that it's a basic necessity, but that is an opinion unsupported by anything other than an educated supposition. Conversely, others feel that most of the work is done during game week and that the outcome isn't dependent upon one person's presence at game day. It's something that cannot be proven or disproven, because a coach cannot be both there and not there at the same time for a game. So, what it boils down to is that you want to rip on people who choose to have a positive outlook because you are relentlessly negative.

The best thing he can do is win games. Playing close games is not really a big positive it simply points to the mistakes and short coming of a team. I think we have a pretty clear view of the Gophers basic weaknesses as a team. The Gophers need to win games in the Big Ten and get to another bowl game. Losing isnt helping anyone at this time. This team needs the confidence winning breathes into a program. The Gophers are a heavy underdog to the Wildcats but it would be a great time to go pull off a nice upset that the team really needs.

That's your opinion. And you want to lambaste others for having a different opinion. I happen to believe that the coach should be there and that it's a basic necessity, but that is an opinion unsupported by anything other than an educated supposition. Conversely, others feel that most of the work is done during game week and that the outcome isn't dependent upon one person's presence at game day. It's something that cannot be proven or disproven, because a coach cannot be both there and not there at the same time for a game. So, what it boils down to is that you want to rip on people who choose to have a positive outlook because you are relentlessly negative.
"Rambling rose,rambling rose...where dpodoll stops no one knows" You love a rebuttal for the sake of the rebuttal. What a beauty!

"Rambling rose,rambling rose...where dpodoll stops no one knows" You love a rebuttal for the sake of the rebuttal. What a beauty!

I love rebutting negative Chicken Little posters. Present company included. It doesn't hurt anything to be positive. It makes the board a lot less fun to read, though, when a large percentage act like a bunch of whiny little bítches.

That's your opinion. And you want to lambaste others for having a different opinion. I happen to believe that the coach should be there and that it's a basic necessity, but that is an opinion unsupported by anything other than an educated supposition. Conversely, others feel that most of the work is done during game week and that the outcome isn't dependent upon one person's presence at game day. It's something that cannot be proven or disproven, because a coach cannot be both there and not there at the same time for a game. So, what it boils down to is that you want to rip on people who choose to have a positive outlook because you are relentlessly negative.

You're right about me ripping on people but not for the reason you suggest. I am ripping on those people who surely will want it both ways when it comes to Kill's absence. If you think those people aren't out there your kidding yourself.

And referring to me as Chicken Little poster. Point out where I have said the sky is falling.

I love rebutting negative Chicken Little posters. Present company included. It doesn't hurt anything to be positive. It makes the board a lot less fun to read, though, when a large percentage act like a bunch of whiny little bítches.

+1. Dpo nails it.

Thanks bigelow, that's the direction I was hoping this thread would go.

Winning can cover up a lot of warts, and losing exposes them. Let's look to exploit their run defense.

Exactly. That is all Claeys should be focusing the team on is the next game. I think our Run Offense will dictate the outcome of the Northwestern game, assuming that is what we are talking about. :)

+1 It is time to put our big boy pants on

The idiots are running this place right now.
I swear there's a portion of gopherhole that sits idle until there's something negative to hammer on, they'd see the program burn to the ground as long as their opinion is proven true.

coach a competitive game (hopefully an upset) against Northwestern. There will always be people that want to keep harping on Kill's condition, but if we can go out there and give our best performance of the season, it lends instant credibility to narrative that the staff continuity allows us to keep moving forward when facing this kind of adversity.

Conversely, if we go out there and lay an egg, all of the naysayers will have more fuel for saying that the condition is too big of a distraction.

Get out there and win one for your coach boys. Whatever we have in the tank, we need to use next weekend against the Cats. Get well coach.


I love rebutting negative Chicken Little posters. Present company included. It doesn't hurt anything to be positive. It makes the board a lot less fun to read, though, when a large percentage act like a bunch of whiny little bítches.

Wrong. I attack people's stupid ideas, not the people themselves. They are very different things.

...define attacking people, please, because I don't follow. In my humble opinion, this kinda sorta sounds like you are attacking someone for not being sufficiently positive by what are, I'm sure, your entirely objective standards. Please let us know what opinions are and are not acceptable on GopherHole.


...define attacking people, please, because I don't follow. In my humble opinion, this kinda sorta sounds like you are attacking someone for not being sufficiently positive by what are, I'm sure, your entirely objective standards. Please let us know what opinions are and are not acceptable on GopherHole.


You are not understanding the definitions of words. I am attacking people for acting like whiny little bìtches, i.e., attacking their actions, not the people themselves. Do whatever you want on GopherHole, just be prepared for a rebuttal. When did I say anyone wasn't free to be relentlessly negative? I'm equally free to treat them like the little bìtches they're being.

Dipdoll attacking people for their opinions. So they're whiny. In the grand scheme of things does it really matter? And another thing Dipdoll. After 60 years of losing people have a right to be whiny. If a
30 year season ticket holder wants to whine, so what. He's invested quite a bit in Gopher football.
Quit trying to be Judge Jury, and Hangman. So those that want to whine! Bugger on!!!

I happen to believe that the coach should be there and that it's a basic necessity, but that is an opinion unsupported by anything other than an educated supposition. Conversely, others feel that most of the work is done during game week and that the outcome isn't dependent upon one person's presence at game day. It's something that cannot be proven or disproven, because a coach cannot be both there and not there at the same time for a game.

Agree 100% with this.

I think chances are very likely that Coach Claeys will do at least as well as Horton did under similar circumstances. In fact, I think
the situation is better, from a football standpoint, than it was back then.

If Claeys can get a couple BIG wins, and can get the Gophers to a bowl game- ANY bowl game, it will be a big success.

If the Gophers were winning 9-10 games a year and Jerry Kill couldn't be on the sideline for any of them, we'd give him a 10 year, $40 million contract and build a statue for him.

I swear there's a portion of gopherhole that sits idle until there's something negative to hammer on, they'd see the program burn to the ground as long as their opinion is proven true.

Unfortunately I think that is a by-product of being in a sports market dominated by professional sports AND the younger crowd having grown up in the EA Sports generation. Your casual sports fan follows the NFL where they have salary caps, revenue sharing and the worst team gets to pick the best new player each year. Thus quite often teams can go from bad to good really fast and they think "Pfffft, why can't the Gophers do that?"

Then you have the younger generation having grown up playing NCAA Football on EA Sports since they were 7 and think "Pffft, when I coached the Gophers I had top 10 recruiting classes and won 4 national championships immediately."

Play to WIN! Not keep the score close ( copyright Michigan )

We had to stay close to have a chance to win. The same people who were upset about not being more aggressive at the end of the first half would have been equally pissed if we were aggressive and Leidner threw a pick six just before halftime. Can't have it both ways....

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