The Athletic: I think he (Cam Christie) should have returned to school.

I think guys in his position did go back to school and will make more money doing it, Hawkins is the obvious one. No way he would have returned to Minnesota but he could have found a school willing to shell out pretty significant amounts of cash.

Tough decision... concensus weak draft this year. He gambled he could sneak into round one.
Didn't happen. Only way to really know is to do it. He did get drafted...his opportunity is all in front of him.

He could have waited until next year but with greater analysis time maybe his "potential" would have been perceived less. Easily could have been more too but there are no guarantees.

Play the hand you dealt for yourself and don't look back. Totally still up to him.

concensus weak draft this year.
I've seen/ heard this a lot about this year's draft. I also heard (can't remember from who/ where, maybe Jeff Goodman?) that after the first 20 picks or so, it returned to a more normal draft. I don't follow the draft that closely (this year or in any year), anyone else have any opinions on this? Because if the last 2/3 of the draft (where Christie was always rumored to go) were "normal" talent wise, the first 1/3 being historically week shouldn't have really made much of a difference for him.

All those here who were advocating for Cam to leave for the draft...saying it was a you still feel that way?

At least it wouldn't have mattered anyway, with him entered into the transfer portal.

I've seen/ heard this a lot about this year's draft. I also heard (can't remember from who/ where, maybe Jeff Goodman?) that after the first 20 picks or so, it returned to a more normal draft. I don't follow the draft that closely (this year or in any year), anyone else have any opinions on this? Because if the last 2/3 of the draft (where Christie was always rumored to go) were "normal" talent wise, the first 1/3 being historically week shouldn't have really made much of a difference for him.
Just going by what the consensus is from the guys who follow year is loaded.
So, for lots of reasons you roll the dice on this year if you are Cam.

His decision is fine if he has a good summer league.

Paul George likely not back for the Clippers may start a youth emphasis for them?
I'd like him to be a Gopher but I don't see the argument he screwed up by leaving...for his future.
Gophers obviously better if he was still here, but there is plenty of logic for him to leave.

If the Gophs had a million bucks to keep him he would have stayed...change schools or play G league...take the g league imo

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