That crowd really surprised me!

Mr. 131

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
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The Iowa game had better attendance, but the crowd last night was way more engaged and enthusiastic the whole game.

Folks standing for large chunks, music rocking, students acting like maniacs… it felt different.

Maybe the pressure was off and everyone just came to enjoy a game, maybe there were ghosts from the 60s in that stadium pumping folks up, I just can’t remember the stadium feeling that electric in a long time.

I was taken aback for the first five min at how frenzied the crowd was… inject that shit into my veins!!

I agree it was loud, and it reminded me of Penn State 2019 but to me, this was more intense with the fans. The bands battling it out added to the atmosphere, nobody wanted the USC band to be heard last night. Good job U of M marching band!

The Iowa game had better attendance, but the crowd last night was way more engaged and enthusiastic the whole game.

Folks standing for large chunks, music rocking, students acting like maniacs… it felt different.

Maybe the pressure was off and everyone just came to enjoy a game, maybe there were ghosts from the 60s in that stadium pumping folks up, I just can’t remember the stadium feeling that electric in a long time.

I was taken aback for the first five min at how frenzied the crowd was… inject that shit into my veins!!
Good to see, I’ve literally been yelled at to sit down at games in the past.

Good crowd. Think we lost some people when USC went up 7 and started driving again.....but otherwise pretty good. Stripe out was a success too. The rouser is great when you have a lot of people all yelling.

We lost 1/2 the students at halftime in a 10 -10 game and it was pretty quiet the 3rd quarter. The team gave us something to cheer about down the stretch.

We lost 1/2 the students at halftime in a 10 -10 game and it was pretty quiet the 3rd quarter. The team gave us something to cheer about down the stretch.
Offense was sputtering so I get the quiet for a bit.

1/2 the upper deck and large parts of lower deck. There was less than 40,000 there to witness the win.
They didn't all leave at halftime which is what you said. Start of the half 3/4 were still there. They were awesome as always.

211 and 212 were great on the noise front and this generation of kids gets it in the East End Zone. And yes, the team has to give the fans something to work with to get energy on first and second downs too. The start of the game set the tone that really came through at the end.

Still, last night was the first time in a while it was clear the QB was having trouble at the line with crowd noise. Intel from one of the pre-game articles or interviews actually said USC could be susceptible to a loud environment. We ran that experiment and it proved to be true.

I'll also note that USC is coming into the conference already deciding they are better than us. Engaged a number of fans (and they traveled better than PSU fans for this one) and they reminded me of Auburn fans back in 2019. Polite, clearly connected to their program, but a cut above us certainly in their minds. Traveling their band was the final straw for me and Mrs. Billd, so we amped it up. I think others had this motive too.

I’m still going with 1/2 the students compared to Iowa. Going back to the OP I was surprised by it. Not knocking it.

It definitely wasn't half. Looks a bit emptier than it is because the students tend to cram into the lower bowl.....especially when it's chillier out. Not to mention the anticipation of a potential field rush.

My section (240) went nuclear twice...the under review TD and the unreal highlight reel interception by our freshman Perich. I thought fans were going jump off the second deck to join the mosh pit; it was electric and LOUD.
My watch warned me about noise levels at least half a dozen times.

It definitely wasn't half. Looks a bit emptier than it is because the students tend to cram into the lower bowl.....especially when it's chillier out. Not to mention the anticipation of a potential field rush.
Often sit on the Tribal Nations Plaza and have a bite and beverage and just fan watch before games.

Channeling GWG I knew that the cold front was coming through around 5-5:30 and sure enough it did. I also knew some of the students would be wishing they wore something more substantial once the sun went down. Many dressed for the upper 70s that lasted through 4:30.

Odd to have about two months left in the regular season and only two home games left.
I am more energized now, but admittedly going to this game. I was a little bit burnt out on how every weekend we had a game….

Frontloaded schedules are brutal when you got kids school and events.

Often sit on the Tribal Nations Plaza and have a bite and beverage and just fan watch before games.

Channeling GWG I knew that the cold front was coming through around 5-5:30 and sure enough it did. I also knew some of the students would be wishing they wore something more substantial once the sun went down. Many dressed for the upper 70s that lasted through 4:30.

Yeah....I went with a t-shirt and shorts. Felt a little cooler than low 60s, but overall not too bad.

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