Thanks Gophers


Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Good game overall. Very Gopher like. Best part is that I had a excuse to disapear in the basement to watch it.

Amen. "Were did sal go?" It's 7:40 and the game is on...I wonder?

Damn that was fun.

I did too, my friends...I just hope you had cold Miller Lites to enjoy while WE watched our Gophers. I did. :)

Drink a real beer while you watch the Gophs..

Natty Ice > Everything
Surly Furious is THE beer to drink while watching the Gophers. That's the frame of mind you need to be in. Plus, it's brewed in Brooklyn Center, MN, not in some woosey place like St. Louis or Milwaukee.

Surly Furious is THE beer to drink while watching the Gophers. That's the frame of mind you need to be in. Plus, it's brewed in Brooklyn Center, MN, not in some woosey place like St. Louis or Milwaukee.

Free tours on certain Friday's---lots of drink coupons. Awesome beer (all of them but especially Furious), maybe the best in town.

I like Coffee Bender

The combination of my 2 favorite beverages.

furious is my favorite IPA bar none, but i have decided to stop buying it because it is vastly overpriced. i mean four pints for 12 dollars?

not only that, but their distribution to st cloud, which may as well be northern suburbs, is pathetic. i mean they ship to chicago but i can rarely find a four pack 60 miles away?

Surly Furious is THE beer to drink while watching the Gophers. That's the frame of mind you need to be in. Plus, it's brewed in Brooklyn Center, MN, not in some woosey place like St. Louis or Milwaukee.

Fin du Monde (End of the World) or Trois Pistoles (3 Pistols) is awesome beer and high test, if you can find it down in MN. Made by a Quebec brewery, called Unibroue. In fact, any of the Unibroue beers are very nice.

Cold Anything>Empty Fridge.

Besides, I am into quantity, not worried about quality.

Just so it is NOT car trunk warm Blatz Light. :(

Surly Furious is THE beer to drink while watching the Gophers. That's the frame of mind you need to be in. Plus, it's brewed in Brooklyn Center, MN, not in some woosey place like St. Louis or Milwaukee.

I'm too poor to drink high brow IPA's.

Everyone should be drinking the re-discovered Schlitz 1960's formula and Go-pher the Gusto with the maroon and gold logo!

Nothing > Free beer at Brother-in-law's house (who happens to be $3G into me). Big screen TV and absolutely ZERO pressure to help with the Thanksgiving dishes.

At least none of us was drinking this mess . . .

It's all about the Jameson in my place, or Evan Williams if I'm mixing it with coke or ginger ale. No sense in wasting Jameson by mixing it with something else.

Surly Furious is THE beer to drink while watching the Gophers. That's the frame of mind you need to be in. Plus, it's brewed in Brooklyn Center, MN, not in some woosey place like St. Louis or Milwaukee.

Plus it actually tastes like beer...good quality beer that is. Popped a few Summit Great Northern Porters last night, very tasty.

furious is my favorite IPA bar none, but i have decided to stop buying it because it is vastly overpriced. i mean four pints for 12 dollars?

not only that, but their distribution to st cloud, which may as well be northern suburbs, is pathetic. i mean they ship to chicago but i can rarely find a four pack 60 miles away?

Growing pains for their business...

Sierra Nevada Life and Limb

Yeah! Its the annual beer thread!! We missed you this summer:)

4me, I joyfully watched the game on DVR with a new Sierra Nevada release.

So, what's it like? (The Sierra Nevada Life and Limb) ... Not familiar.

The combination of my 2 favorite beverages.

Trying not to eat out very often, but Papa's Pizza in N. Mpls has a two for one Surly special nightly. If you go to the Surly brewery tour-you can get a 15% coupon (Papa's) as well. I said those exact same words (above) as I downed two of them (Coffee Bender) a couple of nights ago.

If I go the normal route: Premium's all the way.

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