Thank you USC fans!!


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Wow, what a hospitable bunch!! The entire weekend as we wore our maroon and gold, USC fans stopped us, asked us about the game, made sure we had tailgating options (while on campus), stopped us on campus to welcome us, made nice comments about the state of Minnesota, thanked us for coming out to LA for the game, etc. Then after the game today as we hit up a few different beach areas, fans again stopped us and said what a great game it was, asked if we had fun, etc. I couldn't imagine a more hospitable bunch.

Not to mention the awesome on-campus atmosphere they have throughout their campus.

I know President Kaler was milling around campus and I hope he got some ideas that he can take back to Minnesota.

Go Gophers!!

Glad you all had fun!! Also really glad that those 'SC fans were hospitable!

Speaking of 'SC fans.. Where's our resident 'SC fan, TrojanPrincess??

I hope our fans at the bank treat the opposing fans in the same fashion.

I hope our fans at the bank treat the opposing fans in the same fashion.

Except for the jerks from just east of us and just south of us.

btw, I met ONE Hawkeye fan years ago who is a super fan. Problem is, it's my brother.

btw, I met ONE Hawkeye fan years ago who is a super fan. Problem is, it's my brother.

Nah, you're just blind to what he's really like. :)

Glad you all had fun!! Also really glad that those 'SC fans were hospitable!

Speaking of 'SC fans.. Where's our resident 'SC fan, TrojanPrincess??

Sorry I couldn't make it over to chat last night, stuck around for dinner then a long drive home. I'm happy for those that were treated well, and disappointed for those that did not have a good experience....we really try, but L.A. is not a college town, and all kinds of people show up for games with all kinds of attitudes. Personally, and my wide group of Trojan friends and support club members, we've never been disrespectful to any opposing fans in our stadium, that's also poor sportsmanship.

My friends who were at the game in MN had nothing but positive things to say about Gopher fans. I like you guys, I'm sticking around and cheering the Gophers on!

It is called being a class act. It was the same with the fans at the Cal game a few years ago. We had people come up and ask us about Minnesota as a State and as a football team. I don't know if Tojan Princess wilkl agree with this, but we also had great interaction with the fans at UCLA when
the Gophers under Cal Stoll played out there in the 70's. Our neighbors to the East and the South wouldn't know social graces if you gift wrapped it and opened right in front of them.

It is called being a class act. It was the same with the fans at the Cal game a few years ago. We had people come up and ask us about Minnesota as a State and as a football team. I don't know if Tojan Princess wilkl agree with this, but we also had great interaction with the fans at UCLA when
the Gophers under Cal Stoll played out there in the 70's. Our neighbors to the East and the South wouldn't know social graces if you gift wrapped it and opened right in front of them.

Sorry for your poor experience, we really do try to welcome opposing fans. We offered food and hospitality to every Gopher fan we saw.

Sorry also, can't agree with you on fUCLA fans....last season a big fight broke out between Bruin fans and Trojans..AT THE ROSE BOWL, the three Bruin fans were found guilty of instigating the fight and stabbing a Trojan fan, the Bruin is now in jail. Four to five years ago, a Trojan fan lost his eye when Bruin fans threw beer cans at him...AT THE ROSE BOWL. I will never set foot at the Rose Bowl during the season ever again, but I hope we will get back to owning that stadium post season, lol.

I'm not even going to get into Kal fans. Washington fans are the class of the PAC.

I absolutely agree!! I travel to several road games every year, and This was my best Gopher road game experience ever! By far!! Thank you, USC fans!!

I agree, BleedGopher. We were impressed with the fans that we encountered. We also spent time in Santa Monica and Manhattan Beach and around the Hollywood area and the USC fans that came up to us were great.

Overall, this has to rank up there as one of the best Gopher road trips I have been on. We stayed at the team hotel and made it back from sightseeing on Friday night in time for the Sota Social. Thought it was a nice touch to introduce the wives of the coaches - and Coach Kill's mom. Coach Kill stuck around for awhile to chat with fans and President Kaler was also in attendance. The players that we encountered around the hotel were all very polite young men and conducted themselves with class. I also continue to be impressed with the coaching staff we have.

As far as Saturday, our tailgating scene looks pathetic compared to what they have going on at USC. It was jaw dropping to walk through campus and around the stadium and see that scene. Wow! Thought the tailgate event that the Alumni Association put on in the Rose Garden was excellent. It was a great setting. I would guess 1500-2000 people were there.

Was not impressed with the stadium - but I was expecting that. Our seats were in section 3 which is really a long ways from the playing field. We should be happy with the scoreboards that we have at TCF, because it was annoying to always be looking for the downs, time clock, play clock, etc. on the scoreboards that they have.

I don't know if you could tell watching the game on TV, but I thought the Minnesota contingent was loud. The second quarter was a downer, but that second half was a lot of fun. Great to see so many fans there for the game, and not just the typical Minnesota football fan base that we've seen in the past. It really does feel like a new era of Gopher football.

Thank you Gopher fans! You guys/gals are a class act. Sorry about CLK and his ridiculous 2pt attempts. For those of you that were in attendance, you can attest that us USC fans didn't like that at all. After the 3rd TD when we finally lined up to kick the point extra you hear a loud sarcastic ovation from us. You have a great team and a funny mascot. Fight On! :cool02:

Sorry for your poor experience, we really do try to welcome opposing fans. We offered food and hospitality to every Gopher fan we saw.

Sorry also, can't agree with you on fUCLA fans....last season a big fight broke out between Bruin fans and Trojans..AT THE ROSE BOWL, the three Bruin fans were found guilty of instigating the fight and stabbing a Trojan fan, the Bruin is now in jail. Four to five years ago, a Trojan fan lost his eye when Bruin fans threw beer cans at him...AT THE ROSE BOWL. I will never set foot at the Rose Bowl during the season ever again, but I hope we will get back to owning that stadium post season, lol.

I'm not even going to get into Kal fans. Washington fans are the class of the PAC.

Wow, that is pretty intense. I don't know if we've ever had an incounter with a Badger or Hawkeye fan that resulted in injury. Badger and Hawkeye
fans tend to border on being d-horns along with downright stupidity ( Iowa couple caught having sex in the Metrodome bathroom) The Cal fan comment was interesting. We found them pretty layed back. Some of the older Gopher fans didn't like the "Batan Death March" up the hill to the stadium and the seats in the vistor section in some cases were splintered. Did get my ego stroked though when a Cal lady came up and said I looked
like an aging Burt Reynolds and plopped a micro beer down in front of me when we were at one of the pre-game bars. ( The wife was at the restroom) Was amazed at the number of wine drinker's, especially before the game. We also hit the Famer's Market. We just don't the variety like you have in California. We played Oregon a couple of times in bowl games under the Mason era and I thought Duck fans were kind of stuffy. I thought to myself. Wait a minute, you live in Eugene, Oregon. Not exactly a cultural center of the West Coast. Portland maybe, but Eugene??

As far as Saturday, our tailgating scene looks pathetic compared to what they have going on at USC. It was jaw dropping to walk through campus and around the stadium and see that scene. Wow!


Fantastic atmosphere at USC, proving it is possible to do tailgating right in a major city. Would love to someday be able to replicate that on the Mall.


Fantastic atmosphere at USC, proving it is possible to do tailgating right in a major city. Would love to someday be able to replicate that on the Mall.

And you saw a very scaled down version of our tailgates...honestly, we were even a little embarrassed that we could not be as hospitable as we like. We are not hindered by weather at any point of the season not to make a big deal of tailgating.

We normally start tailgating in the wee hours, no matter the start time, serving three meals (meat prepared in every ethic cuisine imaginable), lots of wine and hard liquor served along with the standard beer, HD TVs and satellite dishes over a large tailgating area, so we can watch all the games played on the east coast all day before game time.

Also, the lighting of the Olympic Torch loses it's impact in the middle of the day.

Oh well, I plan on visiting you wonderful folks during the season, if any of you vacation or have business in L.A. at any point during football season - any year, we'll be very happy to invite you and host you at a real USC tailgate. You can wear your colors proudly, no one will give you a hard time.

Please don't take this as bragging....we are known for being very laid back fans (too laid back for outsiders)...but we know how to tailgate.

My son, Ryan, and I were treated very well by USC fans. We met some great people and came away with a couple good stories. We parked in an on-campus garage where we met a USC fan that was wearing his grandfather's 1932 National Championship ring. I cannot remember his grandpa's name.

Then while exchanging StubHub printed tickets for real tickets at the will call window we were invited to join a USC tailgate. The lady asking happened to be Trudi Marinovich, sister of USC QB Craig Fertig, and mother of USC QB Todd Marinovich. She is a warm and generous lady who makes a killer Bloody Mary. At the tailgate were her family and friends. One of them was Kenny Del Conte, an HB and DB on the USC 1962 National Championship Team. He is now a Hollywood writer and director with a great tenor voice as he sang portions of his new musical comedy to us.

For the game we had great seats a few rows above the student section. All of the USC fans were great, except one. He was the self proclaimed Rules Master for all around. It wasn't so bad hearing him yelling the rules for all to hear, while blasting or thanking the refs depending on the call. But if anyone said anything he disagreed with, he had a hard time controlling his anger. Of course I was vocal and enthusiastic, so I had to deflect some of his remarks to me. Many other fans apologized for him - I just chalked it up to a passionate fan supporting his team.

An Ilini fan sat next to us and we had some good Big 10 discussions. He thinks the Zookster is gone after this year.

Ryan had visited USC this week as a prospective student and was impressed after their presentations. The game day atmosphere may have sealed the deal for him.

Thank you USC for a great day, and thank you Gopher Football for a great game. You took their student section out of the second half, until they erupted for the final interception.

I hope our fans at the bank treat the opposing fans in the same fashion.

Sorry, I have to address this post, can't believe I missed it.

If Gopher fans were treated well in L.A., it is directly because our fans came back praising the treatment they received from Gopher fans in your house.

It was an honor to host fans that carry themselves with dignity and respect for others.

My son, Ryan, and I were treated very well by USC fans. We met some great people and came away with a couple good stories. We parked in an on-campus garage where we met a USC fan that was wearing his grandfather's 1932 National Championship ring. I cannot remember his grandpa's name.

Then while exchanging StubHub printed tickets for real tickets at the will call window we were invited to join a USC tailgate. The lady asking happened to be Trudi Marinovich, sister of USC QB Craig Fertig, and mother of USC QB Todd Marinovich. She is a warm and generous lady who makes a killer Bloody Mary. At the tailgate were her family and friends. One of them was Kenny Del Conte, an HB and DB on the USC 1962 National Championship Team. He is now a Hollywood writer and director with a great tenor voice as he sang portions of his new musical comedy to us.

For the game we had great seats a few rows above the student section. All of the USC fans were great, except one. He was the self proclaimed Rules Master for all around. It wasn't so bad hearing him yelling the rules for all to hear, while blasting or thanking the refs depending on the call. But if anyone said anything he disagreed with, he had a hard time controlling his anger. Of course I was vocal and enthusiastic, so I had to deflect some of his remarks to me. Many other fans apologized for him - I just chalked it up to a passionate fan supporting his team.

An Ilini fan sat next to us and we had some good Big 10 discussions. He thinks the Zookster is gone after this year.

Ryan had visited USC this week as a prospective student and was impressed after their presentations. The game day atmosphere may have sealed the deal for him.

Thank you USC for a great day, and thank you Gopher Football for a great game. You took their student section out of the second half, until they erupted for the final interception.

This is the great thing about being a fan of a program that travels and plays all over the country. You get to meet opposing fans and visit their house and learn some history.

Craig Fertig was much loved (RIP), and a great speaker at our Trojan Club diners...he sat in on history being made. Did you see this video about the 1970 game between USC and Alabama? I was on campus at that time, we were so scared, our entire backfield was Black.

Sam "Bam" Cunningham can also be found around campus on game day....he and John Papakadis wrote "Turning of the Tide" with Don Yeager, that will be made into a movie. Sam is a wonderful guy, and will autograph his book if you ask.

We loved our experience at USC. Great atmosphere, gorgeous campus, hospitable fans. Every Trojan fan we came across treated us very well and were interested in our state and the U. More than once we heard from fans who had come to MPLS for last years game and thanked us for our hospitality - we even talked to some people who had simply heard of fellow USC fans who enjoyed themselves at the U last year.

At the advice of some Trojan fans, we were able to catch the Trojan marching band's pregame performance in the middle of campus. That was a treat!

As was said earlier, I hope the people in charge at the U took notes on the USC tailgating atmosphere. Loosen the tailgating rules, for the love of God. Let us set up a tent and a grill on any green space. Let yourselves let us party! It isn't the old USC fans that made it a phenomenal atmosphere: it was all of the students. If you let every game become a party, it won't quite matter so much if we aren't going to Rose Bowls every year. If you let Gopher football become an campus-wide event, the tickets, student tickets, and parking spaces will sell ten times easier.

We loved our experience at USC. Great atmosphere, gorgeous campus, hospitable fans. Every Trojan fan we came across treated us very well and were interested in our state and the U. More than once we heard from fans who had come to MPLS for last years game and thanked us for our hospitality - we even talked to some people who had simply heard of fellow USC fans who enjoyed themselves at the U last year.

At the advice of some Trojan fans, we were able to catch the Trojan marching band's pregame performance in the middle of campus. That was a treat!

As was said earlier, I hope the people in charge at the U took notes on the USC tailgating atmosphere. Loosen the tailgating rules, for the love of God. Let us set up a tent and a grill on any green space. Let yourselves let us party! It isn't the old USC fans that made it a phenomenal atmosphere: it was all of the students. If you let every game become a party, it won't quite matter so much if we aren't going to Rose Bowls every year. If you let Gopher football become an campus-wide event, the tickets, student tickets, and parking spaces will sell ten times easier.

Exactly. We've built a close knit community we call the "Trojan Family" generation gap, but united in one powerful for the University of Southern California and all she stands for. Our alumni networking is one of the strongest in the country, and because Trojan football is so much a part of our tradition, we celebrate it with all the pomp and pageantry across all age and cultural lines. The word was passed to all us abut the fine treatment our fans received in MN.

The Gophers have a history and tradition, it's up to the university and the older fans to teach the young ones to carry on the stories and instill the pride that makes your university great. Now is the time to bring it up with your President at AD...make a great game day tradition happen.

This is the great thing about being a fan of a program that travels and plays all over the country. You get to meet opposing fans and visit their house and learn some history.

Craig Fertig was much loved (RIP), and a great speaker at our Trojan Club diners...he sat in on history being made. Did you see this video about the 1970 game between USC and Alabama? I was on campus at that time, we were so scared, our entire backfield was Black.

Sam "Bam" Cunningham can also be found around campus on game day....he and John Papakadis wrote "Turning of the Tide" with Don Yeager, that will be made into a movie. Sam is a wonderful guy, and will autograph his book if you ask.

Thank you for the video link. I had not seen it before and learned some more about that game.


We had a large group and it seemed that the USC fans couldn't care-less about who they were playing. We were never on the actual USC campus...we were only on the Exposition Park grounds where the Coliseum is located. The USC fans basically smiled at us and ignored one said a 'word' to us. That is okay considering how the iowa fans behave and the foulness that comes from their mouths.

The only comment that I would like to make is why didn't the USC marching band play the Minnesota Rouser? Seems kinda rude to treat the visiting team from the 'Upper Midwest' with no respect from the Band. It was nice being at a road game where we didn't get a single negative comment slung at us. So our compliments to the USC fans. Very classy fans. Much like the Michigan and Penn State fans.

The Coliseum needs a big is old and outdated. We were surprised that USC doesn't push for an overhaul of that stadium.

Go Gophers!

Haven't You Heard?

The Coliseum needs a big is old and outdated. We were surprised that USC doesn't push for an overhaul of that stadium.

Go Gophers!

The answer is simple - The State of California and the County of Los Angles are broke!

At the advice of some Trojan fans, we were able to catch the Trojan marching band's pregame performance in the middle of campus. That was a treat!

A few in our group caught this performance also. Thought it was great. But we all agreed that we much prefer the Pride of Minnesota's pre-game performance over USC's. I'm not always all that impressed with the halftime show, but their pre-game is must see for me every week.

The only comment that I would like to make is why didn't the USC marching band play the Minnesota Rouser? Seems kinda rude to treat the visiting team from the 'Upper Midwest' with no respect from the Band. It was nice being at a road game where we didn't get a single negative comment slung at us. So our compliments to the USC fans. Very classy fans. Much like the Michigan and Penn State fans.

The Coliseum needs a big is old and outdated. We were surprised that USC doesn't push for an overhaul of that stadium.

Go Gophers!

We were disappointed that they didn't bother to play the Rouser either.

And agree completely on the Coliseum.

Fun in LA

Thanks to USC for a great time. It was the best trip we have had as gopher followers. We spent Thursday looking around LA. On Friday we drove US#1 south along the beaches. The 'Sota Social was entertaining as well as the alumni picnic. Saturday at USC was incredible as the fans were so welcoming and supportive. So many of them had ties to Minnesota and all said they hoped this football tradition could continue. Nothing better than being a gopher fan, especially as we all work to rebuild this team. Thank you Gopher Nation!

We had a large group and it seemed that the USC fans couldn't care-less about who they were playing. We were never on the actual USC campus...we were only on the Exposition Park grounds where the Coliseum is located. The USC fans basically smiled at us and ignored one said a 'word' to us. That is okay considering how the iowa fans behave and the foulness that comes from their mouths.

The only comment that I would like to make is why didn't the USC marching band play the Minnesota Rouser? Seems kinda rude to treat the visiting team from the 'Upper Midwest' with no respect from the Band. It was nice being at a road game where we didn't get a single negative comment slung at us. So our compliments to the USC fans. Very classy fans. Much like the Michigan and Penn State fans.

The Coliseum needs a big is old and outdated. We were surprised that USC doesn't push for an overhaul of that stadium.

Go Gophers!

I think this might just be a mid-west thing? We've never played anyone's fight song. The only time we've experienced it is when we play Notre Dame.

The stadium is run down, unfortunately there are three entities involved in running the Coliseum (it's a Historical Site), the State of California, the City of Los Angeles, and the Coliseum Commission...bumbling, inept fools all. We are in negotiations with the state to purchase the land under the Coliseum and the Sports Arena, which would make USC the landlords. Also, the commission is unable to make the promised repairs and improvements, only USC has the funds to give her the facelift she needs. Hopefully this pathetic trifecta will implode on itself and hand over the care and management of our stadium to the only people that care about her, USC.

Old or not, run down or not, we love her because of the history of the place, the games played there, and the ashes of our former great coaches (John McKay and Marv Goux) that were scattered on the field of that stadium because they loved USC.

I think this might just be a mid-west thing? We've never played anyone's fight song. The only time we've experienced it is when we play Notre Dame.

The stadium is run down, unfortunately there are three entities involved in running the Coliseum (it's a Historical Site), the State of California, the City of Los Angeles, and the Coliseum Commission...bumbling, inept fools all. We are in negotiations with the state to purchase the land under the Coliseum and the Sports Arena, which would make USC the landlords. Also, the commission is unable to make the promised repairs and improvements, only USC has the funds to give her the facelift she needs. Hopefully this pathetic trifecta will implode on itself and hand over the care and management of our stadium to the only people that care about her, USC.

Old or not, run down or not, we love her because of the history of the place, the games played there, and the ashes of our former great coaches (John McKay and Marv Goux) that were scattered on the field of that stadium because they loved USC.

Speaking as an older person. It's always good to hear 'the rest of the story'.

Thanks for the real info TP.

harley_gopher said:
The only comment that I would like to make is why didn't the USC marching band play the Minnesota Rouser? Seems kinda rude to treat the visiting team from the 'Upper Midwest' with no respect from the Band.

umn 99 said:
We were disappointed that they didn't bother to play the Rouser either.

Trojan Princess said:
I think this might just be a mid-west thing? We've never played anyone's fight song. The only time we've experienced it is when we play Notre Dame.

Usually the UMN Band plays only plays the other team's school song during the pregame show when it is a conference opponent; they do not play non-conference school songs. I think the Wiscy band plays the other team's school song, whether it is a conference or non-conference opponent, during pregame and during their postgame show. I don't know what other Big Ten bands do as far as only non-con or conference opponents (I have been to 8 B1G stadiums for Gopher games and they have all played the Rouser).

The home band playing the visiting team's school song is one of my favorite Big Ten traditions.

Sorry I couldn't make it over to chat last night, stuck around for dinner then a long drive home. I'm happy for those that were treated well, and disappointed for those that did not have a good experience....we really try, but L.A. is not a college town, and all kinds of people show up for games with all kinds of attitudes. Personally, and my wide group of Trojan friends and support club members, we've never been disrespectful to any opposing fans in our stadium, that's also poor sportsmanship.

My friends who were at the game in MN had nothing but positive things to say about Gopher fans. I like you guys, I'm sticking around and cheering the Gophers on!

THanks Trojan Princess! Had a great time in SoCal! Sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you. I did listen to you though. Checked out Heritage Hall. Awesome!!!

I wish you and your team the best!

Trojan Princess' version of events is more than just a bit skewed. The incident involved
individuals who were not from either school and the fight which involved 50 to 75 people was reported to have little if nothing to do with the rivalry, being caused by a football from a touch game hitting someone's car. As for the person convicted being a "Bruin", that too is false. The person who was convicted was not a UCLA student or in any way related to UCLA. I can tell you from personal experience that Bruins have as many Bad Trojan Fan stories as Trojans have Bad Bruin Fan stories. Go with your own experiences and make your own judgments.

Having said that, I enjoyed the game and the Trojan fans, other than chanting "Gophers Suck" (to be expected from the student section), were actually pleasant. Especially after they escaped a huge upset by the skin of their teeth.

As for tailgating experience, the Coliseum does not compare to the Rose Bowl where parking on the golf course is only $10 per car, as opposed to $25 to $60 per car, and you tailgate on the grass right next to your car. But then the Trojans have had a better football team the last decade. In fact, the best team money can buy.

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