Thank you Mr Bruinicks...I hope.


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Nov 13, 2008
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Thank you Dr Bruininks...I hope.

In discussing this with my Dad....we came to a conclusion that Bruinicks forced this firing now and not later.

Making this hire now puts him still in control of who gets hired. I believe that he wants a winner in the worst way before he retires next summer. Hiring a big time coach (this talk of Trestman has me worried) now will force the discussion to come up with the new President (before they are hired). " Are you on board with a powerful/successful coach...and do what it takes to keep him?"

So I guess I will be optimistic until I do a "who?" when the person is announced. I would feel duped and upset long as they have a track record of success at the college level I will recover.

I also wonder if Maturi's hand was forced on the firing of Maturi knew he had few options at that time. Now truth be told..Pelini was out there was Strong. Maturi and Brown should share the blame on that one it sounds like from what Sid did say.

I really really really hope that Maturi isn't blowing smoke on this.....and ACTUALLY DOES take Patterson from TCU, the Missouri coach, Richt from GA, Belotti, take Harbaugh from Stanford, or Peterson at Boise St. (still not sold on the real genius may have been the OC now at OK St...who learned from guess who....Mike Leach!...thanks Plinnius).

Dr Bruininks ... please don't let us down.....again. I'm almost 40 and while I'll always be a is your chance to solidify your legacy.



Edit...sorry for the misspellling. :) i'll get it right
Edit 2....Dr it is. Gotta love the internet. :-|

I am also thankful on the timing. We need to get this done now while we have a President that wants to be a winner, putting it off could have brought us a hiring during the term of a new President whose views might not be the same on the fate of the football program.

Please listen to the fans on this one Mr, Briuninks and for once make a splash.

I was heartened to read in Charlie Walters column today that some former players and team captains are making it be known that enough is enough, get someone qualified in here for a change and make us a winner.


Sorry, but I can't take it anymore.

Not sure if Bruininks forced this hiring, but he most certainly forced Mason's ouster.

Bob Bruininks (and to a lesser extent, Mark Yudof) get it, with it being the role of athletics at a major university.

how about Malcolm Moos, harder to misspell when you're not a current student and see his name all the time

For God's sake, please learn to spell if you're going to use the president's name in the title of a thread! Drives me nuts, too.

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