Texas to Start Buying its OL


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2018
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Gaming the system, at the expense of actual Texas charities, and not even hiding it. Wow.

Is this going to be the model going forward?

I don't think they are the first to do something like this. But I do wonder how this works as a "non-profit". The players will get paid 50k so that their names and likeness can be used to "support charitable causes". So I assume that this "non-profit" will actually have to raise money for charity.

I don't think they are the first to do something like this. But I do wonder how this works as a "non-profit". The players will get paid 50k so that their names and likeness can be used to "support charitable causes". So I assume that this "non-profit" will actually have to raise money for charity.
I wonder if it's some sort of a thing to avoid the players having to pay taxes.

I wish we had some big donors like SEC schools.

I don't think they are the first to do something like this. But I do wonder how this works as a "non-profit". The players will get paid 50k so that their names and likeness can be used to "support charitable causes". So I assume that this "non-profit" will actually have to raise money for charity.
That was my question, too. There has to be some charitable intent and activity for a deduction. Maybe it is just a non-profit corp under state law for ease of administration, but it is not a charitable non-profit for tax deduction purposes. Interesting to see how this fairly naked bribe plays out.

They must love official corruption out in the open in the Deep South. They don't need Bag Men anymore.

They must love official corruption out in the open in the Deep South. They don't need Bag Men anymore.
I'd be just fine if we were paying players if it meant winning championships. Under the table, over the table, I don't care.

And there would end college football forever. I’d need to follow the fcs schools. Maybe D2.
As if major programs haven't been paying guys, or running slush funds or whatever else for years... If I was some oil baron or tech billionaire, I'd be paying whatever to get the Gophers into 'helmet program' status. It's big business and anyone who doesn't get that and cares about 'a clean program' is naive. It's about winning and money, plain and simple.

Nice creative move and why not. Not saying I like the bidding wars that will surely come and the obvious winners but there will be creativity to capitalize on the change

In Instant Replay I recall Jerry Kramer wrote something like "if I were on the lam from the law I would become an offensive linemen". Times have changed.

“So we’re gonna send Sark out there to find the biggest, meanest, baddest 5-star motherf*ckin’ bigguns in the country, pay them boys $50k a year, and then tell everybody that it is for ‘charity.’”


This deal is genius. The "non-profit" world is full of sleazy grifters dressed as caring gentle souls. The next step is to run the OL recipients through the children's hospital for a photo op. Who the hell is gonna question that?

Side note: we have our fair share of professional non-profiters in the Twin Cities. Time to do some work for the Gophs!

We knew this was going to happen. We just didn't know the mechanisms that would be used......and THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING!

This looks like it is neither an NIL agreement nor a charity.

This is so audaciously NOT what was intended by NIL, it is basically little more than an admission that the guys involved have been bagmen for the last decade and are guilty of fraud and tax evasion. :ROFLMAO:

The NCAA, of course, doesn’t care. I would think the IRS would.

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