Temple admin thinks we are hillarious & rediculous


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Nov 20, 2008
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I called my friends wife that works in the Temple Pres office after the flight to nowhere saga yesterday just to see if there was any word on Golden to any school and she laughed hysterically when I told her about one of our holers staking out the airport and the 20k views and all the freaking out. She said the whole office laughed as she relayed the story and they even logged onto the hole to see it for themselves.

That said, she hasn't heard anything different than what was said 4 weeks ago and has been repeated several times...Golden aint leaving Temple this year. At least as far as the Pres office goes, he hasn't met with or interviewed with anyone. His agent surely has...but according to her, no mention of him meeting with anyone has occurred.

They dont and wont publicly comment on these rumors, but internally they are not concerned...especially with the size of his buyout through next season...it would make him a tough hire.

Especially our atrocious spelling issues.

The airplane stakeout is embarrassing. That is why they laughed.

The airplane stakeout was amazing. Ridiculous stuff like what DPO did yesterday is what makes coaching searches great. If you can't see the awesomeness in that, well, that makes me a little sad.

The airplane stakeout was amazing. Ridiculous stuff like what DPO did yesterday is what makes coaching searches great. If you can't see the awesomeness in that, well, that makes me a little sad.

You say awesome, I say creepy. Agree to disagree.

The airplane stakeout is embarrassing. That is why they laughed.

Nah it's pretty funny I think. Definitely not worse than having a helicopter follow Brett Favre from the airport to Winter Park.

I remember reading Catspause during the basketball coaching search - they kept watching a door in the Memphis athletic building. That was funny too.

Completely Obsessive

The airplane stakeout is embarrassing. That is why they laughed.

The airport stalker needs a lot of counseling and probably medication in order that he has a chance to live some sort of a normal life.

Nah it's pretty funny I think. Definitely not worse than having a helicopter follow Brett Favre from the airport to Winter Park.

Or how about when they interrupted regularly scheduled programming with a urgent news announcement...that the Vikings had offered Brett even more money to come back.

There's nothing embarrassing or creepy about it. It's called investigative journalism. Fleets of helicopters in the air just to watch Favre's car go to Vikings HQ, that's pointless.

There's nothing embarrassing or creepy about it. It's called investigative journalism. Fleets of helicopters in the air just to watch Favre's car go to Vikings HQ, that's pointless.

Exactly. as it stands it was an awesome day in GH history. If dpo would've broke the news?? Oh my! It was worth a shot and I'm glad dpo came thru with such effort.

The airport stalker needs a lot of counseling and probably medication in order that he has a chance to live some sort of a normal life.

Staking out airports these days can make you the center of attention for a bunch of guys in blue uniforms. Good thing our stalker doesn't look middle eastern, or he'd be grabbing his ankles right now.

Especially our atrocious spelling issues.

That was my first thought when I read the OP's headline.

I just saw a hilarious T-shirt in one of the thousand or so Christmas gift catalogs I receive on a daily basis. The caption on the T-shirt read, "I am the Grammarian about whom your mother warned you."

As long as things don't violate boundaries, I'm all for adding some humor (and harmless stalking) in this whole coaching search saga. It's the drama of everyday life in the 21st century.

I don't think the airport stakeout is embarrassing or even creepy. I think it's funny and just going to a great effort to break the story.

Like we care what the 2nd place MAC East Division's secretary thinks of us. Laugh all you want. We'll see who's laughing after the 2012 Motor City Bowl.

We're down now, and we have people at lower levels sneering at us, but we're going to be wiping those sneers of their faces sooner rather than later.

I called my friends wife that works in the Temple Pres office after the flight to nowhere saga yesterday just to see if there was any word on Golden to any school and she laughed hysterically when I told her about one of our holers staking out the airport and the 20k views and all the freaking out. She said the whole office laughed as she relayed the story and they even logged onto the hole to see it for themselves.

That said, she hasn't heard anything different than what was said 4 weeks ago and has been repeated several times...Golden aint leaving Temple this year. At least as far as the Pres office goes, he hasn't met with or interviewed with anyone. His agent surely has...but according to her, no mention of him meeting with anyone has occurred.

They dont and wont publicly comment on these rumors, but internally they are not concerned...especially with the size of his buyout through next season...it would make him a tough hire.

You also said there was going to be a press conference from Golden two weeks ago saying he wasn't going anywhere. What's happened with that?

I thought the whole thing was just humorous and entertaining. I think everyone involved knew there was a good chance the plane had nothing to do with the Gophers head coach. We're all anticipating the announcement of our new coach. Nothing wrong with having some fun while we wait.

I thought the whole thing was just humorous and entertaining. I think everyone involved knew there was a good chance the plane had nothing to do with the Gophers head coach. We're all anticipating the announcement of our new coach. Nothing wrong with having some fun while we wait.

Absolutely wrong!!!! We as fans should not have fun, especially when dealing with something as deadly serious as an internet message board. We should be hunkered down in our basements (or our parents basements) pouring over X and O's and understanding each detail of each coaches scheme. When we've mastered that, it will be time to shift to our dictionaries to master the art of spelling, followed by extensive work on correct grammar. If we do those things diligently, without joy or fun, we will rightfully earn the respect and admiration of some faceless administrator in the Temple President's office earning $32,000 per year. After all, isn't that what we should be aspiring too? Get to work F'ers! :p

This whole thing is really interesting. Imagine a coaching candidate researching the UofM's fanbase while this whole thing is going on. Add on top of that the mania that surrounded getting the pig back (fans running out on to the field, gatorade on the coaches head) and you've got a really high potential job.

Rodent Rampage: I can see you standing on a huge steaming pile of rubble which at one time was the University of Minnesota's football program and exclaiming:

We're down now, and we have people at lower levels sneering at us, but we're going to be wiping those sneers off their faces sooner rather than later.

Love it!

Before the Illinois game, I might have felt that the football team was a pile of rubble. After the Iowa game, it feels like it's broken but fixable. It's like the difference between having your car stuck in the ditch and having it go over the cliff to explode upon impact on the rocks below (as cars always do in movies).

Perhaps we need movie lines to describe the season.

"As God is my witness, I'll never go winless again!"


Dr. Egon Spengler: There's something very important I forgot to tell you.
Dr. Peter Venkman: What?
Dr. Egon Spengler: Don't cross the streams.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Why?
Dr. Egon Spengler: It would be bad.
Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean, "bad"?
Dr. Egon Spengler: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
Dr Ray Stantz: Total protonic reversal.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Right. That's bad. Okay. All right. Important safety tip. Thanks, Egon.


Dr. Egon Spengler: I have a radical idea. The door swings both ways, we could reverse the particle flow through the gate.
Dr. Peter Venkman: How?
Dr. Egon Spengler: [hesitates] We'll cross the streams.
Dr. Peter Venkman: 'Scuse me Egon? You said crossing the streams was bad!
Dr Ray Stantz: Cross the streams...
Dr. Peter Venkman: You're gonna endanger us, you're gonna endanger our client - the nice lady, who paid us in advance, before she became a dog...
Dr. Egon Spengler: Not necessarily. There's definitely a *very slim* chance we'll survive.
[pause while they consider this]
Dr. Peter Venkman: [slaps Ray] I love this plan! I'm excited to be a part of it! LET'S DO IT!

What DPO did was what journalists used to do back in the day! I think it is awesome and shows a lot of dedication to this site and to Gopher fans. I wish some of these lazy Twin Cities journalists would have the work ethic and guts to do what he did. I think a lot of us "Holers" are sick and tired of having a losing team and being amongst the bottom feeders of the Big Ten and that is why there is such a great interest in this football hire. I have B-Ball, Hockey, and Football season tickets and I have to admit for the first time that I am seriously questioning my future investment in this school. This football hire is one of the biggest hires that this school has ever made. Football revenue drives everything else and helps fund the non revenue sports. I cringe when I think about an empty TCF stadium next year and another 4-6 years of futility. Go Gophers and lets all pray that Maturi knows what he is doing. Great job DPO!

You also said there was going to be a press conference from Golden two weeks ago saying he wasn't going anywhere. What's happened with that?

Yeah...I answered for that mis-info already...the whole staff and athletic dept was reminded that they do not comment on rumors/job changes etc. Temple has a standing gag order on anything other than an official announcement from the admin...so no presser was released or comment made. However...this article was written...and I believe John Di Carlo's source is very close to Golden...if not Golden...based on previous articles by him with info from inside Temple football.


I thought the airplane stakeout was humorous. If the guy has the time to go and do so, good for him. It's not like he's actually going to stalk the individuals after they get out of the airport...? Really though, like said above, it's investigative journalism mixed with a strong dedication to your team. We need more fans like DPO, who I might mention, I've historically been at odds with. It also added some wee needed humor in a time of utter madness here.

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