team entrance


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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A few months ago, there was a thread about songs to be played for the team entrance to the stadium. I must admit it was a very impressive list and included a lot of links to some very good and some very loud songs with a good beat and a solid sound.

Here is my idea:

When the team is ready to enter the field, Goldy Gopher goes to the center of the field and motions for everyone to be quiet....slowly an anticipating silence fills the stadium until you can hear a pin drop. Then Goldy starts a chant with the band drum section assisting.......the home side of the stadium yells "SKI", then after a short pause the student section yells "U", then a short pause and the north/visitor side yells "MAH". This keeps going around the stadium increasing in speed, volume and intensity until the whole stadium is in a frenzy yelling SKI-U-MAH in unison!!!

After about thirty seconds of this frenzied yelling, a very loud cannon goes off with some fireworks and the team bursts on to the field and circles the field with the team flag at the front of the pack!!! The band starts the Rouser and off we go!

I think fan-made sound and excitement will go a lot farther to creating the kind of attitude and atmosphere we want at TCF Stadium. Not that I don't like loud piped in noise, but we had enough of that at the dome and I think the Gophers and the Gopher fans are better than that... Who wants to be and act like a Vikings fan anyway...

We could do a lot worse than this, I'll tell you that.

I like your idea just fine, besides the fireworks. I think the only time we should set off fireworks is POSSIBLY after we win, and even then, I say POSSIBLY quite strongly.

I'm 100% with you that piped in sounds/music have to go.

A few months ago, there was a thread about songs to be played for the team entrance to the stadium. I must admit it was a very impressive list and included a lot of links to some very good and some very loud songs with a good beat and a solid sound.

Here is my idea:

When the team is ready to enter the field, Goldy Gopher goes to the center of the field and motions for everyone to be quiet....slowly an anticipating silence fills the stadium until you can hear a pin drop. Then Goldy starts a chant with the band drum section assisting.......the home side of the stadium yells "SKI", then after a short pause the student section yells "U", then a short pause and the north/visitor side yells "MAH". This keeps going around the stadium increasing in speed, volume and intensity until the whole stadium is in a frenzy yelling SKI-U-MAH in unison!!!

After about thirty seconds of this frenzied yelling, a very loud cannon goes off with some fireworks and the team bursts on to the field and circles the field with the team flag at the front of the pack!!! The band starts the Rouser and off we go!

I think fan-made sound and excitement will go a lot farther to creating the kind of attitude and atmosphere we want at TCF Stadium. Not that I don't like loud piped in noise, but we had enough of that at the dome and I think the Gophers and the Gopher fans are better than that... Who wants to be and act like a Vikings fan anyway...

This is the best entrance idea yet. No videos, no 80s rock, no pro style crap. :clap:


We have essentially a three-sided stadium and SKI-U-MAH is a great cheer so let's put the two together. Those sitting in the few rows of the open end in front of the scoreboard can choose which of the three they want to do. Who at the U do we get this idea in front of?

Agree completely! Nothing better for an entrance than fan generated energy.

To be honest, I have read/seen a lot of ideas and this one is definitely one of the best. I like the idea of 3 separate crowd groups yelling their lungs out individually for distinctive sounds, then it all blending together as it gets faster. The scoreboard could easily help, and the band would definitely be involved (I assume they will still be on the field in some sort of gauntlet formation to have the team come out through them). It gets the fans yelling (ass opposed to piped in music blaring loudly over everything), uses the design of our stadium along with a U slogan, and could (feasibly) pump up the team/recruits quite a bit.

I would imagine that they have already started exploring some options within the athletic department for team entrances, but considering they haven't finalized Victory Walk, the band plaza performance, or anything like that yet, this is probably still up for debate. I would try to email this to a athl. dept. marketing person, or try Brewster/Maturi themselves if you can't find anyone.

Great idea!

This would work for all age groups. I'm probably the oldest one on the hole. I was concerned that the ideas would be slanted just for one age group particular some this modern music that I can't stand. Oops there goes my age again.

I like it. It just may be difficult to get going. But that's no reason not to try!

Love it. Really smart. Ironic that the students will be the ones yelling "U" as they attend the "U" and they are sitting in the "U".

Won't be hard to get going if it is on the scoreboard. We need to get the U on this.

I think it would also be a great thing to do between the rouser and the ensuing kickoff after a score as well!!

Thanks for all the accolades...just thinking of this gets my blood pumping CHILI HOT!

I think someone mentioned that the U is going to let all season ticket holders in for the fall scrimmage some time in August. I'm assuming that most ticket holders would be there and it would be a great time to PRACTICE this. There can be a lot of information disseminated prior to that scrimmage, so fans will know ahead of time what to expect and what their role will be.

In all honesty, if we can pull this or something like it off, it could go down as one of the best traditions in all of college football!!! ESPN would love that and can you see this happening on Game Day? Wow! That would be fun!

Love it. Really smart. Ironic that the students will be the ones yelling "U" as they attend the "U" and they are sitting in the "U".

Won't be hard to get going if it is on the scoreboard. We need to get the U on this.

I think it would also be a great thing to do between the rouser and the ensuing kickoff after a score as well!!

When it's come up before its also been suggested as a after TD chant (possibly with flags). I LOVE Mav's idea of making it part of the team entrance though. This is by far the most creative idea I've seen attached to the Ski-U-Mah chant.

correction: after thinking about this, it would be easy... All it would take is cheerleaders standing in front of each section with their respective signs. problem solved, make it happen...if it does work out it would be sweet, to have a gopher highlight type deal playing on the scorebored as the cheer goes

A few months ago, there was a thread about songs to be played for the team entrance to the stadium. I must admit it was a very impressive list and included a lot of links to some very good and some very loud songs with a good beat and a solid sound.

Here is my idea:

When the team is ready to enter the field, Goldy Gopher goes to the center of the field and motions for everyone to be quiet....slowly an anticipating silence fills the stadium until you can hear a pin drop. Then Goldy starts a chant with the band drum section assisting.......the home side of the stadium yells "SKI", then after a short pause the student section yells "U", then a short pause and the north/visitor side yells "MAH". This keeps going around the stadium increasing in speed, volume and intensity until the whole stadium is in a frenzy yelling SKI-U-MAH in unison!!!

After about thirty seconds of this frenzied yelling, a very loud cannon goes off with some fireworks and the team bursts on to the field and circles the field with the team flag at the front of the pack!!! The band starts the Rouser and off we go!

I think fan-made sound and excitement will go a lot farther to creating the kind of attitude and atmosphere we want at TCF Stadium. Not that I don't like loud piped in noise, but we had enough of that at the dome and I think the Gophers and the Gopher fans are better than that... Who wants to be and act like a Vikings fan anyway...

I want to be a Vikings fan. No need to rip on them here.
Cannabis Seeds

I like it. A lot. You're right, if we can pull this off it is an 'instant tradition' (oxymoron) to be proud of.

Someone should let one of the band directors know because this is all a part of the band's pregame show. The band would be on the field during this, right? If so, I think notifying maturi and brewster is a good idea, but the band director is key. If the band is on board, the cheerleaders, scoreboard, and goldy will fall in line easily.

I think it would be critical to start teaching people cheers like this at the 'event' in August.

It would not surprise me if a few ideas for a pregame tradition will be put into motion at the event in August.

I like it. A lot. You're right, if we can pull this off it is an 'instant tradition' (oxymoron) to be proud of.

Someone should let one of the band directors know because this is all a part of the band's pregame show. The band would be on the field during this, right? If so, I think notifying maturi and brewster is a good idea, but the band director is key. If the band is on board, the cheerleaders, scoreboard, and goldy will fall in line easily.

I think it would be critical to start teaching people cheers like this at the 'event' in August.

Gotta get a contact for the cheer squads to as they would also be pivotal in addition to the band and scoreboard/media types.

I think it would be cool if the band moved the fanfare/rouser up to coincide with the team entrance. Fanfare before, and the rouser upon entrance.

No piped-in music ... except, maybe, one of those brief "get your chilli hot... if you want some you gotta bring some" clips of Brewster and the (team that are alwys on the BTN) durring the Fanfare.

Very Solid Maverick.

I'm all for it. The hardest part will be to get the place pin drop quiet but I don/t think that would detract from the excitement this would generate.

Get the spirit squads involved along with the band and we will have a real college atmosphere again.


I actually emailed one of the cheer coaches this past winter about a SKI-U-MAH cheer that would work well because of the three-sided stadium. He emailed back something along the lines that it was a good idea and thanks for the suggestion. I don't have any special contacts, just an email address off the Gophersports website. I never thought about using the cheer for the entrance along with a band cadence/beat. GREAT IDEA. Hope it gets picked up and sticks!

Add me to the list of the people who love this idea. Anything to get the crowd into it from the beginning works for me.

It only matters if Brewster is on board. Email him.

Right now they are planning on a video. And by they I mean marketing. That's what it will end up being UNLESS Brewster steps in.

Right now they are planning on a video. And by they I mean marketing. That's what it will end up being UNLESS Brewster steps in.

[email protected]

This does get checked and he does care what fans think. Let's all take a minute to send him an e-mail suggesting Maverick's idea for the entrance. Grass roots campaign...lets get it going!

I sent brewster an e-mail in favor of the video. I like the Ski-U-Mah idea but recruits are going to love the video, music, cannons and fireworks. Videos of music in other stadiums entrances gets the younger crowd pumped and ready to rumble, the band makes the older crowd smile, stand and clap and say "wasn't that wonderful"

I sent brewster an e-mail in favor of the video. I like the Ski-U-Mah idea but recruits are going to love the video, music, cannons and fireworks. Videos of music in other stadiums entrances gets the younger crowd pumped and ready to rumble, the band makes the older crowd smile, stand and clap and say "wasn't that wonderful"

what???like i said earlier, would it be that difficult to do both?? Do the chant WHILE there is a video playing but it is silent... then after the cheer have the canon and let the rouser blair or have a booming hot chile quote from brewster over the speakers... i totally disagree with you on the recruit part.

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