TCF Merger - Stadium Name Impact


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2012
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With TCF merging (being bought buy) Chemical Bank out of Detroit, I wonder if that will have any down the road impact for TCF Bank Stadium. TCF has naming rights through 2040, so I have to imagine it played some role in the decision to keep the TCF name even though they are moving the HQ to Detroit. Chemical Bank Stadium sounds a little post-apocalyptic. Dodged bullet, or missed opportunity?

TCF - Toxic Chemical Football

TCF - The Chemical Few

add your own...

Maybe a merger of names. 3M Chemical Groundwater Stadium...

per the Business Journal:

Also, the new bank will be headquartered in downtown Detroit in part because Chemical (NASDAQ: CHFC) committed to build a new 20-story building there. The TCF name will survive because it's more widely known — largely because of its agreement with the University of Minnesota and its name on the U's football stadium, which gives the brand plenty of publicity every time the Gophers appear on TV.

"When it came down to a brand discussion, it wasn’t a long discussion," Dahl said.

Go Gophers!!

per the Business Journal:

Also, the new bank will be headquartered in downtown Detroit in part because Chemical (NASDAQ: CHFC) committed to build a new 20-story building there. The TCF name will survive because it's more widely known — largely because of its agreement with the University of Minnesota and its name on the U's football stadium, which gives the brand plenty of publicity every time the Gophers appear on TV.

"When it came down to a brand discussion, it wasn’t a long discussion," Dahl said.

Go Gophers!!

Very pragmatic. Bigger fish to fry than the name of the merged institutions.

I'm fairly sure the U also gets a "say" in what the name is IF there was a change. It is unlikely they can just change the name at will to "poopy pants stadium".

I'd buy season tickets to a team playing in Poopy Pants Stadium

I always thought it would be fun to be a bazillionare and negotiate naming rights that allowed for a yearly change...

"Tom sucks stadium!"

Fan: Guess he had a falling out with Tom again this year...

I would guess they keep the Twin Cities Federal brand in Minnesota at the very least. It would be silly to airdrop in some awkward sounding brand from another region like Chemical Bank. That said the TCF branch down the street from me in Chicago may end up as Chemical Bank.

This thread got me thinking of the worst company you could get to sponsor a stadium. I remember when Pink Taco restaurant wanted to sponsor the new Cardinals stadium, and Guaranteed Rate Field in Chicago "where the interest is always low!" is pretty awful when you consider its huge red down arrow logo (and complete lack of charm as a park)

I would guess they keep the Twin Cities Federal brand in Minnesota at the very least. It would be silly to airdrop in some awkward sounding brand from another region like Chemical Bank. That said the TCF branch down the street from me in Chicago may end up as Chemical Bank.

This thread got me thinking of the worst company you could get to sponsor a stadium. I remember when Pink Taco restaurant wanted to sponsor the new Cardinals stadium, and Guaranteed Rate Field in Chicago "where the interest is always low!" is pretty awful when you consider its huge red down arrow logo (and complete lack of charm as a park)

Yeah Guaranteed Rate Field is probabbly the worst.

I still wish Dairy Queen had bought the naming rights.

I would guess they keep the Twin Cities Federal brand in Minnesota at the very least. It would be silly to airdrop in some awkward sounding brand from another region like Chemical Bank. That said the TCF branch down the street from me in Chicago may end up as Chemical Bank.

I think the article said they were changing them all to TCF, no?

When Norwest Bank merged with Wells Fargo in 1998 they re-named all the banks as Wells Fargo. Granted, Wells Fargo isn't as weird of a name as Chemical Bank.

Fidelity Bank out of Richfield sponsored our early 90's softball team. They were not amused when someone added "Substantial penalty for early withdrawal."

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With TCF merging (being bought buy) Chemical Bank out of Detroit, I wonder if that will have any down the road impact for TCF Bank Stadium. TCF has naming rights through 2040, so I have to imagine it played some role in the decision to keep the TCF name even though they are moving the HQ to Detroit. Chemical Bank Stadium sounds a little post-apocalyptic. Dodged bullet, or missed opportunity?
Breaking Bad Stadium?

The Meth Hole?

The Crack?

I always thought it would be fun to be a bazillionare and negotiate naming rights that allowed for a yearly change...

"Tom sucks stadium!"

Fan: Guess he had a falling out with Tom again this year...

This is one of my dreams as well. But instead of stadium naming I would put up billboards with my friends faces all over the metro area. It'd be expensive but worth it.

Fidelity Bank out of Richfield sponsored our early 90's softball team. They were not amused when someone added "Substantial penalty for early withdrawal."

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk


Chemical Bank??? That's a name of a real bank? You have got to be ____ing me. What a ... horrible ... name. Yeah no kidding they're going with TCF.

Too bad the HQ going to Detroit. Just another in a long line of successful Twin Cities business being bought by larger, out-state companies, and sucking out jobs to elsewhere. Delta/NWair, Wells Fargo/Norwest Bank, off the top of my head, I'm sure there are plenty of others.

Come on state of Minnesota, get your butt in there and protect in-state jobs!! Go to work and win concessions.

I'm fairly sure the U also gets a "say" in what the name is IF there was a change. It is unlikely they can just change the name at will to "poopy pants stadium".

Likely, they do not. Most stadium deals give full control to the naming sponsor, due to mergers.

“TCF” is the name of the bank and company. It hasn’t been Twin City Federal for quite a while. It’s like KFC.

Chemical has already announced the name change to TCF Bank.

Likely, they do not. Most stadium deals give full control to the naming sponsor, due to mergers.

“TCF” is the name of the bank and company. It hasn’t been Twin City Federal for quite a while. It’s like KFC.

Chemical has already announced the name change to TCF Bank.

I have trouble believing the U wouldn't be forward thinking enough to have some ability to reject something.

Chemical Bank??? That's a name of a real bank? You have got to be ____ing me. What a ... horrible ... name. Yeah no kidding they're going with TCF.

Too bad the HQ going to Detroit. Just another in a long line of successful Twin Cities business being bought by larger, out-state companies, and sucking out jobs to elsewhere. Delta/NWair, Wells Fargo/Norwest Bank, off the top of my head, I'm sure there are plenty of others.

Come on state of Minnesota, get your butt in there and protect in-state jobs!! Go to work and win concessions.
Way back before banking deregulation, Chemical Bank was almost exclusively a bank for corporations, I believe it specialized in the Chemical Industry.

Chemical Bank??? That's a name of a real bank? You have got to be ____ing me. What a ... horrible ... name. Yeah no kidding they're going with TCF.

Chemical Bank wasn't such a bad name before the word "chemical" became stigmatized. The whole world around you and all the food you eat are all made up of chemicals. Your body produces chemicals internally that you couldn't live without. But chemical has become a dirty word in our irrational society, and that's too bad.

End short lecture.

Way back before banking deregulation, Chemical Bank was almost exclusively a bank for corporations, I believe it specialized in the Chemical Industry.

Yeah, I think the roots are in Dow Chemical, which is based in the Detroit area. There's also a totally different Chemical Bank out of NYC that was bought out years ago.

Chemical Bank wasn't such a bad name before the word "chemical" became stigmatized. The whole world around you and all the food you eat are all made up of chemicals. Your body produces chemicals internally that you couldn't live without. But chemical has become a dirty word in our irrational society, and that's too bad.

End short lecture.

Jerry's grandma on Seinfeld did her banking at Chemical Bank. I guess I always thought that was made up for the show.

I always thought it would be fun to be a bazillionare and negotiate naming rights that allowed for a yearly change...

"Tom sucks stadium!"

Fan: Guess he had a falling out with Tom again this year...

This is what happened with Papa John. For some reason he personally bought the naming rights to Louisville's Stadium, not the pizza corporation. I believe this is still tied up in court.

Chemical Bank wasn't such a bad name before the word "chemical" became stigmatized. The whole world around you and all the food you eat are all made up of chemicals. Your body produces chemicals internally that you couldn't live without. But chemical has become a dirty word in our irrational society, and that's too bad.

End short lecture.

It was a positive word for a while before it became stigmatized by a lot of pollution and other issues associated with "chemical companies" ... the positive and negatives didn't happen by accident.

This is what happened with Papa John. For some reason he personally bought the naming rights to Louisville's Stadium, not the pizza corporation. I believe this is still tied up in court.

I thought Papa John let the University off the hook... and later said he wished he hadn't but it was too late by then.

The Fece

The Stain

The Sh!tpansky

Imagine the Diaper Drives Coach Fleck could then have.
“Our first year we collected - 90 cases of diapers. Since the new name, we surpassed that with 90,000 cases of diapers.”

“Pampers Field at Poopy Pants Stadium allows us to serve so much after our youngest Gophers have literally given so much!”

“We are going to try a new ticket marketing this year. Buy 2 Tubes of Desitin and turn them in for 2 tickets in 222 - we’re calling it the Number 2 Special.”

Way back before banking deregulation, Chemical Bank was almost exclusively a bank for corporations, I believe it specialized in the Chemical Industry.

Yeah so .... I don't know, maybe change your name??

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