TCF Fan Survey


Section 246
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Anyone else get a survey from the U regarding TCF Bank Stadium today? I'm filling mine out right now.

i received one last week

It was about the food. I didn't give a very good report

I just filled mine out, but I thought a lot of the questions were leading. "The level of sponsorship in the stadium is appropriate?" Well, ummm, no I think there's too much. So do I say strongly disagree?

My favorite was the question about fan behavior. Fans have a good attitude and are respectful, etc? The problem I have with fans isn't that they stand or are too negative, but that they don't get into the game and tell me to sit down and not be so negative when I get upset. So how do I answer that question?

I just filled mine out too. I'm glad they're asking questions. Too many questions about things that don't really matter to fans (sponsors, etc) and not enough about what really matters (the importance of beating rivals, etc.). But at least they're trying.

I finally got a fourm other than Gopherhole or GopherIllustrated to voice my displeasure of the abilities of DAVE FREAKING LEE!

On every chance I got to write any comments, no matter what the question asked, I ended it with "Dave Lee should be Fired!"

I finally got a fourm other than Gopherhole or GopherIllustrated to voice my displeasure of the abilities of DAVE FREAKING LEE!

On every chance I got to write any comments, no matter what the question asked, I ended it with "Dave Lee should be Fired!"

I made sure to go after Dave Lee as well. There is a question that pretty much seems to say "So why do you think Dave Lee should get fired?", or at least that's how I read it.

I also made a fire Dave Lee comment. It's fairly common knowledge I think.

I filled the whole thing out and I agree a lot of the questions will result in answers that don't tell the whole story. For example, the questions about the food lines and lines to get into the stadium had no context. So, I wasn't sure if I should fill it out to reflect how it was at the end of the year or the beginning. There was nothing that said "Ability to get into the stadium improved throughout the season."

I really hate the Dave Lee bashing because I enjoy him on 'CCO and I get the feeling he is a really great guy that LOVES to do Gopher broadcasts. That being said, I had to be truthful when they asked about the radio broadcasts. For as much as I like him on 'CCO, I have a hard time listening to him as a play by play guy on sporting events.

"I really hate the Dave Lee bashing because I enjoy him on 'CCO and I get the feeling he is a really great guy that LOVES to do Gopher broadcasts. That being said, I had to be truthful when they asked about the radio broadcasts. For as much as I like him on 'CCO, I have a hard time listening to him as a play by play guy on sporting events."

Whoa, that's pretty much sums-up how I answered the question.

Dave Lee may be a great guy, and may love doing Gopher football games, but that doesn't mean he is a good announcer. He doesn't convey key information, and that's the #1 job of an announcer. There are people doing play-by-play for the radio out in the sticks who may not be great announcers, but they convey the key information. With Dave Lee, you're often not sure if a pass was caught or dropped, or how many yards a play gained. He forgets to tell us.

If you have a radio with you at the stadium, not such a big thing, because it is then supplemental. But if you're in the car listening to the game, it's all you have to go on. I find myself listening for crowd noise to figure it out. I don't have anything against the guy personally. If he could work on some things and fix them, then I'd be fine with it. Maybe he should sit get some DVDs of games, turn the sound off, and practive doing play-by-play. Focus on the key elements: what down is it? how many yards to go? Is it a pass or a run? If a pass, is it complete or incomplete? If a run, how many yards did it gain, and how many more are needed for a first down?

These are the things that are an absolute minimum for a play-by-play announcer.

Like I've said many times, I don't want him fired from WCCO. He's great when it comes to informing our great state that Edgerton Public School is starting 2 hours late and that there will be no morning kindergarten.

I just want him nowhere near a microphone that can reach a football audience while the Gopher football team is playing a game.

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